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Everything posted by lelouchxv

  1. How can i edit this part of the script i want to remove PCcafe + TPLUS + Classic Server
  2. still the same bro Thankyou master! it worked i remove all clear ();
  3. How can i fix this guys? any help would be appreciated! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ___________ _____.__ // \__ ___/__.__.________/ ____\__| ____ ____ // | | < | |\_ __ \ __\| |/ \ / ___\ // | | \___ | | | \/| | | | | \/ /_/ > // |____| / ____| |__| |__| |__|___| /\___ / // \/ Scripts \//_____/ // //===================================================== // Name: Race to Max Level // // Description: // This NPC allows for Game Masters to set a reward to // be given to the first player of each 2nd class that // reaches maximum level (base and class). //===================================================== /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// prontera,147,180,5 script Race to Max Level 58,{ set .@gm_level, 99; // GM level required to set the reward set .@maxbase, 99; set .@maxjob, 70; set .@defaultreward, 510; setarray .@rewardablejobs[0], Job_Lord_Knight, Job_Creator, Job_Assassin_Cross, Job_Clown, Job_Whitesmith, Job_Paladin, Job_Gypsy, Job_Sniper, Job_Champion, Job_High_Priest, Job_Stalker, Job_Professor, Job_High_Wizard; Begin: clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; mes "Hello, " + ((getgmlevel() >= .@gm_level) ? "master! What do you want to do today?" : "are you here for your reward?"); switch(select(((getgmlevel() >= .@gm_level) ? "Set Reward:Restart Race" : ":") + ":YES!:...Reward?:Who was rewarded?:Cancel")) { case 1: goto SetReward; case 2: goto RestartRace; case 3: goto GetReward; case 4: goto ExplainRace; case 5: goto ShowRewarded; default: end; } SetReward: clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; if ($reward == 0) set $reward, .@defaultreward; mes "The reward is " + getitemname($reward) + " (ID: " + $reward + ")."; mes "Do you want to change it?"; if (select("Yes:No") == 1) { clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; mes "Please enter the new reward item ID."; input .@rewardid; clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; mes "Set " + getitemname(.@rewardid) + " as the reward?"; if(select("Yes:No") == 1) { set $reward, .@rewardid; } } goto Begin; RestartRace: clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; mes "Are you sure you want to restart the race?"; if (select("Yes:No") == 1) { for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rewardablejobs); .@i++) { set $rewarded$[.@rewardablejobs[.@i]], ""; } announce "The Race to Max Level has begun! Claim a reward once you reach " + .@maxbase + " base and " + .@maxjob + " class!", bc_all; } goto Begin; GetReward: mes "Let's see... " + strcharinfo(0) + ", huh?"; set .@competitioner, 0; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rewardablejobs); .@i++) { if (Class == .@rewardablejobs[.@i]) { set .@competitioner, 1; if (BaseLevel < .@maxbase || JobLevel < .@maxjob) { mes "I'm sorry, but you still need to level a bit more."; } else if ($rewarded$[Class] == strcharinfo(0)) { mes "You have already claimed your reward."; } else if ($rewarded$[Class] != "") { mes "Too late!"; mes "The reward for " + jobname(Class) + " was already claimed by " + $rewarded$[Class] + "."; } else goto GiveReward; } } if (.@competitioner == 0) mes "You need to change your job."; close; GiveReward: set $rewarded$[Class], strcharinfo(0); clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; mes "Congratulations! You were the first " + jobname(Class) + " to reach " + .@maxbase + " base and " + .@maxjob + " class!"; getitem $reward, 1; announce strcharinfo(0) + " (" + jobname(Class) + ") reached Max. Level and received " + getitemname($reward) + "!", bc_all; close; ExplainRace: clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; mes "Yes! When you reach the maximum level for your class, talk to me and you'll be rewarded with a special item."; next; goto Begin; ShowRewarded: clear; mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]"; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rewardablejobs); .@i++) { mes jobname(.@rewardablejobs[.@i]) + ": " + (($rewarded$[.@rewardablejobs[.@i]] != "") ? $rewarded$[.@rewardablejobs[.@i]] : "^ff0000Nobody^000000"); } next; goto Begin; }
  4. i did use it and i make my grf and my system after i update my kro . its still the same ? bmp any1? Thankyou! i ddnt know that i should use those sorry. it worked!
