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Everything posted by nanakiwurtz

  1. If you want to affect item drop for Witherless Rose from all monsters with 1x drop rate, then write like this: 748,100 If you want to make it 0.1x, then write like this: 748,10
  2. I want my minimap back huhuhu... Hmm I found 2712 NPCs in my navi_npc_krsak.lua If I'm not mistaken, that file is the one that responsible in showing NPC's name in Navigation window only. Yes it is... And... 1146 of the NPC hasn't been translated yet. (That's 42.26% of the current NPC!)
  3. I already have that file too --> http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/System/optioninfo.lua But it still doesn't work on my client though
  4. If the file isn't in your GRF, then you can create it by yourself using Notepad. Just follow the format alberta.rsw#bgm\\54.mp3# alberta_in.rsw#bgm\\54.mp3# And save the file as mp3nametable.txt
  5. When you diff your client, don't use "Read LUA before LUB" and "Read Data Folder First". You can try to read them on rAthena Wiki
  6. Put your LUA in luafiles514 folder
  7. Be sure to use the latest client.exe and rAthena SVN version from the trunk.
  8. Why do you need to bypass the clientside zeny checking function?
  9. Does this binkw32.dll file works? binkw32.rar
  10. And don't forget to recompile after you edit the file
  11. Oh sorry for late the reply... "How to disable Battleground button" Find: 5C62617369635F696E746572666163655C62746E5F626174746C655F6669656C6400C0AF Replace with: 5F62617369635F696E746572666163655C62746E5F626174746C655F6669656C6400C0AF "How to disable Replay/Rec button" Find: 5C7265706C61795F696E746572666163655C72656300 Replace with: 5F7265706C61795F696E746572666163655C72656300 "How to disable Party Booking button" Find: 5C62617369635F696E746572666163655C626F6F6B696E670000 Replace with: 5F62617369635F696E746572666163655C626F6F6B696E670000 @peopleperson49: I still don't have any idea, because I think I have disable it from beginning, I forgot how to make it back.
  12. There's a search button on top-right of this page
  13. So rA script language doesn't have any round/floor/ceiling function?
  14. Location: Press Esc --> Video Configuration Korean: ˟ˌ Hex: C0FCC0E5 (near 4E6F4374726C00006974656D00000000736B696C6C) Suggestion: More [4D6F7265]
  15. Sorry, but hexing a client won't work that way... It's not like editing a normal text file
  16. Read the the 'Party version' from Arch Bishop skill. Or you can try to use 0x3 in value #6
  17. Edit your guild2\agit_main_se.txt
  18. Hmm what kind of modification if I may ask?
  19. I'm sorry, but I see that currently you are a RO Developer..
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