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Everything posted by Poseidon

  1. you will need to install a program called WinSCP , login to your server using winscp and then open up the .diff file with notepad or notepad++ and edit the files manually.
  2. Hi guys, Ive been trying to add this to the end of script.c at line 23440 int viewpointmap_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { struct map_session_data *sd; int npc_id, type, x, y, id, color; npc_id = va_arg(ap, int); type = va_arg(ap, int); x = va_arg(ap, int); y = va_arg(ap, int); id = va_arg(ap, int); color = va_arg(ap, int); sd = (struct map_session_data *)bl; clif_viewpoint(sd, npc_id, type, x, y, id, color); return 0; } BUILDIN_FUNC(viewpointmap) { int type, x, y, id, color, m; const char *map_name; map_name = script_getstr(st, 2); if ((m = map_mapname2mapid(map_name)) < 0) return true; // Invalid Map type = script_getnum(st, 3); x = script_getnum(st, 4); y = script_getnum(st, 5); id = script_getnum(st, 6); color = script_getnum(st, 7); map_foreachinmap(viewpointmap_sub, m, BL_PC, st->oid, type, x, y, id, color); return true; } // Add this to the list of script commands defined, look through the code, should be self explanitory. BUILDIN_DEF(viewpointmap,"siiiii"), but i receive this error script.c:23441:2: error: expected expression before ‘int’ int viewpointmap_sub(struct block_list *bl, va_list ap) { ^ Makefile:76: recipe for target 'obj/script.o' failed make[1]: *** [obj/script.o] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/rob/rathena/src/map' Makefile:51: recipe for target 'map' failed make: *** [map] Error 2 the file i got the code from ask me to add the code anywhere in between BUILDING_FUNC's i believe i have done that but obviously i haven't as it is giving errors out while compiling on Ubuntu server Any help will be appreciated Kind regards
  3. { ** set .@Price, 100; // Zeny per identify ** getinventorylist; for(set .@i,0; .@i<@inventorylist_count; set .@i,.@i+1) { if (@inventorylist_identify[.@i]) continue; ** if (Zeny < .@Price) { dispbottom "It costs "+.@Price+" to identify an item."; break; }** set Zeny, Zeny-.@Price; delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i],1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; getitem @inventorylist_id[.@i],1; setarray .@Total[0], .@Total[0]+1, .@Total[1]+.@Price; } if (!.@Total[0]) { message strcharinfo(0),"No items identified."; end; } specialeffect2 154; message strcharinfo(0),"Identified "+.@Total[0]+" items"+((.@Total[1])?" for "+.@Total[1]+" Zeny":"")+"."; end; } By the first double star you set the price it will cost for the npc to identify for player second set of double stars this bit "+.@Price+" prints out what you set the price at
  4. so i would like to put my code here for you guys to tell me if Im on the right track please <?php $serverStatus[$groupName][$serverName] = array( 'ServerOnline' => $athenaServer->CharServer->mapServer->isUp (), ); ?> should this combine all 3 to make it into one showing the server to be online or offline hope you understand what i would like to achieve here Kind Regard Rob
  5. hi guys Could i request a custom server script for FluxCP? please what i would like is the PHP code to show something like this <?php if $loginserver = 0 && $charserver = 0 && $mapserver = 0 then $ServerOffline show Red circle else if $loginserver = 1 && $Charserver = 1 && $mapserver = 1 then $ServerOnline show green circle ?> <?php if $WOE = 0 then show Red circle else if $WOE= 1 then show green circle ?> <?php vendingplayers = amount echo amount ?> as you can tell i understand very basic PHP so I'm unable to fully understand how to achieve what i would like i hope someone is willing to help me thanks in advance Kind regards Rob
  6. It okay i figured it out, i ended the div for content in the header and thats not what its meant too the content has to end in the footer
  7. Depends on a lot of thing's to be able to run a successful Ragnarok Online server, buying hosting first that includes a server install for you isn't the way to go imho, If you click on the links above you under github it will take you to the server files if you download them to your desktop, and look under threads of the forums you will find posts teaching you on how to make an offline server and client files and teach you how to script and so on.
  8. That is an SQL error, so you need to remove the duplicate mob name from your sql database most likely it will be in mob_db or mob_db2
  9. Ye i fixed by moving the patcher folder outside of the public_html folder so the .htaccess was omitted
  10. when i have tried using thor with https:// it gave errors out ie failed to connect to server and the url was correct
  11. i didnt explain myself i meant to just those pages not the whole site as thor patcher doesn't like https://
  12. its a shared hosting environment so changing of apache ports isn't an option for me i have figure out that thor patcher does not allow https via .htaccess file that is in the root of public html folder RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.example.com/$1 [R,L]
  13. Hi guys, Is there away of having ssl on flux login page donation page and registration page? Thx
  14. this is shared web hosting. Thor patcher does not like .htaccess rule RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://praetoriaro.com//$1 [R=301,L] once i removed this, It was able to connect without a problem, But my problem now is the security of my site is now limited.
