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Posts posted by Chaos92

  1. Can anyone share or help me script for new type of WoE which is longest time of conquer . Since WoE right now is just for the last emperium breaker gonna win.. So, they gonna play for last minute only.. Can i have script for the longest conquer time.. so that even last breaker conquer just 10 seconds or example, still the winner is the longest conquer time ?

  2. 17246,HD_Elunium_Box(30),HD Elunium Box(30),3,10,,10,,,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ getitem 6241,30; },{},{}
    17247,HD_Oridecon_Box(30),HD Oridecon Box(30),3,10,,10,,,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ getitem 6241,40; },{},{}

    that is the latest git itemdb that are wrong, so it will be in etc tab... it should be this script.

    17246,HD_Elunium_Box(30),HD Elunium Box(30),2,10,,10,,,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ getitem 6241,30; },{},{}
    17247,HD_Oridecon_Box(30),HD Oridecon Box(30),2,10,,10,,,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ getitem 6240,30; },{},{}

    I dont know where to report this, so please move this into the right section. Thanks !

  3. Im having problems that the vote links is disable for a longgggg time (its not follow the time stated) . Its not going to enable . Ive changed the website time zone so that easy for player to check the time. 






    Can anyone tell me how to fix this issue ? Thanks !

  4. 15038,Sabah_Cloth,Sapha's Cloth,4,20,,100,,45,,1,0x00001000,63,2,16,,100,1,0,{ bonus bLuk,3; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"ASC_METEORASSAULT",(getskilllv("ASC_METEORASSAULT")?getskilllv("ASC_METEORASSAULT"):1),20; },{},{}

    Here it should be increase damage for cross impact isnt it ?




    *Please close this topic, ive seen in bonus item. Thanks

  5. Unless you know a way on how to detect if someone's using a dual client, come back here and tell me.


    That's being said: it's not an easy thing to check if there are people dual client-ing or not.


    You can check if a player is dual client-ing or not with the support of game guards (Harmony or other), which is beyond our range (further questions goes to the subject of which GG you're using).


    The only way to detect a POSSIBLY (80%) is to check their IP:



    using this one will do the following:

    1. If the user is dual-ing, then it got it.

    2. If there are some players (different people) in 1 network (A, B, C is using B's WiFi) then, only either A or B or C will get it. not all of them.



    yeah ive read all of that :/

    ill try to think and implement maybe

  6. Ive been using this script to give all online players except vendors gift , Btw, i need some modification so that dual client player will received for one client only. means that dual also should receive the same as single client for fair.


    here is the script that im using right now :

    // usage :
    // [npc:Sample]map#512#10
    // [npc:Sample]all#512#123
    -	script	itemall	-1,{
    if( getgroupid() >= 99 ){
    	// check map
    	if( @whispervar0$ == "all" ) set .@type$,"";
    	else if( @whispervar0$ == "map" ) set .@type$,strcharinfo(3);
    	else {
    		dispbottom "Error, pick 'map' or 'all' ";
    	// check item
    	set .@itemid,atoi( @whispervar1$ );
    	set .@amount,atoi( @whispervar2$ );
    	if( getitemname( .@itemid ) == "null" || .@amount < 1 ){
    		dispbottom "Enter valid item id and amount.";
    	set .@self_id,getcharid(3);
    	query_sql( "SELECT COUNT(`account_id`) FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 ", .@total );
    	while( .@count < .@total ){
    		query_sql( "SELECT `account_id`,`name` FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 ORDER BY `account_id` LIMIT 128 OFFSET "+.@offset, .@aid,.@name$ );
    		set .@i,0;
    		set .@size,getarraysize( .@aid );
    		while( .@i < .@size ){
    			if( .@aid[.@i] != .@self_id && !checkvending(.@name$[.@i]) ){
    				if( .@type$ != "" ){
    					getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,0,.@name$[.@i] );
    					if( .@map$ == .@type$ ){
    						getitem .@itemid,.@amount,.@aid[.@i];
    						set .@gave,.@gave + 1;
    					getitem .@itemid,.@amount,.@aid[.@i];
    					set .@gave,.@gave + 1;
    			set .@count,.@count + 1;
    			set .@i,.@i + 1;
    		set .@offset,.@offset + .@size;
    		deletearray .@aid,.@size;
    		deletearray .@name$,.@size;
    	dispbottom "Gave "+.@amount+" x "+getitemname( .@itemid )+" to "+.@gave+" Player(s).";

    I hope someone can help me since im really need to settle this issue earlier. Thanks /thx

  7. I dont know which topic should this need to be list so... please move it if its wrong section



    i want to know where we can edit what item that can be inserted in Hotkey for example red potion, skills.. there are some items that cannot be inserted there for example yggdrasilberry box. Glad if someone can help me.

  8. You know right there are exist ticket refine for example +11 Armor Refine Ticket    Item ID# 6239 (Guarantee_Armor_11Up)

    so, i hope there will be any script that refine those using these tickets but if that item is not refinable, cannot refine .. any scripters can help me ? :)


    if the ticket is +11, it will refine to 11, not 4+11 = 15 :)


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