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Everything posted by ToiletMaster

  1. yup hahaha, i'm using quest_db quite often for my quests xD. adding a time limit would be easier from there also in my opinion xD
  2. Here's how i do my quest scripts and an example xD quest_db // Quest Database // // Structure of Database: // Quest ID,Time Limit,Target1,Val1,Target2,Val2,Target3,Val3,Quest Title 81000,0,1002,10,0,0,0,0,"Hunting Porings"; (This will give a small notification each time you kill a poring xD to know how many you've killed so far. (Not sure if it works for all client, i'm using 2012-04-10)) NPC side -Usual header- if (checkquest (81000,HUNTING) == 2) { mes "[ToiletMaster]"; mes "You've done it! Congratulations!"; mes "Here's a great reward for you!"; next; mes "[ToiletMaster]"; mes "Just Kidding! :D"; close; } mes "[ToiletMaster]"; mes "I want you to kill 10 PORINGS! setquest 80010; close;
  3. i'm more interested in seeing what's gonna happen next than getting the map xD
  4. i did try that, but it seems that all the porings did not spawn there. it flew around the map mostly ._. if let's say i take your example there, that means on the upper left where i stood should be X1 = 1 Y1 = 1 then X2 = 9 Y2 = 9 am i right? if yes then it doesnt work T_T i tried on a small rectangle yet it doesn't spawn there
  5. ToiletMaster

    NO MSG

    well this is as far as my knowledge of troubleshooting knows >_> I have no other ideas what might be causing the problem right now. Sorry if i couldn't solve your problem.
  6. Hi guys this time i'm having small issues with permanent monster spawning. I have no problems spawning, but the area that i'd like them to spawn seems to be an issue for me. following the wiki from http://rathena.org/wiki/Permanent_Monster_Spawn It should be mapname, X1, Y1, X2, Y2<Tab>Monster<Tab>Other stuffs. This is how i wanted it to be. a rectangle shape actually so i believe it should look like this right? 1 2 Y1 Y2 3 4 5 6 X1 X2 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 yet i cant seem to let them spawn inside that area.
  7. ToiletMaster

    NO MSG

    https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/weetools/trunk/ShinsDiffPatcher/plugins/WeeDiffGen/ you can get it from here then paste it inside the folder. once you've paste it in you should see the new diff option coming out under the folder of WeeDiffGen *Credits does not go to me for this file at all.
  8. i did tried that but it din't work, syouji managed to fixed it by copying blank areas on the side of the map then pasting it in. that actually fixed the problem o_o
  9. ToiletMaster

    NO MSG

    What about skipobscure through diffing? Did you do that? Or else you can't connect to the server
  10. ToiletMaster

    NO MSG

    What client version are you using? Do you have the right packets and did you diff your client with the skip obscure something? Using my mobile right now so I can't give you the links. And make sure your mmo.h is set to your client date you're using as well
  11. ToiletMaster

    NO MSG

    Hmmm, okay then, i'll give you my configurations and perhaps it could help. My knowledge is still very low here compared to others lol // a machine with multiple interfaces. login_ip: <------ must be Local IP address // The character server listens on the interface with this IP address. // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces // while using the same ports for each server. //bind_ip: // Login Server Port login_port: 6900 <---- make sure port has been forwarded from your router. // Character Server IP // The IP address which clients will use to connect. // Set this to what your server's public IP address is. char_ip: <---- place public ip address here map_athena.conf // Character Server IP // The map server connects to the character server using this IP address. // NOTE: This is useful when you are running behind a firewall or are on // a machine with multiple interfaces. char_ip: <--- Again local IP Address // The map server listens on the interface with this IP address. // NOTE: This allows you to run multiple servers on multiple interfaces // while using the same ports for each server. //bind_ip: subnet.conf subnet: IP:public IP The is just an example of public ip address
  12. ToiletMaster

    NO MSG

    okay why not try this, make sure all your configurations on your map_athena login_athena the ip are set to local IP. then make sure your subnet does have your local ip as well and then clientxml to your local ip and try entering then.
  13. Thanks syouji for the assistance, i appreciate it. I do believe i need to take up on your offer on this. i've tried placing it on a bigger map so cover the entire map out but it doesn't work. Sorry to take your time! I've sent you the file through PM Edit: An amazingly great job by Syouji ! He has taken the extra effort to personally helped me out on this issue and thus the sweat, tears, and hardwork did not go to waste! Thank you SO MUCH!
  14. ToiletMaster

    NO MSG

    hmm, first off it's actually the wrong section lol, but what's your IP currently like in your clientinfo.xml? make sure that's local for you and public for everyone else. Because you can't connect back to your own public address while other people can.
  15. ToiletMaster

    NO MSG

    looks like it's not reading your data folder. What's your data.ini like? it should be 0= YourRO.grf 1=data.grf 2=rdata.grf and make sure your grf is in a folder called data nothing else, that's the mistake i made last time which caused this problem xD. lemme know if it helps !
  16. not sure if this is related, but have you tried using all 40-50 points of your job skills for your first job? cause there is an option that doesn't allow you to bypass the skill points from your 1st job.
  17. Sorry for not being specific, and yes, it's Sanity Error Tile out of bounds. Is there any way to solve this problem? cause copy and paste crashes my browedit once this happens Here's a picture to show the exact problem. However, i do know where i copied that made this though. Would deleting that part of the map help? (i've not tried it due to the error is too persistent and cause random crashes) Again i've spent really too much on this map to throw it away T_T if this can be solved i'd be really REALLY grateful!
  18. open the old_moc map with browedit (a software to make RO maps). go to save as, save as the name you wanted in your game then redo the mapcache and it should be working fine.
  19. Hi guys, seems that i'm receiving this error on my map all of a sudden. I've read the solution from http://rathena.org/board/topic/59518-resolved-problem-with-browedit/?hl=sanity but my custom map is the size of yuno apparently ._. and if i copy and paste the new map. it automatically crashes. Any help on this on other methods i could solve it? I've spent countless hours & days on this map T_T i'd really hate to make a new one T_T
  20. This definitely solved the problem. Thank you so much!
  21. Hi there, i'm not sure whether is this the right place to post. Well anyhow, currently i seem to be having a small issue with my map. as some of the monsters spawn on the non movable GATs and people who use wing of fly could get stuck on the non movable gats. Is there any guide/wiki i'm missing? cant seem to find anything that relates back to this ._.
  22. sorry but i din't get this part lol, do you mind explaining it? xD
  23. Yes! this was what i'm looking for! Thanks again capuche! I was wondering how do i add the code lol (i actually added brackets ._. that's why it din't work lol. but i get it now hahaha now xD)
  24. Thanks capuche! Sorry but i did not mention the additional details in my mind (was a bit sleepy >_>) i actually wanted to mean that he can only take 3 quest at the same time but once they're done then they can repeat that quest back. errr.... how do i put this lol.. imagine i have 20 quest A B C D E F G ( all the way to 20 quest) Then he can take only A B C or mix around as long as it's 3. But let's say he's done with A then he can choose to either take A again or choose the other quests that he did not take as long as it doesn't exceed 3.
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