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Everything posted by hakuren

  1. oh its line 3956 in msgstringtable.txt Thank you...
  2. is there a way to change Unequip all in the Equipment ui to other language im trying to change it to my language Thank you in Advance
  3. what you want to do is possible if you know how to hex your client aura is hard coded in the client itself. i think functor got that modification try to contact him.
  4. i don't have restore model culling in my client thats why the structure still visible not transparent
  5. is there a way hateffect not appear in object structure such as buildings?
  6. ohh i didn't see that file thank you sir
  7. hi as the title says how to use map-server-generator.exe i just downloaded latest git from github rathena it included new update Generate Reputation UI bson files i tried to make new reputation id : 5 and named it testing and run the ./map-server-generator.exe but the cmd report is error "[Error]: No options passed to the map generator, you must set at least one." can you please teach me how to use it thank you in advance.
  8. i tried to make my pet cast AL_BLESSING to me but its not working heres all i done i already change battle configuration -> pet 1. pet_support_min_friendly: 900 2. pet_status_support: yes 3. pet_support_rate: 1000 and add SupportScript line in my pet petskillsupport 34,10,10,90,90; but not working only petloot <max> working properly hope someone can help me
  9. i just updated to latest rathena git now my problem is when the player have orcish cast by angeling this player is cannot see itself having orcish but other player can see the photo attached thank you in advance to those who can help me my server running on Pre-Re
  10. Hi rA Is there a way to remove title name in the red circle (see in the picture) i cant find it on msgstringtable.txt maybe its hardcoded in the client please help thank you in advance
  11. I was trying to store it as a variable for my system
  12. Hi Rathena, Is it possible to record player damage received from monster? like storing it to variable @damage_received Please help... Thank you in advance
  13. Hi rathena * As the title says, is there a way to automatically move the item like @item created then goes automatically to favorite tab? Thank you in advance to those who can help Godspeed rathena ?
  14. Thank you for answering
  15. no... this command i just trying to know if its possible to make change of the color
  16. Hi rAthena is there a way to change showscript color like 0xFF0000=Red. Thank you in advance
  17. PROBLEM SOLVE : the shield ID should in the range of client default or else it will recognize as weapon
  18. hi @Akbare thank you for your reply can you give me a example cuz i just want to mimic the buckler view id itself so i need to duplicate the buckler sprite and put it example Merchant Shield : ¸»óÀÎ?
  19. Hi Rathena i have a problem creating new shield even i use the buckler view id it doesn't show in my character here what i did item_db (Server Side) itemInfo (Client Side) after i add those still no view in my character is someone can help me with this? Thank you in advance ?
  20. Thank you for the reply i already found answer with this i just created new function that tricks the packet that only sending the hateffect on self by using "clif_send" to SELF and hateffect send by SELF , AREA , TARGET Thank you by the way ?
  21. Hi rAthena, I'm requesting or can someone enlighten me how to ignore item inside the favorite tab from the total number of items in the inventory. Thank you in advance ?
  22. Hi rathena, is there a way that hateffect can only see by self not in the area thank you in advance to those can help me with this
  23. Hi rathena, Question : is there a way to show 1st 2nd 3rd skill tab in the skill tree even your novice, 1st job and 2nd job?
  24. yea i did that but still when you click it in emotion icon list(alt+L), in the chat box still ./no1 not /like Untitled.mp4
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