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Everything posted by Gerome

  1. FLUXCP http://fluxcp.googlecode.com/files/fluxcp-
  2. Masdan mo qoute .. after sa // file_url=http:'//astro.bluesky-vpshosting.info/patch/data/'
  3. ito ba config mo ? config: // Thor Patcher Internal Config File // Note: any entry leaves as blank will use default value // True = 1 // False = 0 // Note that true or 1 both works fine (that's why I put "=") [url] //base_url - everything except patch files will read from here //The address should point to a directory with / at end // // example: // http://domain.com/patch/ // NOT // http://domain.com/patch // base_url=http://astro.bluesky-vpshosting.info/thor //notice_file - [Relative Address] //You should able to access this file by combine base_url & notice_file notice_file=http://astro.bluesky-vpshosting.info/thor/notice.html //core_file - [Relative Address] //this internal config file only store whats required, //but core_file is a remote config file that stores on your web host core_file=main.ini //TimeOut - timeout of connection in seconds //0 is default setting, leave it as 0 unless you know what you are doing! TimeOut=0 MAIN: //Thor Patcher remote config file [Main] //Allow patching or not? allow=true //Should patcher ignore everything else and finish patch immediately? Force_Start=false //if not, what message should appear? policy_msg=Server is taking a nap. //file_url - patch files should ALL put here. // This config entry will override the one in embed config. // o HTTP: // http://domain.com/dir/ // o FTP: // ftp://domain.com/dir/ // o With <Username> [Password] [Port] // ftp://username:[email protected]:port/dir/ // o Note: username is required if want put password, otherwise everything is optional. file_url=http://astro.bluesky-vpshosting.info/thor/patchs/ [Patch] //use CheckSum tool, hash for client & patcher // used to make sure exe is up to date // (leave empty to disable this feature) ClientSum= PatcherSum= //This is compressed file for patcher & client update // To make these work, ClientSum and/or PatcherSum can't be empty // Note: these files should put same place as patch file (file_url in internal config) //Relative address, not FULL URL! ClientPath= PatcherPath= // Patch list file PatchList=plist.txt [stars] // Shining o.O (Anyways, its for start button clones) // Since orignal client has check sum.. why not for clones? XD or iniba muna.. anung laman sa Thor folder mo ?
  4. Your Welcome PapaZOla..
  5. Your Good in Drawing .. Keep it Up... ill rate you 10/10 Two men [Yaoi] is Nice.. hehe
  6. check your conf/battle folder and open gm.conf and find this: // The minimum GM level to bypass nowarp and nowarpto mapflags. // This option is mainly used in commands which modify a character's // map/coordinates (like @memo, @warp, @charwarp, @go, @jump, etc...). // default: 20 (first level after normal player or super'normal' player) any_warp_GM_min_level: 20
  7. sa thor folder mo andyan ang main.ini,notice.html,plist.txt and style.css right ? then xempre meron ka ding patchs folder which is nsa loob ng thor folder Ex. Diagram. -thor>> --- main.ini --- notice.html ----plist.txt --- style.css --- patchs >> --------- patch_01.thor ----------patch_02.thor so in your main.ini config file_url=http://astro.bluesky-vpshosting.info/thor/patchs/
  8. You can manually reset or change it in your database on table global_reg_value.. or add a menu like "forgot password" but first you must add Secret Question after they inputed there Secondary Password.
  9. visit hackforums.net you willl learn a lot of them like sql injection..
  10. @Papazola only Headgears can have that kind of thing.. not the armor..
  11. you mean, you want to appeat in your character a golden armor/set ? same as the image youve shown its in the sprite if thats what you mean.. did you put view id ? on ur item_db .. 17601,Golden_Armor,................,999,{ bonus bAllStats,5; },{},{} .view id is in the last part so 999 is the view id of Golden_armor. mostly Headgears have that kind of thing..
  12. PROBLEM SOLVE: WHAT ? New Registered Player will be rejected when they login there character. WHY ? because of the account_id compose of 9 digits which is exceded like Emestry Said. Steps that i did first i edited all account_id in login and char table having 9 digits to 8 digits since i its running Online i and almost of the new registered player created already there character. then i execute this some Mysql Quesry to Update a new account_id (maybe for the auto_increment) INSERT INTO `login` (`account_id`, `userid`, `user_pass`, `sex`, `email`, `level`, `state`, `unban_time`, `expiration_time`, `logincount`, `lastlogin`, `last_ip`) VALUES (2004000,'username', 'password', 'F', '[email protected]', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '0', '0') lastly i Execute this. ALTER TABLE login AUTO_INCREMENT=2004000 when i only Execute the ALTER TABLE login AUTO_INCREMENT=2004000 it will keep using the 9 digits account_id thats why i tried to Execute somthing that will update the auto increment id. thnx to all who reply to this topic. thnx a lot!
  13. It doesnt work sir.. i do that many times. it said (no results returned) it always keep using the 9 digits.. is there any method ?. ALTER TABLE login AUTO_INCREMENT is not working for me. i search about reseting auto increment field all i found is that method.. tnx for the Reply Mercurial.
  14. hmm... anung host mo ? name of the site... ganyan dn kc skin nuon.. Hosting ko ang Probz.. =)
  15. sir.. this is about again the ID.. i deleted already the 9 digits ID but when there are new player will be registered the ID will be used is the 9 Digits ID.. for EX. i have these ID on my database Account_id | ....... 2003996 2003997 2003998 200000313 200000314... and so on.. 200000313 and 200000314 are the new Registerd ID.. it will not continue to add 200399.. whats wrong ?
  16. THNX Emistry You solved my Problem and to you all Who replied thnx a lot.. and one last Question.. how should it back to normal flow of adding ID ?
  17. and also after the ID 2003996 is 20000313 and so on.. i think it is wrong right? why is it happen ?
  18. i check it sir and its correct.. i acctually have Accounts 4,332 Characters 5,876 in My Server.. and i notice that all player whos ID which compose of 9 Digit like 200000001 are having rejected.. what d u think sir?
  19. Hello Guys .. This is my Problem Goes. All new registerd player are having Rejected from server(3). they can login and create a character but when they login that character they got that error. I mean they cant Login there character in Game. But Old players can Login and Play. Can somebody Help me about this ? or Clue why they got this error.. Thnx n advance.
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