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Everything posted by Poseidon

  1. Hi dhiemhie08 You need to change you database name to the database name you have set-up in mysql or phpmyadmin, you can edit those in inter_Athena.conf in your conf folder
  2. Hi guys Okay I have a few problems that I need help with I hope someone can help me? 1. Cursed abbey (abbey01,abbey02,abbey03) is really zoomed in and i need to fix that some how, reading other threads i realized that the newer clients don't read text files anymore so it should be within the lua/lub files but i cant find it, i did try editing worldview but it didn't do a thing so a reverted back any help to fix this will be appreacitated. 2. the / help /h command is being printed when ever i log in, yes i saw a thread about how to fix this but i would like to know if i change HelpMsgStr = { } will that stop the / help /h commands from printing the command lists in game? ie player types / help /h and what would he get empty screen or the commands in question I hope someone can help me fix these problems Kind regards Poseidon Edit: Okay so it still reads certain txt files as the client is still reading viewpointtable.txt that was inside data.grf, i also made the change to the helpmsg.lub but it didnt work when i type /h in game it doesnt load the client commands as it would normally so the printing every command on login must be something do with the newer clients
  3. Annru has released a patch that you need to apply to your src files that will stop players hitting the emp if you go back to annrus topic you should find the patch
  4. the easy way is to use twitter bootstrap is a responsive framework http://getbootstrap.com/
  5. HI guys I hope someone can help me im setting up a renewel server but the npc for said skill namely moving hp recover is missing where should he be in renewel Ive check IRO wiki and they still say in a house in izlude 214,129 but he isnt there so my question is where is he in renewel?
  6. Hi Kido Basically the flux error is your web hosting connections have been interrupted to many times and mysqld doesn't like it, it assumes something is wrong so it locks that connection out until you use this command mysqladmin flush-hosts With Interrupted connections could be a network problem between your web hosting and you vps, ie a TCP/IP connections from that host so i would verify first with your host if there is any tcp ip network problems there side
  7. Hi Hurt In rAthena/conf/inter_athena.conf file edit your password for your mysql databases that error is because the mysql password is wrong so as soon as you update inter_athena.conf file you will will be able to start it with out any problems
  8. Ye i think it would be worth paying out a small fee per month to get a web hosting package and host your client downloads though either torrent and/or Mega upload or something, be careful which host you choose as some lock out ports so you wont get server status to work (it would read offline all the time), my Hosting doesn't lock out ports i use it for my own server (that I'm developing), but ye just send me a pm and i will send you a link to the web hosting package you will also need a Domain name ie testro.com or something you can buy them though Godaddy or other domain registrar thats a one of fee of around £10.00GBP and thats either a 1 years registration or 2 years depending of what TLD you choose to use (meaning either .com/.net/.co.uk etc).
  9. Well that's where your problem Lie's as free web hosting will never be able to run flux or Ceres and is never any good running it on a free hosting cause anything could happen, I Provide Payed for web hosting though my Limited company i do have a package that is cheap and will provide enough space for you to host flux and a forum and a website it costs £2.00 GBP per month. and you get 2Gb web space unlimited bandwidth, unlimited mysql databases.
  10. You need to edit your PHP.ini to correct that error or get you hosts to sort that out for you. Basically, the set_time_limit function is disabled in php.ini. are you using paid hosting or free hosting?