  5. i used that already what do i need to update? to translate the korean symbols
  6. How to fix this any help would be appreciated! im using 20180620 Client
  7. i did and i did your work around too its still not working when im using 2018 clients it crashes
  8. why this is not working on 2015-11-04 ?
  9. the bidder got the bets but the race is not start and how can i make this accessible all the time. like you can always play it? Thanks in advance! //===== Description: ================================================= //= Poring Race //================================================================== /* if(getgmlevel()){ if(select("Start Bidding:Skip")==1){ goto Start1; } else close; } else */ p_track01 mapflag nobranch p_track01 mapflag noicewall p_track01 mapflag nomemo p_track01 mapflag noreturn p_track01 mapflag noteleport p_track01 mapflag nowarpto p_track01 mapflag nowarp p_track01 mapflag pvp off p_track01 mapflag nosave - script PraceAnnouncer -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "Prace"; disablenpc "Bidder#prace0"; end; OnMinute50: announce "Poring Race : It's time to play Poring Race!",0; set $accessPrace, 1; sleep2 10000; announce "Poring Race : Please make your way to Prontera 180 132.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Poring Race : After one minute the portal will close.",0; sleep2 10000; announce "Poring Race : Enter the warp portal now if you want to join.",0; enablenpc "Prace"; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: announce "Poring Race : Last 30 seconds.",0; sleep2 5000; announce "Poring Race : Hurry up! at Prontera 180 132 if you want to join.",0; end; OnTimer50000: announce "Poring Race : Last 10 seconds.",0; end; OnTimer55000: announce "Poring Race : 5.",0; end; OnTimer56000: announce "Poring Race : 4.",0; end; OnTimer57000: announce "Poring Race : 3.",0; end; OnTimer58000: announce "Poring Race : 2.",0; end; OnTimer59000: announce "Poring Race : 1.",0; end; OnTimer60000: announce "Poring Race : Time's up. Portal Will Open again in 50 minutes.",0; end; OnTimer61000: disablenpc "Prace"; enablenpc "Bidder#prace0"; stopnpctimer; end; OnPraceEnd: set $accessPrace, 0; announce "Poring Race is over!",0,0xFFAB54; end; } prontera,180,132,5 script Poring Race::Prace 723,{ if( $accessPrace == 0) { mes "[Poring Race Staff]"; mes "Poring Race has ended."; close; } mes "[Poring Race Staff]"; mes "Do you want to participate on Poring Race?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",L_no; if( $accessPrace == 0) { mes "[Poring Race Staff]"; mes "..."; mes "..."; mes "Cheater!!~~"; close; } close2; warp "p_track01",52,41; end; L_no: next; mes "[Poring Race Staff]"; mes "See you again next time!"; close; } p_track01,78,42,0 warp p_track002 1,3,prontera,142,170 //NPC Checker - script Checker#prace0 -1,{ end; OnChequeo: for(set .@tmp1,0;.@tmp1<(getarraysize($prace_bidders));set .@tmp1,.@tmp1+1) { if(attachrid($prace_bidders[.@tmp1])) { if( prace_playing != 1) end; dispbottom "The winner is "+$prace_winner$+" and you have bet for "+prace_winner$+"."; if( prace_winner$ == $prace_winner$ && prace_winner$ != "") { dispbottom "You have won!"+Pods; mapannounce "p_track01"," Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+" has won with",1,0xFFAB54; getitem 7179, (Pods * 2); emotion 21,1; } else dispbottom "You have lost."; emotion 28,1; set prace_winner$,""; set prace_playing,0; } //else { announce .@tmp1+" || "+$prace_bidders[.@tmp1],bc_all; } //debug } for( set .@tmp1,0; .@tmp1 < (getarraysize( $prace_bidders )); set .@tmp1,.@tmp1 + 1 ) { set $prace_bidders[.@tmp1],0; } } //NPC Principal 765 p_track01,58,41,3 script Bidder#prace0 877,{ if($prace_random < 1) callsub OnInit; if( prace_playing == 1) { mes "[Bidder]"; mes "You have choose ^00bb00"+prace_winner$+"^000000"; close; } getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x1,.@y,1,"Poring#prace1"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x2,.@y,1,"Angeling#prace2"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x3,.@y,1,"Metaling#prace3"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x4,.@y,1,"Deviling#prace4"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x5,.@y,1,"Santa Poring#prace5"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x6,.@y,1,"Poporing#prace6"); if (.@x1 != 58 || .@x2 != 58 || .