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Community Answers

  1. What's the difference between the original trade function and this one?
  2. Search for ratemyserver and then go to "Low Rate" at the left side. There you will be able to get a glance of many low rated servers. Typically anywhere between x1 - x20 rate.
  3. There are two problems by doing so: 1. You got to make sure that your ragexe file is hooked with such application. Furthermore, you got to make sure only this particular ragexe can be connected to your server, otherwise people can just replace it with a clean ragexe file to avoid above mentioned authenticators. 2. Hooking an .exe file requires programming knowledge or a third-party software that could do that. Both of these options are less likely to be answered on this forum due to the fact that developers here do not officially support such mechanism.
  4. Would be helpful if you could post your char_athena, login_athena, map_athena, subnet_athena and your clientinfo.xml.
  5. You are missing the "-" before "script" in the first line. And don't forget putting a TAB between "-" and "script"
  6. You don't have the correct tables installed into your SQL.
  7. replace it with: set .@respond, gettimetick(2);
  8. Thanks for the reply. I tried that including some other changes in the source file, but I am stuck at 13 slots maximum no matter what I do. How do I change the following in such a way that it can exceed 13 slots? https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/src/map/clif.c#L6146 /// Opens the shop creation menu (ZC_OPENSTORE). /// 012d <num>.W /// num: /// number of allowed item slots void clif_openvendingreq(struct map_session_data* sd, int num) { int fd; nullpo_retv(sd); fd = sd->fd; WFIFOHEAD(fd,packet_len(0x12d)); WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x12d; WFIFOW(fd,2) = num; WFIFOSET(fd,packet_len(0x12d)); }
  9. Hello, Does anyone know how to increase the maximum vending slots from 12 to XX number, so that people can sell more than 12 different items? Thanks in advance!
  10. Thanks for the reply! So you got to modify the msgstringtables and then hex the client? I did find a diff from eAMod, but not sure how it works. Anyone that has more details about how to let this work?
  11. Hey guys, This might not be just a scripting problem. But I just want to know how to change the currency in Shop Lists. For example, when you click a shop, you get a list of items. Next to the items, you see an amount and then Z (standing for Zeny). See attachment 1. I want to change that Z to another letter, for example C. See attachment 2. How do you do this and is it even possible in rAthena? Thanks a lot in advance!
  12. Delete the newmount script from at_command.c and recompile.
  13. Add "newmount: false" under commands in group_id.conf. If you want to do it the easy way, then put the "newmount: false" statement under ID: 0 (Players). Then make sure that every group ID that follows after ID: 0 will inherit the commands from ID: 0. The hard way is just to add the "newmount: false" statement to every group ID you have in that file.
  14. You need to declare a date corresponding to your client date. If your client dates from 2012-04-10, then you need to change YYYYMMDD to 20120410. Here is an example step-by-step guide. Run "chmod a+x ./configure" Run "./configure --enable-packetver=20120410" Run "make sql plugins" NOTE: if you client does not date from 2012-04-10, make sure you change it in mmo.h too, before running the commands. Because is not always true in every case. Rather, in most cases, --enable-packetver=YYYYMMDD does NOT override mmo.h file, which causes the system compile in a different packet version than it supposed to. NOTE2: make sure you are running Debian if you use that guide.
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