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syn9673 last won the day on April 26 2019

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About syn9673

  • Birthday 06/15/2005

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  1. Anyone has ever thought of making a new Control Panel with react?
  2. The only advantage this has is the fact that it's simple to use, has an easy to setup config. But you need to install node.js And this would also work for linux.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    sqlbackup A super simple and lightweight SQL Database Backup System. This auto backsup your database every 24 Hours or more. Can't go less. Requirements - NodeJS v12+ - Understanding Installation - Download the Code. (can use git) - Go to the main directory of the code using your terminal/cmd. (Where index.js is) // run $ node . // or $ node index How to run this 24/7? This will close when you close your terminal. I good way to keep this up without closing is using `pm2`. To install `pm2`, simply do the following. $ npm install pm2 -g // or $ yarn add pm2 -g How would i run it? $ pm2 start index.js (Make sure you're in the main directory of the code. Where index.js is) That would make it run 24/7 even when closing the terminal/cmd. Config Defaults: { "mysql": { "username": "username", "password": "password", "host": "localhost", "port": 3306, "databases": [ "rathena4444_rag", "rathena4444_log" ] }, "backupInterval": 86400 } config.mysql is where all your mysql data would be. *.username is what your mysql username is. *.password is the password for your mysql username. *.host is where the mysql server is hosted. or localhost for the same host or vps. *.port is the port of the mysql host. *.databases[] an array of the name of the databases to backup. config.backupInterval is the amount of seconds to wait before creating a new backup. Default is 86400 (1 day). Take note that you can't go less than 86400. How does this work? I simply used child_process to create a new process and would run mysqldump to export Mysql databases. After exporting, the code closes the process of the ran command and then would wait for the interval to be finished, then repeat the process.
  4. A much faster and easier way that worked for me is installing node.js. Once installing it, simply open Windows Powershell as Admin then run `npm install windows-build-tools -g` After that, open start menu and find MSBuild Command Prompt. Then go to your rAthena dir and build using `msbuild`. You could also try finding where `msbuild.exe` is located then add it to your path for much easier access.
  5. sqlbackup A super simple and lightweight SQL Database Backup System. This auto backsup your database every 24 Hours or more. Can't go less. Download (Code Here) Requirements - NodeJS v12+ - Understanding Installation - Download the Code. (can use git) - Go to the main directory of the code using your terminal/cmd. (Where index.js is) // run $ node . // or $ node index How to run this 24/7? This will close when you close your terminal. I good way to keep this up without closing is using `pm2`. To install `pm2`, simply do the following. $ npm install pm2 -g // or $ yarn add pm2 -g How would i run it? $ pm2 start index.js (Make sure you're in the main directory of the code. Where index.js is) That would make it run 24/7 even when closing the terminal/cmd. Config Defaults: { "mysql": { "username": "username", "password": "password", "host": "localhost", "port": 3306, "databases": [ "rathena4444_rag", "rathena4444_log" ] }, "backupInterval": 86400 } config.mysql is where all your mysql data would be. *.username is what your mysql username is. *.password is the password for your mysql username. *.host is where the mysql server is hosted. or localhost for the same host or vps. *.databases[] an array of the name of the databases to backup. config.backupInterval is the amount of seconds to wait before creating a new backup. Default is 86400 (1 day). Take note that you can't go less than 86400. How does this work? I simply used child_process to create a new process and would run mysqldump to export Mysql databases. After exporting, the code closes the process of the ran command and then would wait for the interval to be finished, then repeat the process.
  6. How does FluxCP fetch the server status of a server? And how do they make it so it doesn't consider it a ddos attack.
  7. syn9673

    Storage Items

    so it just uses the itemdb and convert it to iteminfo.lua and then uses that as reference ?
  8. syn9673

    Storage Items

    @sader1992 ah so it uses the itemInfo.lua instead?
  9. syn9673

    Storage Items

    how does fluxcp get the item names when it display storage item?
  10. Why not just use the floating ip as the server ip?
  11. How does fluxcp insert the YYYY-MM-DD format in birthdate, cause when i do it, it is formatted to iso. Thanks. Edit: ( Making it much clearer ) Was wandering what does fluxcp do in order to save YYYY-MM-DD format to the birthdate column. Because when i did it, using nodejs. It formatted it to an ISO Date. Anyone knows why?
  12. You don't need to do those, just make sure that your ragnarok server and vps server is in the same ip/machine. Grab your ip by searching "What's my ip". And once you have it, just open ports for that ip. If you're on a VPS, use that ip. And open the ports for char, map and login server. By default those ports are 6900, 5121, 6121
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