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Everything posted by LordJasz

  1. View File Daily Raffle / Sorteio Diário How does it work? It gives a random ticket to a player (between 1 ~ 10000). Como Funciona? Ele dá um ticket para o jogador (entre 1 ~ 10000) 14. set #evento, rand(1,10000); At 20:00 o'clock it triggers the biggest value and sets as the winner ticket. Às 20:00h ele configura o maior valor como valor do vencedor. 45. OnClock2000: 46. query_sql("select `value` from acc_reg_num where `key` = '#evento' order by `value` desc",.@winner); // IF YOU WANT TO TRIGGER RANDOMLY, NOT THE BIGGEST VALUE, USE THIS // SE VOCÊ QUER QUE ELE SELECIONE ALEATÓRIAMENTE, NÃO O MAIOR VALOR, USE ISTO query_sql("select `value` from acc_reg_num where `key` = '#evento' and `value` != 0 order by rand()",.@winner); And it will give 5~10 Yggdrasil Berry E ele vai dar entre 5~ 10 Frutos de Yggdrasil 33. getitem 607,rand(5,10); Any Question? Qualquer dúvida fale comigo fb.com/JoaoMarcoA discord: LordJasz#2310 Submitter LordJasz Submitted 08/17/2018 Category Games, Events, Quests Video Content Author LordJasz  
  2. Version 1.0


    How does it work? It gives a random ticket to a player (between 1 ~ 10000). Como Funciona? Ele dá um ticket para o jogador (entre 1 ~ 10000) 14. set #evento, rand(1,10000); At 20:00 o'clock it triggers the biggest value and sets as the winner ticket. Às 20:00h ele configura o maior valor como valor do vencedor. 45. OnClock2000: 46. query_sql("select `value` from acc_reg_num where `key` = '#evento' order by `value` desc",.@winner); // IF YOU WANT TO TRIGGER RANDOMLY, NOT THE BIGGEST VALUE, USE THIS // SE VOCÊ QUER QUE ELE SELECIONE ALEATÓRIAMENTE, NÃO O MAIOR VALOR, USE ISTO query_sql("select `value` from acc_reg_num where `key` = '#evento' and `value` != 0 order by rand()",.@winner); And it will give 5~10 Yggdrasil Berry E ele vai dar entre 5~ 10 Frutos de Yggdrasil 33. getitem 607,rand(5,10); Any Question? Qualquer dúvida fale comigo fb.com/JoaoMarcoA discord: LordJasz#2310
  3. Hello rAthenees. ? could someone help me creating a NPC that makes a Raffle Everyday? This is the very beggining of the script with the main idea. query_sql("select `value` from acc_reg_num where `key` = '#evento' order by `value` desc limit 1",.@winner); mes "Hello! Do you want to entry or receive your reward?"; next; menu "Yes",SIM,"No",NAO,"Reward",Recompensa; SIM: if(#evento<1){ set #evento, rand(1,10000); mes "Done. Your Number is "+#evento+"."; mes "Good Luck!"; } else{ mes "You're already participating. Your number is "+#evento+"."; mes "Good Luck!"; } close; end; NAO: mes "Okay! ^^"; close; end; Recompensa: if (#winner = 1){ mes "C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!" getitem 607, 10; set #winner,0; } else{ mes "Sorry, you're not the winner."; mes "Good luck next time!"; } close; end; OnClock1915: set #winner,1; // how can i set the winner here where #evento == .@winner? query_sql("UPDATE `acc_reg_num` SET `value` = '0' WHERE `key` ='#evento'"); Im stuck on how im gonna make it reset every day to make a new winner. someone could shine my mind? Thx
  4. Nicee, there was a hidden character. but... It's still not working Reasons 1. cooldown not working 2. the effect is appearing almost all the time when i get hit.
  5. everytime i get hit this message popsup. what could it be?
  6. Hi, ppl. when i try to maximize the minimap of a custom map, the client crashes. Why does it happen? should I create some specific file/img? thx
  7. Yep. I couldn't find any solution to set that ID. To solve im replacing "ghost" mobs.
  8. i doesn't have the trigger time, but it's better than i wanted! Thank you so much!
  9. (MaxHp) is it right? I tried but it didn't work fine. Sometimes it heals a bunch of times, sometimes it casts Kyrie 6x. Any Improvement?
