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Everything posted by hakuren

  1. Hi rAthena, Requesting : "I'm requesting a system that allow to separate the exp system of the pet to its owner." I saw in the conf/battle/pet.conf that pet_lv_rate mixed with its master's level : so if its possible to have its own petexptable.txt on the db for each pets
  2. identify item.txt try this one bro
  3. as the title said, Rebellion skill effect not working i used : KRO Re-20160124 <data.grf / rdata.grf> and Translated data files from <https://github.com/ROClientSide/Translation> Client Version : 2015-09-16aRagexe but the Rebellion Skill effects not working Please help....
  4. how can i remove red name when disguise as monster is active i notice when i use disguise and my level is higher than other player my name turned to red Question : is there anyway i can remove it or... turn it to pink like level range? Question : is this a hardcoded to the client? or src?
  5. i tried it but when the rand value return to previews deletearray value it return 0 and give error because .@item_id≠@item_id and set @ind, rand(0,getarraysize(.@item_id)-1); deletearray <array name>[<first value>],<how much to delete>; prontera,155,125,4 script test 4_m_genie,{ setarray .@item_id[0],501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510; for(.@i=0; .@i<5;.@i++){ .@pass = 0; // random item .@item = .@item_id[rand(0,getarraysize(.@item_id)-1)]; if(getarraysize(.@del) != 0){ for(.@j=0; .@j<getarraysize(.@del);.@j++){ if(.@del[.@j]==.@item) // repeat break; if(.@j == (getarraysize(.@del)-1)) .@pass = 1; } } else { .@pass = 1; } if(.@pass == 1){ getitem .@item,1; // record gived .@del[.@i] = .@item; } else { .@i -= 1; } } end; } wow another knowledge acquired thankyou for the information thank you again...
  6. i tried it but when the rand value return to previews deletearray value it return 0 and give error
  7. yeah i think it will give unlimited loop when the rand value return the same correct me if im wrong or can you give me some idea to optimize this?
  8. prontera,155,125,4 script test 4_m_genie,{ setarray .@item_id[0],501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510; for(.@i=0; .@i<5;.@i++){ .@pass = 0; while(1){ // random item .@item = .@item_id[rand(0,getarraysize(.@item_id)-1)]; if(getarraysize(.@del) != 0){ for(.@j=0; .@j<getarraysize(.@del);.@j++){ if(.@del[.@j]==.@item) // repeat break; if(.@j == (getarraysize(.@del)-1)) .@pass = 1; } } else { break; } if(.@pass == 1) break; } getitem .@item,1; // record gived .@del[.@i] = .@item; } end; } woooow! thank you @a91323 your script perfectly works! to my condition thankyou so much!!! and thankyou @Kamii
  9. Hi @Kamii thank you for your reply i use this like this yes it gives 5 items but... some on it give the same item when the random value is the same as the preview value i need that 5 random items differently when receive by the player.
  10. Hi rAthena, Question : - How can a npc script give 5 different items randomly in a array at the same-time. Example : - setarray .@item_id, 501,502,503,504,505,506,507,508,509,510; can someone help me? Thank you in advance
  11. Hi rAthena, i'm having a problem in Random Option : • After using "setrandomoption" command to the item it successfully added random option but... when i relog, it not save to the character the bonus are removed but.. when you put it to storage / cart or attempt to put random option to another item it saved. * Here some screenshots : - This item : - added random option : - Relog : Random option removed : - put random option to other item : - After relog : EDIT : this is how to reproduce this again step 1 : create @item shoes step 2 : equip that shoes step 3 : relog [ to save the shoes state on sql ] step 4 : login again step 5 : put setrandomoption to that item script used : setrandomoption(2,0,1,10,0); step 6 : relog step 7 : login again and the item don't have randomoption Is i'm only one having this problem? i'm using latest git please help thank you in advance
  12. is someone got ranger costume please share thankyou
  13. hi rathena, how to remove xmas(lutie) snow and other fields with snow i used up @snow or clearweather but nothing happen please help thank you in advance
  14. is there any possibility that this plugin works on 2015-09-16Ragexe?
  15. HI. Use this : mes " <ITEMLINK>Text<INFO>item_id</INFO></ITEMLINK>"; Hi thank you for your reply @Balfear i already tried it but this is the result im using 2015-10-29aRagexe
  16. hi guys i just wonder how can i do this? clickable link and shows item description in a script? picture credit to : Emistry Haoyan
  17. how can i make this work in the latest git? please help i got error mob_controller_17100.patch
  18. hakuren

    about @noks

    YESSS IT WORKS!!! i dont know how to thank you both, but now it works super thankyou !! jezznar,haizel
  19. hakuren

    about @noks

    i'd change ksprotection into 15000 like what you use but still other player can attack that monster here some screenshots Player 1 Actives the @noks Player 1 Attacking Monster Player 2 Player 2 Still can attack Player 1's monster have you tried looking at the "battle chat" and check if gives off damage? I think it only changes the damage to 0 but does not stop a player from doing an attack animation. Also, notice the monster's HP is not going down. here :
  20. more Detail plss Show what did you edit! thankyou for your reply i use script command for this and it works
  21. hakuren

    about @noks

    Hi rathena, i think @noks is not working in my server or i missing something heres my config : // Time in milliseconds to activate protection against Kill Steal // Set to 0 to disable it. // If this is activated and a player is using @noks, damage from others players (KS) not in the party // will be reduced to 0. ksprotection: 3600000 // 1 Hour Player 1 Active @noks Player 2 Still can attack Player 1 target monster
  22. Hi guys, Im making a custom event that change all monster behavior in the area my question is how to control their mode like Skill Spirit_Control? turning aggressiveness to passive one like : sc_start4(NULL,&md->bl, SC_MODECHANGE, 100,1,0, MD_AGGRESSIVE, 0, 0); // target mob will become aggressive is there a way that this MD_AGGRESSIVE turn them to PASSIVE? i search for MD_PASSIVE but i don't see any command like that Please Help me and Thank you in advance
  23. Hi guys, is there anyway that an npc can check what instance "name" currently activate to the player's party like " 'instancename$ " or is there anyway like annieruru's script ( instance__ ) can be done using this new instance commands? Note : i just want to create when player is out from the instance map it will automatically destroy due to the timeout set. example : timeout from map 20 seconds. like that sorry for my bad english
  24. hi guys i'd try to use dispbottom and @me to latest svn and client 2013-08-07aRagexe but after i use this to my script dispbottom "Your points has been increased by : 1000"; and @me "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" (note: i edit the structure of message i remove player name and *: :* symbol) my client crash is there anyway that this can be fix?
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