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Posts posted by Haziel

  1. This looks amazing Haziel! I love how creative you were with the animation.   /no1 

    Oh, one of my old fellows is still around!

    Well, funny story, tho.

    When Azura came to me, he said that in his original concept, the Ice Cube would slide, but then, shower thoughts...

    I hate myself for not handling my shower thoughts, I imagined it rolling, and can't control myself to not do it.

    Then, there is the result...

    Thank you for the compliments.

    Glad you like it.

  2. Very cute, for me one of the best spriters here.

    Thank you, your skills are growing good too!





    This icering is too cute!  I love it.


    Im glad to see you on rA, I remember you back from eA.  A lot of your sprites I adore so I def can't wait to see more from you!

    Thank you, Chemi, it's nice to hear it from an old master from eAthena.

    I remember a lot of your maps too! Glad to know you're still active, unlike my fellow spriters that are all gone.

    • Upvote 1
  3. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=3413

    File Name: Icering

    File Submitter: Haziel

    File Submitted: 16 Nov 2015

    File Category: Monster Sprites

    Content Author: Haziel



    This Custom Mob was made in collaboration with rAthena Commissions Project.

    AzuraSkyy ordered it to be a public release in order to add new contents for the community;

    Take a look on the project's thread and consider be part of it, as a donator or as a content creator.


    When first contacted me, AzuraSkyy thought about this Poring as an Ice Cube, so I made it the best way I could.

    On the end of it, I've added Alpha Frames, and the result is: a 7mb monster file.


    Hope you enjoy it.

    If you need any edit, drop me a PM, I'm open for commissions.


    By downloading this file, you agree with all my rules:

    1. DO NOT steal my work, it take hours, days, to be made, don't claim it yours.

    2. DO NOT redistribute, mirror or redistribute my work, support me clicking on my own links.

    3. DO NOT edit my work without my permission, It includes recolors.

    4. DO NOT remove my discreet signature on Collection files and Sprite files, pay that respect.

    5. YOU CAN use my works as Donation Rewards as long you ask me first.

    Click here to download this file

    • Upvote 6
  4. Do the math...

    100 * (7 + SP/10)

    It is actually capped on 500000 SP, what means:

    100 * (7 + 500000/10)
    100 * (7 + 50000)
    100 * 50007
    5000700 + 250 + (150 * SkillLevel)
    5000700 + 1000

    Max Damage is currently 5.001.000, without counting card modifiers and such things.
    So, if we change the cap of 500.000 SP to 50.000 for example:

    100 * (7 + 50000/10)
    100 * (7 + 5000)
    100 * 5007

    500.700 is our new max damage.
    I don't know if it still count Card Modifiers, but I guess you can test it.

    Just change:

    skillratio = min(500000,skillratio);


    skillratio = min(50000,skillratio);
  5. On:


    Get this fragment:

    #ifdef RENEWAL
    	if( md && md->mob_id == MOBID_EMPERIUM )

    And comment the check:

    //#ifdef RENEWAL
    	if( md && md->mob_id == MOBID_EMPERIUM )

    To nullify the heal completely.
    If you want to put a fixed heal, then:

    //#ifdef RENEWAL
    	if( md && md->mob_id == MOBID_EMPERIUM )
    	heal = 0;

    Or change the zero to whatever value you want.

  6. There is in your folders npc/custom/jobmaster.txt.
    At the end of it, just configure what you want:

    	setarray .Rebirth[0],99,50;	// Minimum base level, job level to rebirth OR change to third class
    	setarray .JobReq[0],10,40;	// Minimum job level to turn into 1st class, 2nd class
    	.ThirdClass = 1;		// Enable third classes? (1: yes / 0: no)
    	.SecondExpanded = 1;		// Enable new expanded second classes: Ex. Super Novice, Kagerou/Oboro, Rebellion? (1: yes / 0: no)
    	.SNovice = 45;			// Minimum base level to turn into Super Novice
    	.LastJob = 1;			// Enforce linear class changes? (1: yes / 0: no)
    	.SkillPointCheck = 1;		// Force player to use up all skill points? (1: yes / 0: no)
    	.Platinum = 1;			// Get platinum skills automatically? (1: yes / 0: no)
  7. On doc/script_commands.txt:

    *getareausers("<map name>",<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>)
    This function will return the count of connected characters which are located 
    within the specified area - an x1/y1-x2/y2 square on the specified map.
    This is useful for maps that are split into many buildings, such as all the 
    "*_in" maps, due to all the shops and houses.

    You can use that function to check if there's players, then, configure various points of spawn for your NPC, so, the players can be out of the OnTouch area, then, the NPC can walk and knock the players.

  8. On doc/script_commands.txt:

    *pushpc <direction>,<cells>;
    This command will push the currently attached player to given direction by given
    amount of square cells. Direction is the same as used when declaring NPCs, and
    can be specified by using one of the DIR_* constants (db/const.txt).
    The knock-back is not restricted by items or map flags, only obstacles are taken
    into account. If there is not enough space to perform the push (e.g. due to a
    wall), the character is pushed only up to the obstacle.
        // pushes the character 5 cells in 3 o'clock direction from its
        // current position.
        pushpc DIR_EAST, 5;
  9. The problem (at least what is giving you the error) is on the:

    autobonus "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WM_SEVERE_RAINSTORM",100; }",5,5000,BF_WEAPON;

    You just put quotes inside quotes, canceling them, must be:

    autobonus "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,\"WM_SEVERE_RAINSTORM\",100; }",5,5000,BF_WEAPON;

    But, I guess there's more wrong things on your code.
    Test it.

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