  10. Can someone help me with a script for a item? What I want is: Script Basic for the Items When a player suffer damage and reach 'X'% HP he's healed by 'Y'% HP. And... If possible a buff trigger for the same item but 3 versions (3 different items but with the same above script + script below). Like: Item 1: Heal 'Y'% HP + Cast : Kyrie Eleison [Lv. 10] Item 2: Heal 'Y'% HP + Cast : Safety Wall [Lv. 10] (no need gems) Item 3: Heal 'Y'% HP + Cast : Blessing [Lv.10] + AgiUp [Lv. 10] Trigger CoolDown: 5 Minutes
  11. Sup people. I'm trying to create a npc that will update the emails and I don't know what is wrong... Here is the script. prontera,156,145,4 script Test NPC::test 589,{ set .@accountid,getcharid(3); mes "Do you want to register your email to receive our news?"; menu "Let's go!",-,"Nah, I'm okay.",L_No; next; mes "Type your email."; input (.@email,5,39); query_sql ( "UPDATE `login` SET `email` VALUE "+.@email" WHERE `account_id` LIKE "+.@accountid+""); next; mes "Muito bem seu e-mail foi cadastrado/atualizado!"; close; L_No: mes "Tudo bem." close; } Is anything right at least? Lol
  12. How can I fix the positions of NPCs where GM's can select the offer by the npcs. I'm on Morocc and the quest is set only for Geffen. But I can't pick it in Geffen but I can pick on Morroc. prontera,151,171,4 duplicate(mission_board) Prontera Quests#1 837 payon,186,104,4 duplicate(mission_board) Payon Quests#2 837 morocc,164,110,4 duplicate(mission_board) Morroc Quests#3 837 geffen,115,165,4 duplicate(mission_board) Geffen Quests#4 837 These are my 4 NPCs
  13. just create it on phpmyadmin going into> YOURDB_db > MySQL type it there CREATE TABLE rebirth_system ( accountid INT(11), name VAR(30), num_rebirth INT(3), last_ip VAR(100) ); When created you will have to go onto the created label > Structure > go to the line NAME, click on "MORE" and make it UNIQUE. - It will make you have only 1 log for each name. Without it you'll have a bugged Top50 rank.
  14. 100% working now! thank you. youre a beast o/
  15. Yeah I agree... but somehow it doesn't work for me, and doesn't show any kinda error, it just popup the window and i cannot move more. I put a close behind the brack_chance to at least when it fails i can close the window, but it seems that it is making the break not work: }else{ specialeffect2 155; mes "I am sorry"; mes "We did Fail"; specialeffect2 EF_PHARMACY_FAIL; close; <- [THIS ONE] if (rand(100) < .brack_chance){ set .@item, getequipid(.s_all_loc[s_all_selected]); delitem .@item,1; mes "and it broke!!"; specialeffect EF_SUI_EXPLOSION; } close; } end; i actually don't know how it's not working, seems ok for me either. Imma look for any news and I will post here what I find
  16. The chance for breaking the item is not working for me. (im using the 2.5V ALPHA) And when I fail it just pop up the next message and i cant do anything after this And I tried to put all values on .brack_chance = 100; //the chanse that it will brack if it fail and it never breaks the item. Could you help? ? }else{ specialeffect2 155; mes "I am sorry"; mes "We did Fail"; specialeffect2 EF_PHARMACY_FAIL; if (rand(100) < .brack_chance){ set .@item, getequipid(.s_all_loc[s_all_selected]); delitem .@item,1; mes "and it broke!!"; specialeffect EF_SUI_EXPLOSION; } close; } end;
  17. Idk what else I Could do. Everything is working 100% fine. I even got the same spr/act as the custom of a guy made a tutorial of. Can someone help me? data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\jobname.lub [jobtbl.JT_ZERO] = "ZERO", data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\npcidentify JT_ZERO = 30000, trunk\src\map\mob.c #define MIN_MOB_DB 1000 #define MAX_MOB_DB 3999 #define MIN_MOB_DB2 20020 #define MAX_MOB_DB2 31999 When I spawn the mob, the client just crashes.
  18. @Litro Endemic You = Insane. THX mate! The best way to solve it
  19. Thank you so much!! What did I do? I changed all file achievement_list.lub and i put only it achievement_tbl = {} end [EDIT] I had to clear the logs and change rathena\db\pre-re\achievement_db.yml and rathena\db\re\achievement_db.yml in order to dont show up more debugs
  20. Heello ppl. This is my 1st time posting on rAthena (sorry if the post is not on the right place). How can I remove the entire Achievements System in order to don't receive any message when doing anything. I checked on Hexed the option Hide Achievements Button but it still popup messages when killing mvp, reaching some level etc. I found a way to "disable" but the server always debug errors (and i want the server working 100% Healthy). THX
  21. how can I remove all the system? i tried to find the commands but i couldnt. ive already checked achievement_db.yml; achievement.c; and achievement.h.
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