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Posts posted by Haziel

  1. õ_o
    I can't exactly believe the solution, but, first, try these two:

    2941,MM_EVIL_SHADOW3,Evil Shadow,Evil Shadow,142,153400,1,8863,6736,1,2795,4062,89,44,120,87,66,33,106,27,10,12,2,6,47,0x37B5,150,432,432,360,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    2942,MM_EVIL_FANATICS,Evil Fanatic,Evil Believer,151,8256000,1,1008650,988954,1,2949,4289,166,103,118,72,40,55,213,30,10,12,2,6,67,0x37B5,150,768,768,576,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  2. En Browedit, vaya a View > Topcamera.
    Ahora, tome un Screeshot, pegar en cualquier editor de imágenes, cortar el mapa perfectamente y cambiar su tamaño a 240 x 240.

    Si el mapa no es un cuadrado, que se ajusta proportionaly en un archivo BMP 240x240.
    Recuerde que el ROSA (#FF00FF) genera un color transparente .


  3. I updated the mechanics of the Script you posted, try it:

    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *
          * ~~~~~~~~  Euphy's MVP Ladder v1.3  ~~~~~~~~ *
          * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */
    prontera,148,170,6	script	MVP Ladder	891,{
    	mes "[Rank MVP]";
    	mes "Hello.";
    	mes "What are you doing here";
    	switch(select("Check Ranking.:My points.:Nothing...")) {
    		case 1:
    			mes "[Rank MVP]";
    			query_sql("SELECT char_id, CAST(`value` AS SIGNED) FROM `char_reg_num` WHERE `key` = 'MVP_Rank' ORDER BY CAST(`value` AS SIGNED) DESC LIMIT 20",.@cid,.@value);
    			for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@cid); set .@i,.@i+1) {
    				query_sql("SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE char_id = "+.@cid[.@i]+";",.@j$);
    				set .@name$[.@i], .@j$;
    			if (!getarraysize(.@cid))
    				mes "The rankings are empty.";
    			else for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@cid); set .@i,.@i+1)
    			mes "["+(.@i+1)+"] "+.@name$[.@i]+" ~ "+.@value[.@i]+" kills";
    		case 2:
    			mes "[Rank MVP]";
    			mes "You killed "+((MVP_Rank)?"^0055FF"+MVP_Rank:"no")+"^000000 MVP"+((MVP_Rank == 1)?".":"s.");
    			case 3:
    	if (getmonsterinfo(killedrid,22)) {
    		set MVP_Rank, MVP_Rank+1;
    	if (MVP_Rank == 1)
    		query_sql("INSERT INTO `char_reg_num` (`char_id`,`key`,`index`,`value`) VALUES ("+getcharid(0)+",'MVP_Rank','0',1)");
    		query_sql("UPDATE `char_reg_num` SET `value` = '"+MVP_Rank+"' WHERE char_id = "+getcharid(0)+" AND `key` ='MVP_Rank'");
    		dispbottom "~ You killed "+MVP_Rank+" MVP"+((MVP_Rank == 1)?"":"s")+". ~";
    		dispbottom " ~ Reward: Cash +15 ~ ";
    		set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 15;
    		specialeffect2 313;

    Let me know if there is any errors.

  4. Oh, alright.
    First of all, don't bother about Mobs' SP, this field is meaningless, they, actually, don't consume SP for using skills.

    By the way, my advice is, always use a mob similar to the mob you want to create to make a new one.

    About aDelay, aMotion and dMotion, as said in doc/mob_db.txt:

     Attack Delay of the monster, also known as ASPD. Low value means faster attack speed, but don't make it too low or it will lag when a player got mobbed by several of these mobs.
     Attack animation motion. Low value means monster's attack will be displayed in higher fps (making it shorter, too) (Thanks to Wallex for this)
     Damage animation motion, same as aMotion but used to display the "I am hit" animation. Coincidentally, this same value is used to determine how long it is before the monster/player can move again. Endure is dMotion = 0, obviously.

    And also for Mode, you can read doc/mob_db_mode_list.txt.

  5. In the end of each item, there is three {} for scripting.
    The first one, for Bonuses, and the second and third one are OnEquip_Script and OnUnequip_Script, which are called when the players put on or put off an Equipment.

    So, if you want the Player to turn into Ifrit when equip and Item, just put:

    disguise 1832;

    On the second {} (where 1832 is the Ifrit's ID), and:


    On the third {}.

  6. First of all, find in your mmo.h:

    #define MAX_GUILD 16+10*6

    16 is the primary value, it means, it's how many members a Guild can have at Level 0 of Guild Expansion Skill.
    So, change it anyway you want, for example, for the 30 you said:

    #define MAX_GUILD 10+10*2

    It means, 10 at Level 0 and plus 2 per Skill Level.

    Once it's done, for the existing Guilds, you need to set some things in your SQL Database:
    Let me say first that, If I were you, I would choose to delete all Guilds an make an Event with Increased Guild Experience than do this...

    There are examples here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

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