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Everything posted by KoolKat29

  1. OMG, I've been waiting for a tool like this. I knew someone will release it, Thanks jTynne!!
  2. Thanks Sir Brian!! well, that will work for me.
  3. Thanks for the reply RMRO, Im fully aware of those commands. I was referring to gui style of windows when it comes to diffing from turtoisesvn XD and it should be make sql not
  4. Thanks RMRO for the reply. I was also thinking the same.How about if updating and compiling the server files via Windows OS, then run the server or just copy and replace the updated files into the linux server files? I mean especially for the src files?
  5. I have a question, is it okay if I update and compile via windows then run it on linux (Centos)?? Because I find it easy for me to update/diff my files on windows but I have a centos OS for my server. Anyon have tried this or is anyone doing this? Thanks.
  6. Thanks Euphy it's working great on my server.
  7. How about Account Bound only? To avoid creating new chars with the same account?
  8. Anyways, I've fixed the problem, Im not sure how and when and why did I change this in "CLIENT.CONF" // Set here which client version do you accept. Add all values of clients: // Clients older than accepted versions, and versions not set to 'accepted' // here will be rejected when logging in // 0x00001: Clients older than 2004-09-06aSakray (packet versions 5-9) // 0x00002: 2004-09-06aSakexe (version 10) // 0x00004: 2004-09-20aSakexe (version 11) // 0x00008: 2004-10-05aSakexe (version 12) // 0x00010: 2004-10-25aSakexe (version 13) // 0x00020: 2004-11-29aSakexe (version 14) // 0x00040: 2005-01-10bSakexe (version 15) // 0x00080: 2005-05-09aSakexe (version 16) // 0x00100: 2005-06-28aSakexe (version 17) // 0x00200: 2005-07-18aSakexe (version 18) // 0x00400: 2005-07-19bSakexe (version 19) // 0x00800: 2006-03-27aSakexe (version 20) // 0x01000: 2007-01-08aSakexe (version 21) // 0x02000: 2007-02-12aSakexe (version 22) // 0x04000: 2008-09-10aSakexe (version 23) // 0x08000: 2008-08-27aRagexeRE (version 24) // 0x10000: 2008-09-10aRagexeRE (version 25) // default value: 0xFFFFFF(all clients) packet_ver_flag: 0xFFFFFFF It should be // default value: 0xFFFFFF (all clients) packet_ver_flag: 0xFFFFFF
  9. No, from 7 online players they've rejected all and become zero [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 7 [status]: Request for connection of shaniev1 (ip: [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: shaniev1, id: 20000070, ip: [Notice]: User 'shaniev1' is already online - Rejected. [info]: Closed connection from ''. [status]: Request for connection of shaniev1 (ip: [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: shaniev1, id: 20000070, ip: [Notice]: User 'shaniev1' is already online - Rejected. [info]: Closed connection from ''. [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 0 Anyways, I've fixed the problem, Im not sure how and when and why did I change this in "CLIENT.CONF" // Set here which client version do you accept. Add all values of clients: // Clients older than accepted versions, and versions not set to 'accepted' // here will be rejected when logging in // 0x00001: Clients older than 2004-09-06aSakray (packet versions 5-9) // 0x00002: 2004-09-06aSakexe (version 10) // 0x00004: 2004-09-20aSakexe (version 11) // 0x00008: 2004-10-05aSakexe (version 12) // 0x00010: 2004-10-25aSakexe (version 13) // 0x00020: 2004-11-29aSakexe (version 14) // 0x00040: 2005-01-10bSakexe (version 15) // 0x00080: 2005-05-09aSakexe (version 16) // 0x00100: 2005-06-28aSakexe (version 17) // 0x00200: 2005-07-18aSakexe (version 18) // 0x00400: 2005-07-19bSakexe (version 19) // 0x00800: 2006-03-27aSakexe (version 20) // 0x01000: 2007-01-08aSakexe (version 21) // 0x02000: 2007-02-12aSakexe (version 22) // 0x04000: 2008-09-10aSakexe (version 23) // 0x08000: 2008-08-27aRagexeRE (version 24) // 0x10000: 2008-09-10aRagexeRE (version 25) // default value: 0xFFFFFF(all clients) packet_ver_flag: 0xFFFFFFF It should be // default value: 0xFFFFFF (all clients) packet_ver_flag: 0xFFFFFF