  15. Yes i have https:// protocal enable site wide with clean urls on the topic, I have changed what was suggested, i now have the notice.html but i get failed to communicate with server when ever i start the patcher
  16. Hi guys I am having real trouble getting my thor patcher to connect to my web host the only error message i get is either "attempting to connect" or "failed to communicate with server" It also doesn't show the notice box here is my config.ini [Config:Main] RootURL='https://www.praetoriaro.com//patcher/' RemoteConfigFile='main.ini' TimeOut=0 StatusFile='PraetoriaRO.dat' DefaultGRF='info.grf' ClientEXE='PraetoriaRO.exe' ClientParameter='-1rag1' FinishOnConnectionFailure=false [Config:Window] AutoResize=true Style='none' Width=500 Height=430 DragHandling=true Background='images/bg.jpg' FadeOnDrag=true [Config:BGM] File= Loop=true Volume=20 Directory= [Config:Misc] Title='PraetoriaRO Patcher' HideProgressBarWhenFinish=true [ProgressBar:bar1] Width=310 Height=20 Left=22 Top=385 BackColorStart=$009DEEEF BackColorEnd=$00C2F1F1 FrontColorStart=$006ED5B0 FrontColorEnd=$0080DDCA FrontImage= BackImage= Hook='ProgressChange' [Label:Status] AutoResize = false Width=310 Height= Left=20 Top=365 Alignment='center' FontColor=$ffffff FontName = '' FontSize = Text='' Hook='StatusChange' [NoticeBox:Box0] Width=310 Height=150 Left=20 Top=200 URL='https://www.praetoria.com//patcher/index.html' [Button:Start] Default='images/start1.png' OnHover='images/start2.png' OnDown='images/start3.png' Left=383 Top=211 Hook='Start' [Button:Exit] Default='images/Exit1.png' OnHover='images/Exit2.png' OnDown='images/Exit3.png' Left=383 Top=244 Hook='Exit' [Button:Cancel] Default='images/Exit1.png' OnHover='images/Exit2.png' OnDown='images/Exit3.png' Left=383 Top=211 Hook='Cancel' here is my main.ini //Thor Patcher remote config file [Main] //Allow patching or not? allow=true //Should patcher ignore everything else and finish patch immediately? Force_Start=false //if not, what message should appear? policy_msg=Server is taking a nap. //file_url - patch files should ALL put here. // This config entry will override the one in embed config. // o HTTP: // http://domain.com/dir/ // o FTP: // ftp://domain.com/dir/ // o With <Username> [Password] [Port] // ftp://username:[email protected]:port/dir/ // o Note: username is required if want put password, otherwise everything is optional. file_url=https://www.praetoriaro.com/patcher/patches/ [Patch] //use CheckSum tool, hash for client & patcher // used to make sure exe is up to date // (leave empty to disable this feature) ClientSum= PatcherSum= //This is compressed file for patcher & client update // To make these work, ClientSum and/or PatcherSum can't be empty // Note: these files should put same place as patch file (file_url in internal config) //Relative address, not FULL URL! ClientPath= PatcherPath= // Patch list file PatchList=plist.txt [Stars] // Shining o.O (Anyways, its for start button clones) // Since orignal client has check sum.. why not for clones? XD //How many? (it should same as amount of start button clone, but of course it's your choice) clients=0 // _sum - checksum, use CheckSum tool. //client1_sum= // _Name - Filename of exe //client1_Name= // _Path - Path for file [Compressed] //client1_Path= [Misc] //Set a limit for fragment, when reach this limit, patcher will ask user to defrag FragmentLimit=50 could anyone help me please?.
  17. My apologies for not following the rules will not happen again. okay what i'm trying to achieve is content in the center of the page, sidebar on the left and right hence the <div class="col-md-3"></div>, <div class="col-md-6"></div>, <div class="col-md-3"></div>. = 12 coloumn grid system that bootstrap framework offers. something like this
  18. Hi guys This is the code i have in header.php <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"> <?php //include 'main/sidebar.php' ?> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <?php //include 'main/loginbox.php' ?> <?php if (Flux::config('DebugMode') && @gethostbyname(Flux::config('ServerAddress')) == ''): ?> <p class="notice">Please change your <strong>ServerAddress</strong> directive in your application config to your server's real address (e.g., myserver.com).</p> <?php endif ?> <!-- Messages --> <?php if ($message=$session->getMessage()): ?> <p class="message"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($message) ?></p> <?php endif ?> <!-- Sub menu --> <?php include $this->themePath('main/submenu.php', true) ?> <!-- Page menu --> <?php include $this->themePath('main/pagemenu.php', true) ?> <!-- Credit balance --> <?php //if (in_array($params->get('module'), array('donate', 'purchase'))) include 'main/balance.php' ?> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> </div> as you can see the main bulk of content is in between <div class="col-md-6"></div> but when i load up the page (localhost only) and i examine the code the content is out side the <div class="container"></div> I have been trying all day to figure out why it keeps doing it but to no avail, if anyone once could help me, I will be eternally grateful. Kind regards
  19. Hi guys, Im currently working on coding my design, I have figure out how to do the normal link <?php echo $this->url('url') ?> but i need help when it comes to cms links Any help will be appreciated Kind regards
  20. Yes Gnix is the web server, you still need php so gnix can process php webpages hence why your not seeing webpages and your seeing directory information in your browser and you need to use if your are root then you can use yum install php php-mysql if your not root then you need to use sudo yum install php php-mysql
  21. Its because you have to installed PHP if your using Centos it is yum install php
  22. What web server are you using? if your running on windows you have a few options to choose all with php included Xampp, wampserver, and ISS (this needs a little configuration but there are plenty of guides on the net to follow and get it to work) if your running it on linux then depending on what linux distro you are using you can use commands like sudo yum install apache mysql php or apt get apache mysql php this will downlod and install them for you
  23. Make sure PHP is installed and working by make a new empty file named phpinfo.php and add <?php phpinfo(); ?> and then add that to your root directory, load that file up in you favourite browser that let us know your result
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