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Posts posted by Chaos92


    If you use prere load [paste=cks0m5eejyj] and execute

    update `char` set status_point = ( ( select points from `status_points_prere` where `status_points_prere`.`base_level` = `char`.`base_level` )
    + IF( `class` < 4001 or `class` > 4029 and `class` < 4109 , 48, 100 ) ),
    `str` = 1, `agi` = 1, `vit` = 1, `int` = 1, `dex` = 1, `luk` = 1 
    where online = 0 and account_id not in ( select account_id from login where group_id >= 60 )

    If you use renewal stat, load [paste=79h03exenzoq] and execute

    update `char` set status_point = ( ( select points from `status_points_re` where `status_points_re`.`base_level` = `char`.`base_level` )
    + IF( `class` < 4001 or `class` > 4029 and `class` < 4109 , 48, 100 ) ),
    `str` = 1, `agi` = 1, `vit` = 1, `int` = 1, `dex` = 1, `luk` = 1 
    where online = 0 and account_id not in ( select account_id from login where group_id >= 60 )

    this gonna work for all character sir ?

    btw, when i @reset , 3rd job status point will be 3330 for level 175.. and as i see at that paste u given for renewal, (175,3265); 

    theres a bit different, why sir

  2. TRUNCATE `skill`;
    UPDATE `char` SET `str` = 5,`agi` = 5,`vit` = 5,`int` = 5,`dex` = 5,`luk` = 5,`status_point` = 0,`skill_point` = 0;

    some basic way that you can try.


    i want to reset so they got status point which is 3330 for 3rd job if im not mistaken, that query seems reset to novice stats ? since status point is 0

  3. Hi sir/ma'am Chaos92 i tried what you told me to do unfortunately it still there. i even follow all the instruction on the file u sent me but it still shows the Name on the warper display

    i think u are confused with other kafra script.. better u check it out which kafra script that u used by checking the coordinate, function, etc... because it should be removed

  4. warper right ? 




    if u want to remove brasilis , check this code here :

    menu	"Prontera",T1, "Alberta",T2, "Aldebaran",T3, "Amatsu",T4, "Ayothaya",T5,
        	"Brasilis",T6, "Comodo",T7, "Dewata",T8, "Eclage",T9, "Einbech",T10, 
        	"Einbroch",T11, "El Dicastes",T12, "Geffen",T13, "Gonryun",T14, "Hugel",T15,
        	"Izlude",T16, "Jawaii",T17, "Lighthalzen",T18, "Louyang",T19, "Lutie",T20,
        	"Malangdo",T21, "Malaya",T22, "Manuk",T23, "Midgarts Expedition Camp",T24,
        	"Mora",T25, "Morroc",T26, "Moscovia",T27, "Nameless Island",T28,
        	"Niflheim",T29, "Payon",T30, "Rachel",T31, "Splendide",T32, "Thor Camp",T33,
        	"Umbala",T34, "Veins",T35, "Yuno",T36;

    Just remove that "Brasilis",T6, and also anything that u want to remove.. same goes to field, dungeon, check their perspective menu

  5. now i find a solution.. 

    reset all to 0.. and after that set the status point to the right number for all. thanks for your help btw, brainstorm me :3


    oh shit.. its different for baby, and 2nd job class.. /pif

    if anyone have ideas or solution, pls tell me /help

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