  11. Hi guys Right i have been working on a warper with last warp function but i cant get it to work so i would like some help to get it to work thanks guys prontera,158,193,4 script Warper 117,{ mes "[Warper]"; mes "Hello " + strcharinfo(0) + ","; mes "What can I do for you?"; next; switch(select("Save:Warp Service")){ case 1: mes "You position is saved!"; getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0); mes "Current Coordinates: "+@mapname$+", "+@mapx+", " +@mapy; savepoint @mapname$,@mapx,@mapy; close2; end; case 2: mes "[Warper]"; mes "Where would you like to go?"; next; switch(select("Last Warp:Towns:Dungeons")){ case 1: if(lastmap$=="") { mes "You have not warped anywhere yet!"; close; } warp lastmap$,lastx,lasty; end; break; case 2: mes "[Warper]"; mes "Please choose your destination."; next; switch(select("Prontera:Alberta:Aldebaran:Amatsu:Ayothaya:Brasilis:Comodo:Dewata:Eclarge:Einbech:Einbroch:El Dicastes:Geffen:Gonryun:hugel:Izlude:Jawaii:Lighthalzen:Louyang:Lutie:Malangdo:Malaya:Mora:Morroc:Moscovia:Nameless:Niflheim:Payon:Rachel:Thor's Camp:Umbala:Veins:Yuno")){ case 1: warp "prontera",155,183; end; case 2: warp "alberta",28,234; end; case 3: warp "aldebaran",140,131; end; case 4: warp "amatsu",198,84; end; case 5: warp "ayothaya",208,166; end; case 6: warp "brasilis",196,217; end; case 7: warp "comodo",209,143; end; case 8: warp "dewata",200,180; end; case 9: warp "ecl_in01",48,53; end; case 10: warp "einbrech",64,200; end; case 11: warp "einbroch",64,200; end; case 12: warp "dicastes01",198,187; end; case 13: warp "geffen",119,59; end; case 14: warp "gonryun",160,120; end; case 15: warp "hugel",96,145; end; case 16: warp "izlude",127,143; end; case 17: warp "jawaii",251,132; end; case 18: warp "lighthalzen",158,92; end; case 19: warp "louyang",217,100; end; case 20: warp "xmas",147,134; end; case 21: warp "malangdo",140,114; end; case 22: warp "malaya",231,200; end; case 23: warp "mora",55,146; end; case 24: warp "morocc",156,93; end; case 25: warp "moscovia",223,184; end; case 26: warp "nameless_n",256,215; end; case 27: warp "niflheim",202,174; end; case 28: warp "payon",179,100; end; case 29: warp "rachel",130,110; end; case 30: warp "thor_camp",246,68; end; case 31: warp "umbala",97,153; end; case 32: warp "veins",216,123; end; case 33: warp "yuno",157,51; end; break; getmapxy(lastmap$,lastx,lasty,0); close; } case 3: mes "[Warper]"; mes "^0024ff[Please note to access certain dungeons you will need to do the access quest first]^000000"; mes "Please choose your destination."; next; switch(select("Abyss Lakes:Amatsu Dungeon:Anthell:Ayothaya Dungeon:Beach Dungeon:Bio Labs:Brasilis Dungeon:byalan Dungeon:Clock Tower:Coal Mines:Culverts:Cursed Abbey:Dewata Dungeons:Einbroch Dungeon:Gefenia:Geffen Dungeon:Glast Heim:Gonryun Dungeon:Hidden Dungeon:Ice Dungeon:Juperos:Kiel Dungeon:Louyang Dungeon:Magma Dungeon:Malangdo Dungeon:Moscovia Dungeon:Odin Temple:Orc Dungeon:Payon Dungeon:Pyramids:Rachel Sanctuary:Sphinx:Sunken Ship:Thanatos Tower:Thor Volcano:Toy Factory:Turtle Dungeon:Umbala Dungeon:Bifrost Tower")){ case 1: warp "abyss_01",261,272; close; case 2: if( event_amatsu >= 6){ warp "ama_dun01",228,11; end; } else { warp "amatsu",168,171; end;} case 3: warp "anthell01",35,262; end; case 4: if(ayodunquest >= 2){ warp "ayo_dun01",275,19; end; } else { warp "ayothaya",87,129; end;} case 5: warp "beach_dun",266,67; end; case 6: if (MISC_QUEST & 512){ warp "lhz_dun01",149,287; end; } else { warp "lighthalzen",158,92; end; } case 7: if (brazil_ghost == 8){ warp "bra_dun01",87,47; end; } else { warp "brasilis",194,216; } case 8: warp "iz_dun01",253,254; end; case 9: warp "c_tower1",199,159; end; case 10: warp "mjo_dun01",52,17; end; case 11: warp "prt_sewb1",131,247; end; case 12: warp "abbey01",51,14; end; case 13: warp "dew_dun01",285,160; end; case 14: warp "ein_dun01",22,14; end; case 15: if (sign_q = 144) { warp "gefenia01",40,103; break; } else { warp "prontera",150,303; break; } case 16: warp "gef_dun00",104,99; break; case 17: warp "glast_01",200,134; break; case 18: warp "gon_dun01",153,53; break; case 19: warp "prt_maze01",176,7; break; case 20: warp "ice_dun01",157,14; break; case 21: warp "juperos_01",53,247; break; case 22: if (kielhyreQuest = 34){ warp "kh_dun01",28,226; break; } else { warp "yuno",53,105; break; } case 23: warp "lou_dun01",218,196; break; case 24: warp "mag_dun01",126,68; break; case 25: warp "mal_dun01",33,230; break; case 26: if(mos_whale_edq >= 38){ warp "mosk_dun01",189,48; break; } else { warp "moscovia",137,50; break;} case 27: warp "odin_tem01",298,167; break; case 28: warp "orcsdun01",32,170; break; case 29: warp "pay_dun00",21,180; break; case 30: warp "moc_pryd01",192,9; break; case 31: if(MISC_QUEST & 8192){ warp "ra_temin",27,315; break; } else { warp "rachel",98,239; break; } case 32: warp "in_sphinx1",288,9; break; case 33: warp "treasure01",69,24; break; case 34: warp "tha_t01",150,39; break; case 35: warp "thor_v01",21,228; break; case 36: warp "xmas_dun01",205,15; break; case 37: warp "tur_dun02",148,264; break; case 38: warp "um_dun01",42,31; break; case 39: warp "ecl_tdun01",57,13; break; } getmapxy(lastmap$,lastx,lasty,0); close; } } }
  12. Hi Donkeyg Ive rewritten it and debuged it and tested on current revision and it works //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= PvP //===== By: ================================================== //= Destinee & Sandbox & Poseidon //===== Description: ========================================= //= A basic PVP script. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= Dont copyright this and claiming that you've made this. Use it only for your own server. //============================================================ izlude,103,156,5 script Nightmare Dungeon 954,{ if (PvPDelay > gettimetick(0)+172800000) { mes "You have to wait "+gettimetick(0)+" before you can enter the PvP room again"; close; } mes "[Malaya]"; mes "Do you want to warp to the Malaya Special Dungeon and fight MVPs?"; next; switch(select("Sure, Bring it on!:Nah, I'm not ready yet.")){ case 1: mes "[Malaya Special Dungeon]"; set PvPDelay,gettimetick(0)+172800000; mes "Which Malaya Special Dungeon do you want to enter?"; next; switch(select("Malaya Special Dungeon [" + getmapusers("pvp_n_7-2.gat") +" / 4 ]:Malaya Special Dungeon 2 [" + getmapusers("pvp_n_8-2.gat") + " / 4 ]")){ case 1: if (getmapusers("pvp_n_7-2.gat") > 4) { mes "Sorry but this Malaya Port Dungeon is full, maybe you could try another one."; close;} announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has entered to the Malaya Special Dungeon",0,0x81DAF5; warp "pvp_n_7-2",0,0; close; case 2: if (getmapusers("pvp_n_8-2.gat") > 4) { mes "Sorry but this Malaya Port Dungeon is full, maybe you could try another one."; close;} announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] has entered to the Malaya Special Dungeon 2",0,0x81DAF5; warp "pvp_n_8-2",0,0; close; } case 2: close; } OnInit: waitingroom "Malaya Special Dungeon",0; end; }
  13. Poseidon

    website panel

    If you own the System then install open-ssh on your server and download a program called putty and winscp and connect then upload you emulator files and set them up and then login to putty and compile and start your server
  14. Poseidon

    website panel

    You mean run it from with in a web hosting panel like cPanel, Plesk? If so, that isn't possible as that particular server has been set up as a web server and you wont have root access to install the programs you need, you will need to have a VPS or Dedicated server
  15. Hi guys Not sure if this is the right place to put this But as the title says client commands ie /showname on is there away to automate it ie like this script i use for @commands - script cmd_npc -1,{ end; OnPCLoginEvent: if(getgmlevel() >= 10) { end; } atcommand "@autoloot"; end; }
  16. Hi condorus Which AV (AntiVirus) do you use? As that problem seems to be that once the char server is run, the AV detec's it as a Malicious Software and stops the process and removes the offending software namely char-server, check you virus vault maybe the char-serv is sitting there Hope that helps Kind regards Poseidon
  17. The best thing to do is look it up on google look for the commands but as far as i know/understand it is exactly the same to be able to connect remotely to a vps/dedi server use a program called WinSCP and putty http://winscp.net/eng/download.php will allow you to edit files and upload files to your server and http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html is basically the Linux terminal but remote access (command prompt) and most of the information you need are in the installation guides on the wiki git clone https://github.com/rathena/rathena.git ~/rAthena then to update git pull then if you get an error message saying Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge. Aborting. then run this command git commit -am "your log message, anything at all" changing "your log message", to anything you want then re-run the command git pull
