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Everything posted by Racaae

  1. Hi. Find: .@class2 = roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_2); // 2-2 Add below: // Disable Soul Linker class (GM Winter) if (BaseJob == Job_Taekwon) .@class2 = 0;
  2. Hi. Here's the reconfigured script If you want to do the changes yourself: Find All: instance_mapname("Sierra# Replace with: instance_npcname("Sierra# Find All: 'partyId$ Replace with: 'partyId Find All: block# Replace with: #eddabio_block Find All: 'mvpAlive$ Replace with: 'mvpAlive Find All: 'canLeave$ Replace with: 'canLeave Find All: Clear$ Replace with: Clear Find: //mes "dialogue yupi"; next; Replace with: //mes "dialogue yupi"; //next;
  3. Is your rAthena up to date? This command is from february, so if your server is older than that it wont work.
  4. Hi. Can you be more specific please? What should the NPC do with bound items?
  5. Hello. Go to \db\(pre-)re\item_db_equip.yml and find the weapon you want to have this new effect. Then insert the following code in the Script: section Script: | .@p = getitempos(); if (.@p == EQP_HAND_R) { bonus bHit,5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"NC_AXETORNADO",15; bonus2 bSkillCooldown,"NC_AXETORNADO",-500; } if (.@p == EQP_HAND_L) { bonus bInt,3; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AS_SPLASHER",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"SO_POISON_BUSTER",10; } You can find all possible item bonus effects in \doc\item_bonus.txt
  6. Hi. Can you explain more? What's a Charm item? Bonus?
  7. Hi map_morroc_rebuilding.gpf
  8. Hi Find: next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Please select where you want to go:"; freeloop(1); set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<18; set .@i,.@i+1) // Expected maximum is 18 set .@menu$,.@menu$+@DWLmenulist$[.@i]+":"; freeloop(0); set @DWLMenu,select(.@menu$); if (@DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex Replace with: if (getarraysize(@DWLmenulist$) > 2) { next; mes "[Warpra]"; mes "Please select where you want to go:"; freeloop(1); set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<18; set .@i,.@i+1) // Expected maximum is 18 set .@menu$,.@menu$+@DWLmenulist$[.@i]+":"; freeloop(0); set @DWLMenu,select(.@menu$); if (@DWLmenuref[@DWLMenu-1] == 57005) goto L_end; // 57005='dead' in hex } else @DWLMenu = 1;
  9. Hi. Script: | autobonus3 "{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,\"GN_CART_TORNADO\",20; }",1000,60000,"GN_CARTBOOST";
  10. Hi. Find: mes "[Khaye]"; mes "I'll change you into a job that you want"; mes "but be warned you can only change your job once"; mes "so choose carefully!"; next; And insert this below: setarray .@item_fee,909,610; //Insert the IDs of required items to use setarray .@item_fee_qty,5,2; //Insert the Amount of required items if (getarraysize(.@item_fee) != getarraysize(.@item_fee_qty)) { mes "An error occurred. Please contact a GM."; close; } if (getarraysize(.@item_fee) && getarraysize(.@item_fee_qty)) { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "This service will cost:"; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@item_fee); .@i++) mes .@item_fee_qty[.@i] + " <ITEM>[" + getitemname(.@item_fee[.@i]) + "]<INFO>" + .@item_fee[.@i] + "</INFO></ITEM>"; next; } Find: Case 1: And insert this above: if (getarraysize(.@item_fee) && getarraysize(.@item_fee_qty)) { for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@item_fee); .@i++) if (countitem(.@item_fee[.@i]) < .@item_fee_qty[.@i]) { mes "[" + strnpcinfo(1) + "]"; mes "Sorry. You don't have the required item" + (getarraysize(.@item_fee)>1?"s":"") + "."; close; } for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@item_fee); .@i++) delitem .@item_fee[.@i], .@item_fee_qty[.@i]; } Find all: set JobLevel And insert this below every one: resetskill; SkillPoint = 107; // 9:novice + 49:1st job + 49:2nd job
  11. Hi. 28/10/18:58. 18 is the expire hour not year. Day:28, Month:10 Hour:18 Minute:58 Can you share the script using rentitem? There's not enough info about the duplicating items.
  12. Find else if ( baselevel < 70 || zeny < 20000 ) { // requirement mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "Minimum base level to enter is 70"; mes "The registration fee is 20,000z"; close; } else if ( .register_num >= .register_limit ) { // room FULL mes "[Devil Square Guardian]"; mes "I'm sorry but the Devil Square is FULL"; mes "Maximum users to enter is "+ .register_limit +" players"; close; } zeny = zeny - 20000; Replace to
  13. Hi. Find and replace getmapxy .@map$, .@x, .@y, 1; >>> getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, BL_NPC);
  14. Find and replace: hideonnpc; >>> hideonnpc strnpcinfo(0); hideoffnpc; >>> hideoffnpc strnpcinfo(0);
  15. Hi! Find: getitem .ItemID,1; //Change the [5] to the amount you wish to hand out. Replaee with: getunitdata killedgid, .@data; unitwarp getnpcid(0, "World Boss Treasure#wb"), mapid2name(.@data[UMOB_MAPID]), .@data[UMOB_X], .@data[UMOB_Y]; donpcevent "World Boss Treasure#wb::OnReward"; Then add this NPC at the end of the file:
  16. Find in \conf\char_athena.conf start_point: iz_int,18,26:iz_int01,18,26:iz_int02,18,26:iz_int03,18,26:iz_int04,18,26 Change to: start_point: iz_int,18,26 If you want. you can go further and remove duplicate NPCs from: \npc\re\jobs\novice\academy.txt \npc\re\cities\izlude.txt \npc\re\quests\quests_izlude.txt \npc\re\warps\cities\izlude.txt
  17. Add in \db\pre-re\skill_db.yml - Id: 10016 Name: GD_GUILD_STORAGE Description: Guild Storage Expansion MaxLevel: 5 Flags: IsGuild: true
  18. Storage now needs guild skill to open. Add in /db/pre-re/guild_skill_tree.yml - Id: GD_GUILD_STORAGE MaxLevel: 5 Required: - Id: GD_EMERGENCYCALL Level: 1 - Id: GD_EXTENSION Level: 10 - Id: GD_SOULCOLD Level: 1 - Id: GD_HAWKEYES Level: 1
  19. Hi, You need to open each file and look for the lines with getexp. Then change the values according to the wiki if they are different. getexp <base exp>, <job exp>; Some Monster Hunting quests are missing, I suggest you to copy other NPC and change the text and values. Missing: Medusa, Lava Golem and Deleter. There's no Towns Bounty Boards in the folder. You can look at scripts from other people and see if you like:
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