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Singe Horizontal

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Singe Horizontal last won the day on February 12

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  1. This is the repo https://github.com/Singe-Horizontal/rathena/tree/mod/autopot%2Bmacro
  2. Hi, this requires source modification, can't be done with scripts only. It could be done by creating a new event that listens to casted skills, under certain conditions to avoid scanning every single action in the server.
  3. Updated to 839d378 https://github.com/Singe-Horizontal/rathena/tree/mod/soul_link singe_soul_link_mod_v1-1.patch To apply the patch : cd /path/to/rathena ( or C:\path\to\rathena in windows ) git apply -v singe_soul_link_mod_v1-1.patch Whitespace warnings can be ignored
  4. In skill_db.yml change SplashArea Area value to 4 for level 1
  5. Hi, The M2E plugin instantly crashes the moment aoe skills are placed, in the form of buffer memory saturation. Does someone know how I could proceed from there as I'm quite ignorant in this field? EDIT1: While checking the source it appears it is related to the CSkill class having faulty fields. EDIT2: I narrowed the bug to how the job is retrieved. intptr_t CGameActor::jobOffset = offsetof(CGameActor, CGameActor::m_job_deprecated); void CRoCodeBind::SearchRagexeMemory(void) { CSearchCode CGameActor_Job_use( "89***1******" // mov [edi+234h], eax ; m_job "8b**" // mov esi, [edi] "8b**" // mov ecx, edi "e8********" // call sub_698C70 );
  6. Hi, I'm releasing server side tools that are Autopot, Autobuff, Restock + Autorestock, and a macro engine server side. They are the positive product of the frustration of having too much variance in fast gameplay, such as : Latency, compounded by the fact that the client doesn't queue skills, so between each action, you have your ping as an extra The hassle of having to install third party tools just to be competitive Hence I wanted to create a set of tools that would become the default ones that server use. Note : When I refer to Autopot I really mean Autopot + Autobuff + Restock + Autorestock. For now they are tightly coupled, if needed I can provide separated versions. The core engines being source based, they should run with high performance. Installation server side : By cloning a repository Full suite git clone --branch mod/autopot+macro https://github.com/Singe-Horizontal/rathena/ Autopot only git clone --branch mod/autopot https://github.com/Singe-Horizontal/rathena/ Macros only git clone --branch mod/macro https://github.com/Singe-Horizontal/rathena/ Client side: For autopot icons: For Macros: --data\luafiles514\lua files\skillInfoz\skillinfolist.lub [SKID.MACRO_TARGET] = { "MACRO_TARGET", SkillName = "Macro Target", MaxLv = 12, AttackRange = {14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14} }, [SKID.MACRO_NOTARGET] = { "MACRO_NOTARGET", SkillName = "Macro No Target", MaxLv = 12, bSeperateLv = false, }, [SKID.MACRO_GROUND] = { "MACRO_GROUND", SkillName = "Macro Ground", MaxLv = 12, bSeperateLv = false, AttackRange = {14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14} }, [SKID.MACRO_SUPPORT] = { "MACRO_SUPPORT", SkillName = "Macro Support", MaxLv = 12, bSeperateLv = false, AttackRange = {14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14} }, You can also customize macros icons, take a look at the file db/import/item_db.yml to see how macro items are done. A handful of tests have already be done, but bugs may be lurking. Feel free to report any. Also don't hesitate to contact me for support.
  7. I need to make a clean gist again, I lost track on what prevented compiling with g++. Moreover the yml update broke a part of the mod, I'll be waiting a week more before updating to the new system. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the report
  8. Hi thanks for the message. My friends and I have a small discord group where we sometimes host "lan" parties, where we mess around with the ai. I created a pre configured installation all in one ( server + client ) to be downloaded, so that the mod can be played locally without having to modify the sources and recompile. If interested : https://discord.gg/qZt7aaBb2R
  9. In this example you put the two lines to be called when "idle", so only the first one will be used (default behavior). Mvps use "onspawn" to summon only once mobs that should drop/give exp, so that's what you may want to use.
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