  18. Yes rAthena can run on ubuntu for an installation guide follow the debian lnstallation guide on the wiki as for system requirements that depends on a number of factors from how many maps to how many players connect and so on i would personally imho run it on a minium 512mb Ram and at least with at least 256mb swap hard drive you only need 5gb not even that Hope that helps Kind regards poseidon
  19. By using google, you can find pretty much anything you want with in reason but bear in mind that some images have copyright attached to them so you would need to contact the designer to use them
  20. you will need to learn HTML it really doesnt take long to learn HTML try this website http://html.net/tutorials/html/ it will teach you the basics of html and how to make a basic webpage, then you can progress on to http://www.w3schools.com/default.asp explains everything in detail to you
  21. prontera,161,193,4 script Kafra Service#01::Service 117,{ cutin "kafra_01",2; mes "[Kafra Service]"; mes "Hello " + strcharinfo(0) + ","; mes "What can I do for you?"; next; switch(select("Save current position:Storage:Warp Service:Rent a Pushcart")) { Case 1: mes "You position is saved!"; getmapxy(@mapname$,@mapx,@mapy,0); mes "Current Coordinates: "+@mapname$+", "+@mapx+", " +@mapy; savepoint @mapname$,@mapx,@mapy; close2; cutin "kafra_01",255; end; Case 2: mes "[Kafra Service]"; mes "I'll open your storage..."; mes "Have a nice day!"; callfunc("F_CheckKafCode"); //check storage password, if set close2; cutin "kafra_01",255; openstorage; end; Case 3: mes "[Kafra Service]"; mes "Where do you want to go?"; next; switch(select("City Warps:Dungeon Warps")) { case 1: mes "[Kafra Service]"; mes "Please choose your destination."; next; //This part of the script is kinda unprofessional, I know how to do it better now, but I'm way too lazy to make it better. Whatever, it works without any problems, but the way it is done is crappy. switch(select("Alberta:Aldebaran:Amatsu:Ayothaya:Comodo:Einbroch:Geffen:Gonryun:Hugel:Izlude:Lighthalzen:Louyang:Lutie:Morroc:Moscovia:Payon:Prontera:Rachel:Umbala:Veins:Yuno")) { case 1: warp "alberta",116,57; end; case 2: warp "aldebaran",139,123; end; case 3: warp "amatsu",108,150; end; case 4: warp "ayothaya",201,175; end; case 5: warp "comodo",190,155; end; case 6: warp "einbroch",64,200; end; case 7: warp "geffen",119,66; end; case 8: warp "gonryun",158,120; end; case 9: warp "hugel",96,158; end; case 10: warp "izlude",128,111; end; case 11: warp "lighthalzen",158,92; end; case 12: warp "louyang",217,97; end; case 13: warp "xmas",150,133; end; case 14: warp "morocc",159,93; end; case 15: warp "moscovia",219,189; end; case 16: warp "payon",177,101; end; case 17: warp "prontera",156,184; end; case 18: warp "rachel",129,112; end; case 19: warp "umbala",97, 153; end; case 20: warp "veins",217,129; end; case 21: warp "yuno",158,187; end; } case 2: mes "[Kafra Service]"; mes "I demand a small charge for dungeon warps."; mes "You must also have the related dungeon quest!"; mes "Please choose your destination."; next; switch(select("Abyss Lake (20,000z):Amatsu Dungeon (20,000z):Anthell (free):Ayothaya Dungeon (20,000z):Byalan Dungeon (20,000z):Clock Tower (free):Coal Mine (5,000z):Culvert (5,000z):Cursed Abbey (40,000z):Einbroch Dungeon (20,000z):Geffen Dungeon (free):Glast Heim (30,000z):Ice Cave (30,000z):Juperos (20,000z):Kiel Dungeon (20,000z):Kunlun Dungeon (free):Lou Yang Dungeon (free):Lighthalzen Bio Lab (20,000z):Magma Dungeon (20,000z):Moscovia Dungeon (20,000z):Nidhoggur Dungeon (50,000z):Odins Temple (20,000z):Orc Dungeon (free):Payon Dungeon (free):Pharos Light House (free):Pyramid Dungeon (free):Rachel Sanctuary (20,000z):Sphinx (free):Sunken Ship (free):Thanatos Tower (30,000z):Thors Volcano (30,000z):Toy Factory (free):Turtle Dungeon (20,000z)")) { case 1: if (Zeny < 20000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-20000; warp "hu_fild05",186,202; end; case 2: if( event_amatsu >= 6) { if (Zeny < 20000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-20000; warp "ama_dun01",229,12; end; } else goto NoQuest; case 3: warp "anthell01",36,258; end; case 4: if(ayodunquest >= 2) { if (Zeny < 20000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-20000; warp "ayo_fild02",280,149; end; } else goto NoQuest; case 5: if (Zeny < 20000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-20000; warp "izlu2dun",106,88; end; case 6: warp "c_tower1",199,162; end; case 7: if (Zeny < 5000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-5000; warp "mjolnir_02",81,359; end; case 8: if(MISC_QUEST & 8) { if (Zeny < 5000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-5000; warp "ama_dun01",229,12; end; } else goto NoQuest; case 9: if(aru_monas >= 18) { if (Zeny < 40000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-40000; warp "nameless_n",163,184; end; } else goto NoQuest; case 10: if (Zeny < 20000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-20000; warp "einbech",135,249; end; case 11: warp "gef_dun00",104,99; end; case 12: if (Zeny < 30000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-30000; warp "glast_01",368,303; end; case 13: if (Zeny < 30000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-30000; warp "ra_fild01",233,327; end; case 14: if (Zeny < 30000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-30000; warp "juperos_01",52,244; end; case 15: if(KielHyreQuest >= 38) { if (Zeny < 30000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-30000; warp "kh_dun01",4,226; end; } else goto NoQuest; case 16: warp "gonryun",160,195; end; case 17: warp "lou_dun01",217,196; end; case 18: if(MISC_QUEST & 512) { if (Zeny < 20000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-20000; warp "lhz_dun01",150,286; end; } else goto NoQuest; case 19: if (Zeny < 20000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-20000; warp "yuno_fild03",39,140; end; case 20: if(mos_whale_edq >= 38) { if (Zeny < 20000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-20000; warp "mosc_dun01",189,47; end; } else goto NoQuest; case 21: if (Zeny < 50000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-50000; warp "nyd_dun01",186,241; end; case 22: if (Zeny < 20000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-50000; warp "odin_temp01",96,146; end; case 23: warp "gef_fild10",70,332; end; case 24: warp "pay_arche",43,132; end; case 25: warp "cmd_fild07",97,136; end; case 26: warp "moc_ruins",62,162; end; case 27: if(MISC_QUEST & 8192) { if (Zeny < 20000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-20000; warp "ra_san01",139,134; end; } else goto NoQuest; case 28: warp "moc_fild19",107,100; end; case 29: warp "alb2trea",75,98; end; case 30: if (Zeny < 30000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-30000; warp "tha_t01",149,38; end; case 31: if (Zeny < 30000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-30000; warp "ve_fild03",168,235; end; case 32: warp "xmas_dun01",206,18; end; case 33: if (Zeny < 20000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-20000; warp "tur_dun01",149,238; end; } } Case 4: mes "[Kafra Service]"; if(BaseClass != Job_Merchant && BaseClass != Job_SuperNovice){ mes "You can't rent pushcarts with that job!"; mes "Nur Merchant-Klassen und Super Novicen können das."; emotion e_sry; goto Fadeout; } if(getskilllv(39) == 0){ mes "You don't seem to have the required skill!"; emotion e_sry; goto Fadeout; } if(checkcart() == 1){ mes "You already have a pushcart!"; emotion e_sry; goto Fadeout; } setcart; mes "Here's your pushcart."; mes "Have fun!"; goto Fadeout; } NoQuest: mes "[Kafra Service]"; mes "I'm sorry, you don't seem to have the required quest completed."; close2; cutin "",255; end; NoZenys: mes "[Kafra Service]"; mes "You don't have enough money."; close2; cutin "",255; end; Fadeout: close2; cutin "",255; end; } umbala,131,200,4 script Niflheim Agent#01::Niflwarp 117,{ //Niflheim Warper for advanced conveniance callfunc "F_ClearGarbage"; cutin "kafra_01",2; mes "[Niflheim Warper]"; mes "Hey " + strcharinfo(0) + "!"; mes "I can warp you right to Niflheim!"; mes "This will cost you 20,000z."; switch(select("Warp to Niflheim.:No thanks!")){ Case 1: if (Zeny < 20000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-20000; close2; cutin "",255; end; Case 2: next; mes "[Niflheim Warper]"; mes "Come back if you change your mind."; close2; cutin "",255; end; } } // --------- NPC Clones ------------ // --------------------------------- // ----------- Towns ------------- alberta,120,60,4 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#02 117 aldebaran,145,118,4 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#03 117 amatsu,100,153,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#04 117 ayothaya,212,175,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#05 117 cmd_fild07,89,139,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#24 117 comodo,194,158,4 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#06 117 einbroch,59,205,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#07 117 einbroch,242,205,3 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#08 117 geffen,124,68,4 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#10 117 gonryun,157,125,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#11 117 hugel,92,154,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#13 117 izlude,133,117,4 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#12 117 lighthalzen,163,102,3 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#14 117 louyang,210,106,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#15 117 morocc,156,95,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#16 117 moscovia,221,195,3 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#17 117 payon,180,104,4 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#18 117 rachel,135,114,3 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#19 117 umbala,92,154,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#20 117 veins,211,132,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#21 117 yuno,152,187,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#22 117 // Extended Locations alberta,26,240,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#23 117 brasilis,197,221,4 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#25 117 prt_fild05,290,224,3 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#26 117 mjolnir_02,83,362,4 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#27 117 moc_ruins,59,157,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#28 117 gef_fild10,73,340,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#29 117 geffen,203,123,2 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#30 117 morocc,166,261,3 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#31 117 lighthalzen,191,320,5 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#32 117 lhz_in02,237,284,4 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#33 117 niflheim,202,180,3 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#34 117 payon,175,226,4 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#35 117 pay_arche,58,126,3 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#36 117 prontera,282,200,2 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#37 117 prontera,29,207,6 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#38 117 prontera,151,29,0 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#39 117 prontera,152,326,3 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#40 117 yuno,152,187,4 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#41 117 yuno,327,108,4 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#42 117 yuno,277,221,4 duplicate(Service) Kafra Service#43 117
  22. Hi guys Im currently working on my server ad i would like to have a warper that stops you warping if you havent done the corresponding quest, ie rachel quest but here comes my problem ive been looking though other scripts with this function but the problem i have is understanding it ie if(KielHyreQuest >= 38) { if (Zeny < 30000) goto NoZenys; Set Zeny,zeny-30000; warp "kh_dun01",4,226; end; } where would i get this information from and what does the number 38 come from? sorry this is a noob question but im trying to learn hope you understand thanks Poseidon
  23. You will need to use nemos diff patcher but your going to have a problem running that client on rAthena as rAthena doesn't support that date of client as of yet your best bet is to use 2013-08-07a with nemos diff patcher http://rathena.org/board/files/file/3071-nemo/
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