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Everything posted by Chaos92

  1. Try kill and get something, see the sentences, search in msgstringtable.txt and edit it.
  2. https://kamishi.ragnawork.com/product/700-palettes-human-pack/ Kamishi already released 700 palette pack for FREE. Also, dont forget to read the instruction.
  3. maybe try play with langtype in sclientinfo.xml ?
  4. Owner item can bid ? I think need to restrict that. Ah.. owner might have dual also, ah my minds. Haha.
  5. have u tried enable the log ? conf/web_athena.conf console_msg_log: 0 changed to other read the instruction
  6. What diff tool ? Sorry I didnt understand and didnt have any idea about what tool. Do you mean the tools from your screenshot ? That is WARP https://github.com/Neo-Mind/WARP
  7. the worldname is a bit weird, it should follow server name if im not mistaken. Maybe the one set up in conf char/map/login. about web auth token was disabled, no problem its normal , just info.
  8. AssistAddr = "" Have u changed that to you IP ? How about your guild emblem, is the emblem can be changed ?
  9. I didnt saw you mention about what clientdate are you using. if you are using 2020 clients and above, web server is needed for http emblem server. The settings in externalsettings will be used for the web server. So that will fixed the first one. About the second line, it just the information since that client might support /showshop. /showshop — Toggles the ability to see/hide vendor shops. From what I saw its originally in red too.
  10. for latest rathena, ./configure is enough because it will compile web server too automatically. btw, usually the blue debug not running, sleeping 1 second usually just occur once, not a few times as what happen in your log. have you check your web server port 8888 default didnt being used by another process ? or maybe try to change the port to another then ?
  11. most probably your map in GRF is in renewal, but your set is pre-renewal, maybe ? If u want to use the current map that u can see for now, maybe u need to update the mapcache. Use WeeMapCache maybe. Or use the correct map in your GRF that exactly works with your default mapcache.
  12. I think he use client older than 2020 so thats why he need that diff. Or else he doesnt need to use web server. For Client 2020 and above its already using http emblem so doesnt need to patch that.
  13. Try use the langtype that you want. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/wiki/Langtype-and-service_*-folder
  14. what error ? And are u sure that getrefine error is from this line ?
  15. you didnt specify which part for the refine. Example : if (getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R) >= 7) { autobonus "{ bonus bIgnoreDefClass,Class_Normal; }",1000,3000,BF_SHORT|BF_NORMAL; }
  16. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/pull/53/files I read about this a few minutes ago, maybe related to your issue, try to disable that 2 line.
  17. this is weapontable error. did u edit weapontable then since u use Chris Translation ?
  18. First, make sure your kRO is 2023 and above. And Chris Translation might help you, read the Wiki and also maybe can use the profiles that he share in his translation. https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE
  19. Chris have the profiles, use the profiles. or make sure u set it to the right file _EN and everything.
  20. make sure u already run web files part in the sql-files. and also make sure web server is already running. use latest rathena if possible because its 100% working for latest rathena.
  21. you need to set the IP in externalsettings depends on what service u set in sclientinfo.xml https://github.com/llchrisll/ROenglishRE/wiki/Webservice-Guide
  22. what do u mean by too large ? can u show something, and what size did u prefer ?
  23. try another langtype for example langtype 0.
  24. Maybe try to play with your langtype in sclientinfo.xml ? or try default font if you diffed client with any specific font ?
  25. Thank you, let me know if there any improvements needed.
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