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Everything posted by Mahiro

  1. Está no Geral, só não lembro como achei. Quando for adicionando os itens dessa DB você equipa eles antes de adicionar outros, alguns estão com status errado, daí o map-server mostra o erro. Proteção do Gigante por exemplo assim que você equipar vai dar um erro no map-server
  2. O Vestido Abissal está na db, com ID diferente, em relação aos outros você pode adicionar manualmente existe um Tópico no próprio rAthena com o resto por sorte eu tenho o arquivo salvo mas o link do Tópico não. item_db item_combo_db
  3. Hi, next I'm trying to make in DAY X, TIME X, the script below happens. So far so good. The problem starts when I'm trying to get the ID all three different Guild characters to send everyone email with items, but that does not happen he just delivers to everyone from the first Guild, and ignores the other two. I believe the problem is in SQL Query if someone can give help, tell me where I'm wrong thank you ^^ PS: It's been a while since I started scripting so let's take it easy if(gettime(DT_DAYOFMONTH) == 16){ OnClock2127: query_sql "UPDATE `rwoe` SET `kd`= (`kills`-`deaths`) WHERE `rwoe`.`guild_id` >=1"; query_sql "SELECT `guild_id` FROM `rwoe` ORDER BY `kd` DESC LIMIT 3",.@guild_id; query_sql "SELECT `char_id` FROM `char` WHERE `guild_id`="+.@guild_id+"",.@charid; for(.@i=0; .@i<getarraysize(.@charid); .@i++) { .@sender$ = "1"; .@title$ = "1"; .@body$ = "1"; .@zeny = 0; setarray .@mailitem[0], 607, 608, 609, 610; setarray .@mailamount[0], 10, 5, 1, 1; setarray .@mailcard0[0], 0, 0, 0, 0; setarray .@mailcard1[0], 0, 0, 0, 0; setarray .@mailcard2[0], 0, 0, 0, 0; // EMAIL mail .@charid[.@i], .@sender$, .@title$, .@body$, .@zeny, .@mailitem, .@mailamount, .@mailcard0, .@mailcard1, .@mailcard2; } end; }
  4. Mahiro

    Job Suits

    Well now I believe I understand. I believe it can be done like this: When he dies he checks if he is equipped with the item if he is +1 the variable at the time of a certain value, say that it would be at most 100, +100 it would not change to last, it would change to penultimate Class. *There is something else, you would need an item / NPC to reset this value, the reset would be like a repairer for it. Is that what I said? *edit: if you do not need to repair discard that part
  5. Mahiro

    Job Suits

    Excuse me, Be the clearest, I honestly do not understand what you mean.
  6. It's like I quoted above, its function and make events, and not take care of the awards. Ask him to write down the names of who won the event and deliver it yourself.
  7. There is always! Or you give a command of this is someone you trust or just do not give, I would rather not give. I have a similar case, I trust GM, but the other team members do not. So I check his Log every day for no problems. Other, Event GM does not need @item, ask him to write down the name of the winners, Afterwards, you will receive the prizes. Same for @zeny.
  8. conf/battle/items.conf Early on: vending_tax: 500 vending_tax_min: 100000000
  9. Strange, I copied the exact script that passed me here worked perfectly, showed on the character's head.
  10. Sorry, What do you want to do? The command is correct
  11. - ID: 240500 Group: "AG_GET_ITEM" Name: "Jogador BETA" Condition: " ARG0 >= 3000000 " Reward: TitleID: 1035 Score: 30 [240500] = { UI_Type = 0, group = "GET_ITEM", major = 1, minor = 2, title = "Jogador BETA", content = { summary = "Seja BETA", details = "Teste o servidor em sua segunda fase.", }, resource = { [1] = { text = "Dado aos Jogadores que ajudaram o servidor em sua fase BETA. Obrigado!" } }, reward = { title = 1035 }, score = 30, } [1035] = "BETA" friend, I have no idea what version of rAthena you are using, or what date you are using, but I just got the same lines as the one you sent in the above Quote and works perfectly as you can see. Edit: In your 'achievement_db' file, the 'Reward:' and 'TitleID: ID'
  12. rAthena/doc/script_commands.txt Procura por isso aqui: *cutin "<filename>",<position>; Além de uma explicação de como faz já tem um exemplo pronto.
  13. Here a tutorial: Here to add a custom title: data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\titletable.lub
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