  10. Or use notepad++ to open the .lua files then save it as .lub files.
  11. Thanks for the reply Winz and sorry if im using this thread, its just we both have exactly the same problem.. I already have the latest rA svn. we can normally login in a an hour or more depends on how many players are currently logged in. If we get something like 9-13 players, it randomly disconnects the char server to my map server. No errors. But before we get disconnected, everyone is receiving the "Session Timeout # <diff numbers>" and that's the time when you started to login the account, it will say rejected from the server. correct mmo.h / packet_db.txt for 2012-04-10 client. no errors in compilation as well. No memory Leaks nor any error. here are the logs Char server [info]: Char load request (150104) [info]: storage load complete from DB - id: 20000033 (total: 41) [info]: Loaded char (150104 - tranxramos): status memo inventory cart storage skills friends hotkeys mercenary [info]: Selected char: (Account 20000033: 2 - tranxramos) [info]: Subnet check []: WAN [info]: mail load complete from DB - id: 150104 (total: 0) [info]: Saved char 150104 - tranxramos: status skills. [info]: Saved char 150104 - tranxramos: inventory storage status. [info]: Saved char 150066 - Cloud Hypermart: inventory status skills hotkeys. [info]: Saved char 150104 - tranxramos: inventory storage status hotkeys. [info]: Saved char 150102 - Kogie: status. [info]: Saved char 150104 - tranxramos: inventory storage status skills. [info]: Saved guild (2 - cRO GM Team): members [info]: Saved char 150023 - Amigo™: status. [info]: Saved char 150024 - Skyfire™: inventory status. [info]: Saved char 150104 - tranxramos: inventory status status2 skills. [info]: Saved char 150066 - Cloud Hypermart: inventory status skills hotkeys. [info]: Saved char 150102 - Kogie: status. [info]: Saved guild (2 - cRO GM Team): members [info]: Saved guild (2 - cRO GM Team): members [info]: Saved char 150023 - Amigo™: inventory status skills. [info]: Saved guild (2 - cRO GM Team): members [info]: Session #6 timed out [status]: Map-server #0 has disconnected. [info]: request connect - account_id:20000070/login_id1:1089664110/login_id2:1033329084 [info]: request connect - account_id:20000070/login_id1:250844380/login_id2:1133623311 [info]: request connect - account_id:20000070/login_id1:445289194/login_id2:150286243 Login Server: [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: ailyn, id: 20000042, ip: [status]: Connection of the account 'ailyn' accepted. [info]: Closed connection from ''. [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 8 [status]: Request for connection of shaniev1 (ip: [Notice]: Invalid password (account: 'shaniev1', pass: '09275314641', received pass: '', ip: [info]: Closed connection from ''. [status]: Request for connection of shaniev1 (ip: [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: shaniev1, id: 20000070, ip: [status]: Connection of the account 'shaniev1' accepted. [info]: Closed connection from ''. [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 9 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 8 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 7 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 6 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 7 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 8 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 7 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 6 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 7 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 6 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 7 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 6 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 7 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 6 [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 7 [status]: Request for connection of shaniev1 (ip: [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: shaniev1, id: 20000070, ip: [Notice]: User 'shaniev1' is already online - Rejected. [info]: Closed connection from ''. [status]: Request for connection of shaniev1 (ip: [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: shaniev1, id: 20000070, ip: [Notice]: User 'shaniev1' is already online - Rejected. [info]: Closed connection from ''. [status]: set users CataclysmRO : 0 [status]: Request for connection of shaniev1 (ip: [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: shaniev1, id: 20000070, ip: [Notice]: User 'shaniev1' is already online - Rejected. [info]: Closed connection from ''. [status]: Request for connection of shaniev1 (ip: and for the map logs, it's only Session "Timed out" for all players then disconnects. No errors.
  12. Am having the same problem. Sir Judas where can I repair the Map table? in my sql or in my server txt files?
  13. was this already solved? Im curious because I have the same problem. No crash dumps/ no signals. if the server received more than 5 players, the map server will be disconnected and it will reject all the players.
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