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Everything posted by ToiletMaster

  1. Thanks for the advice! hahaha i'm also enjoying the community as well XD Sure! i'll definitely share my knowledge if i do happen to learn or know how to answer some of the questions hahahahaha. thinking of taking up C in the future so that i can do source edits xD that's why i wanted to ask this question to the community XD
  2. Hi guys, it seems that my script currently doesn't work with the latest svn that i've downloaded. svn version 17049. however, on svn 17006 it works great. I believe it has something to do with the npcskill i guess? my mapserver doesn't show any errors as well. sm_pri,11,10,4 script Grandma 2339,{ setnpcdisplay "Grandma", "Demon", 1605,2; next; monster "sm_pri",0,0,"Minions",1605,10,"Grandma::OnPoringKilled"; // By using 0,0 it will spawn them in a random place. mes "Destroy him!"; // He summoned ten. close; OnPoringKilled: set PoringKilled,PoringKilled+1; if (PoringKilled==10) goto L_AllDead; end; L_AllDead: monster "sm_pri",0,0,"Minions",1605,10,"Grandma::OnPoporingKilled"; set PoringKilled,0; close; OnPoporingKilled: set PoporingKilled,PoporingKilled+1; if (PoporingKilled==10) goto L_AllDDead; end; L_AllDDead: announce "You've Managed to fight through the demons!",3; set PoporingKilled,0; setnpcdisplay "Grandma", "Demon", 1605,1; menu "k",L_Choice,"ok",L_Angel; close; L_Choice setnpcdisplay "Grandma", "Old Grandma", 2339,0; mes "Hihihihihi"; close; L_Angel: setnpcdisplay "Grandma", "Old Grandma", 2339,0; mes "Hello!!"; close; } This isn't the full script though. i deleted most of the parts where it has mes to shorten it. but i'm certain only this part has the problem currently.
  3. Thanks for the reply, yeah definitely i'm willing to learn in scripting xD, had alot of questions but thankfully the great people at the script support/request section helped me greatly! Aside from that, Euphy you came to rAthena with the knowledge of C only i guess?
  4. Hi there everyone! I was just wondering when you joined rAthena. Did you have any particular skills in IT that greatly helped you in rAthena or did you join rAthena without any knowledge towards IT and thus growing from this website learning C and much much more? just a question that popped into my mind
  5. Thank you so much annie! I dint notice that at all !
  6. It works GREAT! Thank you so much Emistry!
  7. Oh my gosh! it worked! i guess i was a bit rushing and kinda "fast forward" the video a bit >_>. that's my bad! Thanks again for everything Syouji! The map works great! XD
  8. Thanks but there's so many holes ._. gonna spend some time doing it hahahaha i tried doing each section for about 30 minutes and the program suddenly not responding ._. meaning to say it dint save T_T. However, following the http://browedit.exca...iewtopic&id=533 i cant seem to find the area to edit the lightmaps. i tried doing it but fails in the end ._. sorry i'm a dunce when creating maps >_> practically my first time really editing a map lol edit- I followed your guide. and tried placing some lights inside on your video. but i get this result still even though i have placed the sun O_O
  9. Hi guys, Just wanted to ask is there a script that allows once a player goes in. The timer will automatically start with 15 minutes duration. Should the player not leave the map by 15 minutes, it'll automatically kick the player out. Thanks!
  10. Thanks for the reply. i've enabled it and here's the error that came out Sorry if this is a repeated question, i failed to understand from the rest of the threads that have been posted up. (not really good in php >_>) for items, the page loads up fine. but i'm not able to search any item at all. edit Thanks Dastgir Pojee! I dint know about the error.php part. thanks for the tip for this part! I've managed to solved the problem for the monster database, however the item database doesn't show anything though. the page loads up fine it's just that it doesn't show any items at all. Edit- I reinstalled and place again the sqls which finally shows the item page! but i believed that's not the renewal one is it?[/s] since i wasn't using the item sql_re
  11. Aside from that, if you use @reloadscript it'll definitely disappear if you have not collected the boxes. one of the common mistakes that i fell for as well.
  12. bump! sorry! maybe i wasn't clear with the information given above. well to summarize it up. is it possible to have 2 timers together in 1 script? 1 of it will continuously work all time while the second timer is can be triggered by the player.
  13. Thanks alot Syouji! This is really great! However, i would just like to ask how do i actually edit the entire wall texture in 1 go? cause doing everything might be time consuming. edit- i'm still accepting any maze maps cause currently i'm still looking for more maze maps to have some fun with xD edit- Hey syouji, the entire map is black cause of the texture is it? That means have to edit the texture from start to scratch?
