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Heero Yuy

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Everything posted by Heero Yuy

  1. @bVersatile: Extract the rss2news folder to <fluxcp directory>/addons.
  2. How did you do that? Mind to share?
  3. A very nice addon, indeed~! But I would like to ask something. Is it possible to get two RSS using only one addon? Or you have to re-write the functions and arrays and make a new addon (which is pretty *argghhh* though)?
  4. I don't know this "Free RO Templates" but ALL of the templates for Flux should be placed on /themes/ folder as in the whole folder and not the css only. Then you need to change config/application.php 'ThemeName' => 'default', // The theme name of the theme you would like to use. Themes are in FLUX_ROOT/themes.
  5. Upload the log.sql from your sql-files folder to your database. Upload the log.sql from your sql-files folder to your database.
  6. It would be much better if you can post the links of those scripts so people can help you out and sort out the problem easily. And also kindly post the outputs of the error that appears on your Linux (through Putty client) in here.
  7. Try removing one by one the diff you have applied on your client, a simple process of elimination. If the error still persist, then try diffing another client but this time, much newer like 2012-04-10. If the same error goes with a newer client, then the problem might be on your client files. Check your data folder specially the lua files for something might be missing, try other grf and so on and so forth.
  8. That's a "tab" problem. The header (that part) should be like this: prontera,150,150,5<tab>script<tab>Healer<tab>834,{ What I mean with the word "tab" is the Tab button on your keyboard. For a script header to be read by the emulator, it should be "tab" and not "space".
  9. I have tried the exact client which you are using and I know how to fix that. Just remove the "Enable Official Custom Fonts" and that should fix it. 2010 clients (afaik) don't support that.
  10. Most of the free themes available are buggy. It is not surprising though for it is FREE. xD
  11. Change this part: multi_level_up: no to multi_level_up: yes I think that is the problem. It limits the leveling to one kill = one level. If you turned it on, then one kill = 10 level or more depending on the rates.
  12. Are you trying to make a dropdown menu? If that is the case, then you can try this: <?php if (!empty($adminMenuItems) && Flux::config('AdminMenuNewStyle')): ?> <form name="form1"> <?php $mItems = array(); foreach ($adminMenuItems as $menuItem) $mItems[] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $menuItem['url'], $menuItem['name']) function createDropdown($arr, $frm) { echo '<select name="'.$frm.'" id="'.$frm.'"> <option value="">Select one…</option>'; foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { echo '<option value="'.$value.'">'.$value.'</option>'; } echo '</select>'; } ?> <label for="frmadminmenu">Admin Menu:</label> <!--?php createDropdown($mItems, 'frmadminmenu'); ?--> </form> <?php endif ?>
  13. Here: http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Diff_Project/kRO/
  14. Download English lua folder and place it in your grf. Check these threads: http://rathena.org/board/topic/66962-basic-complete-renewal-data-english-folder/ http://rathena.org/board/topic/65579-judas-client-side-area/ And about the Kagerou and Oboro: http://rathena.org/board/topic/69075-translated-kagerou-oboro-skills/
  15. That is a problem with the conf files, inter_athena.conf in particular. To fix that, you should provide the correct username and password for your SQL database. Just in-case you are using Xampp, you can change the root's account password via this url http://localhost/security/index.php
  16. Can you provide screenshots or the actual outputs on char-server, login-server, map-server?
  17. Obviously, you need to upload this "ragnarok.log" into your database. I never encountered such a problem, but just in-case you used the default sql files, just upload the log.sql into your database and that should do it. And also you need to rename import-tmpl to import and do the changes there instead of the actual conf files. xD
  18. Here a simple step-by-step for you: 1. You need to upload the woestatus.php into your theme folder of choice then upload it anywhere you want example fluxcp/theme/default/main/ 2. Same with number 1, upload the countdown.js to your theme example fluxcp/theme/default/js 3. After that you need to include the countdown.js and woestatus.php into your actual header.php for it to work. To call countdown.js: <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->themePath('js/countdown.js') ?>"></script> To call woestatus.php: <?php include 'main/woestatus.php' ?> If you have more questions, you can post it in here. xD Note that I haven't tried this script. xD
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