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Poring (1/15)



  1. @sader1992 Sir is that possible to make the script to show also the other account with same gepard unique ID. for eg, 192323232 {Julia, stellla, SSdder} or to align the result according to its gepard id. for eg, 192323232 {Julia} 192323232 {stellla} 192323232 {SSdder} thanks!
  2. Put this at the top of script if(#Quest_CD> gettimetick(2)) { msg "Come Back Later"; end; } put this after player get item set #Quest_CD,gettimetick(2) + 3600; // set your cooldown
  3. good day @Alayne I have some problem in instance script "Endless Cellar" issue: The warp portal fail to be triggered. which includes - direct warp to level 40 using ashes - successfully clear level 1 mob I have attached the error lines, can you please advise if there's a solution for this. thanks!
  4. Hi. for me this part doesnt work. Any idea how to get this work? I want to limit the number of player of each guild to enter to the map. OnPCLoadMapEvent: if( getcharid(2) == $App_Guilds[.@i] ){ .count = 0; .@origin = getcharid(3); addrid 3, 0, getcharid(2); if ( strcharinfo(3) == .checkmap$ ) .count++; if ( !.@origin ) end; if ( .count > 5 ) { // 5 means only 5 players per guild allowed in a map. message strcharinfo(0), "Your guild members are over the limit"; sleep2 2000; warp "SavePoint", 0,0; } } end;
  5. @Alayne Good day, is it possible for us to set the rewards ( astral temple ) for party leader only?
  6. Hi @AnnieRuru good day. Do you have any script related to this? mind to share? ? thanks in advance
  7. pump this. anyone has the script done?
  8. as titled, I am looking for a script which will count the defense duration of the owner guild, for example if they defend for 15minutes they will have 15 points and the emperium owner at the end will receive certain points also. and the reward will be given to the guild with highest point. currently im using KOE v3 from Annie, which gives reward to the emperium holder only. thanks in advance!
  9. I can’t seem to find it. Maybe it is hard coded.
  10. So I set the @autoloot 1% and set the poring card from 1% to 2% using mapflag the poring card does collected by @autoloot ( means system still take it as 1% drop ) but there is no rare announcement ( means system take the value as after mapflag ) have you checked the previous mapflag? There are some lines which I couldn’t understand. Don’t know if it helps.
  11. @AndyTheGoblin thanks mate! it works. one more question, is it able to sustain the db droprate announcement. for example the default droprate for poring card is 1%. I use the droprate flag make it to 2% but i still want the announcement 1% to happen. is that possible?
  12. it doesnt matter if we need to recompile the src. as long as it works. >.<
  13. Thanks man. Is it able to make it also 10% 50% , like reduction number
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