  14. i've already checked out other threads yet it cant be solved at all. http://rathena.org/b...ing#entry104924 http://rathena.org/b...mob#entry163881 Here are some of the steps that i did so far. 1. Imported item and mob.sql into my database 2. changed the column to take out the exp per based on the column on the mvp that part. yet nothing happens so far. my item database shows me no items at all however the page is working. for the monster part, the page worked without any monsters though, however once i imported, i get the contact admin@localhost page error. What are the steps i'm missing here? the rest of the pages worked great without any problems as of now. Thanks!
  15. Hi there mappers! Just wondering if anyone has any maze maps they could generate through browedit? Cause mine crashes every single time i press generate. including mountains, caves, dungeons and everything. so i was wondering if anyone could generate a maze map? that'll be great!
  16. Only moderators can. xD Euphy, i believe that if you edit your first post, you can put the solved tag by yourself xD i did it with my threads a few times already xD
  17. Hi guys! Previously i made a topic that is regarding about the timer issue. It was solved without any problems. this worked great to what i need however, i had 1 more problem. Is it possible for me to slot in another timer? The current issue is that the script came out with no errors at all. It worked great! However, it doesn't move automatically and doesn't hide itself once i've added this line in. Can anyone help? Thanks ! attachnpctimer; initnpctimer; npctalk "I don't feel so good anymore........"; end; OnTimer2000: npctalk "hihi"; end; OnTimer6000: npctalk "It's 6 seconds now!"; next; end; OnTimer10000: npctalk "10 seconds now! "; next; end; OnTimer14000: npctalk "14 seconds!"; end; dispbottom "Thank you for your time!"; close2; end; } OnMon1550: OnWed0000: .unhide = 0; disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; OnTue2026: OnTue0000: enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); .unhide = 1; goto L_start; OnInit: if ( gettime(4) != 0 && gettime(4) != 3 && gettime (4) != 4) { // add this... disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } else .unhide = 1; L_start: .@interval = 2; .@step = 5; while ( .unhide ) { sleep .@interval * 1000; getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1; while ( checkcell( .@map$, .@npc_x = .@x + rand( -.@step, .@step ), .@npc_y = .@y + rand( -.@step, .@step ), cell_chknopass ) ); npcwalkto .@npc_x, .@npc_y; npctalk callfunc( "F_RandMes", 2, "Heloo!!!", // 1 "Goodbye~!" // 2 ); } end; }
  18. hmmmm meaning to say if there's any purple line, use the eraser to carefully rub off that area and recolor it back to R255 and G255?
  19. Thanks! It works great! However, how did you manage to find out the purple line? as in how do i solve this to prevent this for next time if i were to make other images? Edit ---- Ok when i used photoshop i saw the line once again, thanks again for your help! It really helps! However, a side question would be this. if i were to take my own image and paste it as bmp for my scr logo, why does some of my images have purple lines covering my image? example i use Let's say i made the background 255 42 255 already however, why does purple lines come out even though i made the background in that color? Thanks!
  20. Here's an image to specify what went wrong. If possible mind giving more hints on what i should do to solve this? thanks!
  21. Hi Guys! Currently i'm venturing the world of the images for RO (Spriting yet to come! XD) However, everytime a picture shows in RO, doesn't matter whether its a cutin or screenshot logo, the Purple line (i'm guessing R255 B255) always comes out even though i've painted the entire thing in the transparent color. Any help on this would be great !
  22. @Milky Holmes All the details about the variables can be located in the doc folder. It's taken from the file "Script_commands.txt" view soft copy from : https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/doc/script_commands.txt
  23. hmmm... i guess it's saved on a permanent data? cause my friends that tried manage to get it to work once on their end. but not anymore. ---edit--- is there any way to make it work on another method where the monster spawns and you need to kill 10 of them before you can proceed? ---Edit---- sorry din't notice the variable was causing the problem haha, when explaining it to someone then suddenly i just recalled and tested it out with the variable and it worked normally. Thanks again annie, after seeing the picture and your explanation. it came clear that the variable was giving the problem hahaha
  24. Here's the calculation of how it goes, so you can do it yourself when it comes. Total Time = (Amount of Time per day) multiply by (Amount of days) Example A 1 week = (24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds) x 7 = 604800 Example B 2 days = (24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds) x 2 = 172800 [i'm sure you can do the multiplication now We're all learning together in rAthena xD ) (Not sure why emoticons not working ._.)
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