@x3 != 58 || .@x4 != 58 || .@x5 != 58 || .@x6 != 58) { mes "[Bidder]"; mes "There is a race in progress..."; close; } //set .@prace_zeny,3500; input Pods; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Choose the poring you want to bet:"; mes "It will cost "+Pods+" PODS."; //next; switch( select("Poring","Angeling","Metaling","Deviling","Santa Poring","Poporing","None.") ) { case 1: set .@thining$,"Poring"; break; case 2: set .@thining$,"Angeling"; break; case 3: set .@thining$,"Metaling"; break; case 4: set .@thining$,"Deviling"; break; case 5: set .@thining$,"Santa Poring"; break; case 6: set .@thining$,"Poporing"; break; case 7: mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Goodbye."; close; } getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x1,.@y,1,"Poring#prace1"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x2,.@y,1,"Angeling#prace2"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x3,.@y,1,"Metaling#prace3"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x4,.@y,1,"Deviling#prace4"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x5,.@y,1,"Santa Poring#prace5"); getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x6,.@y,1,"Poporing#prace6"); if (.@x1 != 58 || .@x2 != 58 || .@x3 != 58 || .@x4 != 58 || .@x5 != 58 || .@x6 != 58) { mes "[Bidder]"; mes "..."; mes "..."; mes "Cheater!!~~"; close; } if (countitem(7179) <= 0) { mes "[Bidder]"; mes "You dont have enough Pots."; close; } if ((Pods) <= 0) { mes "[Bidder]"; mes "Please place your bet!"; close; } if ((Pods) > (countitem(7179))) { mes "[Bidder]"; mes "You dont have enough PODS to bet"; close; } if (countitem(7179) == 30000) { mes "[Bidder]"; mes "You have reach the maximum number of credits"; close; } delitem 7179,Pods; set prace_winner$,.@thining$; set $prace_bets,$prace_bets+1; set $prace_bidders[$prace_bets],getcharid(3); set prace_playing,1; mes "[Bidder]"; mes "I have "+$prace_bets+" bets."; setnpctimer 60000; startnpctimer; npctalk "I got "+strcharinfo(0)+" bet!"; close; Start1: setnpctimer 0; startnpctimer; end; StartRace: donpcevent "Metaling#prace3::OnRace"; donpcevent "Poring#prace1::OnRace"; donpcevent "Poporing#prace6::OnRace"; donpcevent "Angeling#prace2::OnRace"; donpcevent "Santa Poring#prace5::OnRace"; donpcevent "Deviling#prace4::OnRace"; end; OnStopRace: donpcevent "Poring#prace1::OnStop"; donpcevent "Angeling#prace2::OnStop"; donpcevent "Metaling#prace3::OnStop"; donpcevent "Deviling#prace4::OnStop"; donpcevent "Santa Poring#prace5::OnStop"; donpcevent "Poporing#prace6::OnStop"; if($prace_winner$!="") callsub WinRace; end; ReturnRace: donpcevent "Poring#prace1::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Angeling#prace2::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Metaling#prace3::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Deviling#prace4::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Santa Poring#prace5::OnReturn"; donpcevent "Poporing#prace6::OnReturn"; end; WinRace: mapannounce "p_track01","The winner is "+$prace_winner$,1,0xFFAB54; donpcevent "Checker#prace0::OnChequeo"; sleep2 10000; mapwarp "p_track01","prontera",156,181; set $accessPrace, 0; setnpctimer 30000; startnpctimer; donpcevent "PraceAnnouncer::OnPraceEnd"; end; OnInit: set $prace_random,70; set $prace_random2,600; set $prace_winner$,""; set $prace_bets,0; set $prace_bidders,0; end; OnTimer500: mapannounce "p_track01","Porings, on your marks...",1,0xFFAB54; end; OnTimer3000: mapannounce "p_track01","...3...",1,0xFFAB54; end; OnTimer4000: mapannounce "p_track01","...2...",1,0xFFAB54; end; OnTimer5000: mapannounce "p_track01","...1...",1,0xFFAB54; callsub StartRace; end; OnTimer6000: stopnpctimer; mapannounce "p_track01","Gooo!!!",1,0xFFAB54; end; OnTimer35000: set $prace_winner$,""; set $prace_bets,0; stopnpctimer; callsub ReturnRace; end; OnTimer90000: npctalk "I got "+$prace_bets+" bets. Anyone else?"; end; OnTimer110000: npctalk "The race will start soon. Last chance."; end; OnTimer120000: goto Start1; end; } //----------------------------------- // Racer NPC's //----------------------------------- p_track01,58,38,2 script Poring#prace1 1002,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,38; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Poring#prace1"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2); startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Poring"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } end; } p_track01,58,36,2 script Angeling#prace2 1096,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,36; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Angeling#prace2"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2);startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Angeling"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } end; } p_track01,58,34,2 script Metaling#prace3 1613,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,34; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Metaling#prace3"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2);startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Metaling"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } end; } p_track01,58,32,2 script Deviling#prace4 1582,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,32; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Deviling#prace4"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2);startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Deviling"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } end; } p_track01,58,30,2 script Santa Poring#prace5 1062,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,30; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy( .@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Santa Poring#prace5"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2);startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Santa Poring"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } end; } p_track01,58,28,2 script Poporing#prace6 1031,{ end; OnRace: initnpctimer; startnpctimer; end; OnStop: stopnpctimer; end; OnReturn: npcwalkto 58,28; end; OnTimer1100: getmapxy(.@mapname$,.@x,.@y,1,"Poporing#prace6"); if(rand(100) < $prace_random) npcwalkto .@x-1,.@y; setnpctimer rand($prace_random2);startnpctimer; if ((.@x-1) == 29) { set $prace_winner$,"Poporing"; emotion 29; donpcevent "Bidder#prace0::OnStopRace"; } end; }
  10. if (.Timer) end; set .Change,0; setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",795; npctalk "Disguise Event : You took too long to guess what I was "+$MonsterName$+". Please wait 10 seconds while I disguise again."; specialeffect EF_DETECT2; set $MonsterName$,""; deletepset 1; stopnpctimer; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer; end; its correct but still not giving any prize Any fix for this?
  11. Yes i did, i change it to 0 and it won't let me open my client. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>sakray</servertype> <connection> <display>Hex Ragnarok Online</display> <balloon>Hex Ragnarok Online</balloon> <desc>Hex Ragnarok Online</desc> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>24</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <registrationweb>flux.domain.com</registrationweb> <aid> <admin>2000000</admin> </aid> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> </loading> </connection> </clientinfo> Bmp need help
  12. IM USING THE LATEST Disguise event NPC https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/custom/events/disguise.txt
  13. did all of this but still it won't show in my client
  14. im having a hard time i already did this Custom aura.7z
  15. i downloaded latest KRO, How do i download update lua files?
  16. All of the previous SRC codes are not working fine ?
  17. if (!i && (skill_id == RG_STRIPWEAPON || skill_id == RG_STRIPSHIELD || skill_id == RG_STRIPARMOR || skill_id == RG_STRIPHELM)) { int idx = sd ? pc_search_inventory(sd, 7321) : -1; if (idx >= 0) { struct status_change *sc_ = status_get_sc(src); if (sc_->data[SC_SPIRIT]) { if (sc_->data[SC_SPIRIT]->val2 == SL_ROGUE) { if (rnd() % 100 >= ii) { enum sc_type sc_atk; if (skill_id == RG_STRIPWEAPON) sc_atk = SC_STRIPWEAPON; else if (skill_id == RG_STRIPSHIELD) sc_atk = SC_STRIPSHIELD; else if (skill_id == RG_STRIPARMOR) sc_atk = SC_STRIPARMOR; else if (skill_id == RG_STRIPHELM) sc_atk = SC_STRIPHELM; else sc_atk = SC_NONE; if (sc_atk != SC_NONE) { sc_start(bl, sc_atk, 100, skill_lv, d); clif_skill_nodamage(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, i); i = 1; } } pc_delitem(sd, idx, 1, 0, 1, LOG_TYPE_NONE); } } } } im new to src editing this is the code
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