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Everything posted by Erazer

  1. whenever you want, come and stay in my house, i've always wondered if I should do something like Paranormal Activity thing, because if i do it and eventually see shit happening which I know it happened but i didnt want to see, then i'll panic and either be hunted to death or idk
  2. are people this retarded? or are they just keeping up with the "legend"?
  3. I actually like them both, great job. May I know what font is that?
  4. Like others stated it looks nice and clean, good job
  5. Apu, don't be mean, I remember you were a cool little fella
  6. I'd like to nominate Erazer Reason: He likes trains more than anyone else around. Another Reason: Hes just that awesome. More Reasons: He just ..... give him the god damn medal. Status: Rejected with fire. [DE]
  7. idk why but i misread and thought you said "thank you Anal kid" Don't mind me, move on
  8. Hello, Quite an interesting post you did there and great feedback. You mentioned one key point: Spammers. Which is a great deal, I mean, who wouldn't want to just get online and promote another server? You don't have to download any client-related stuff, quite an easy task. But as I get more feedback and eventually start to make this live, Every key point would be taken into consideration. Like I mentioned, the servers who want to have this app, would require an auth patch between the app/server and of course, the server would have to patch some stuff for the communication to work out. I guess I could add anti-whatever when they apply the patch. I mean, this is just the eaaaaaaaaaarly stage of the app and its one of the key aspects of developing one, getting feedback. So to answer your questions: - Yeah I wanna work on this, but before I do so, you gotta plan things. - No. I want to have this to be closed source and if anyone is planning on developing extra features, would have to get access. I mean, don't get me wrong, OpenSource is great but things are done better when its private. This means that I plan to either sell licenses to use this app (since its gonna be server-based) or idk, something will come up. I'd have to really get convinced that opensource is the way to go, to actually pick it, but as of now, Closed source it is. - Android at first, but once an android version is developed, porting it to iOS wouldnt be an issue. If I get enough people to support this, we could've 2 teams developing each section. - You're welcome to send me a PM and we can keep exchanging ideas. Greetings, Erazer
  9. Well, who doesnt and we still use different ways to communicate with people (Skype, Facebook, IM, Forums, SMS, WhatsApp, etc...) so your comment is as redundant as the amount of ways people use to communciate with each other. Even tho the basic idea is to allow the end user to chat with someone through her/his smartphone or desktop/laptop, without having to load the whole ragnarok client, a lot of additions could be done like, allowing you to trade, check your inventory, sell, etc... thats why I said, the amount of possibilities that could be done is enormous and just because I'm pointing out the basic feature of chatting, doesnt means thats gonna be only that (well it will, in the first steps).
  10. External Chat ?

  11. Hello, A few days ago I sent someone an application and while I was answering some questions, a big thing came into my head but I don't know if its gonna be worth my time soooo I wanna know some of your opinions. The idea is to develop an app (mobile/desktop) which enables you, as the end user, to log in to it using X or Y server as the auth method and chat with your friends (the ones you got in your list) while you are not online (you know what I mean). Idk, I mean, we are in the "i wanna chat all the time"-era and this aint a bad idea, but I don't wanna dive into it without having some public interested. The auth method would be totally based on the server you're trying to log in to. So the app won't handle any data and if anything, it will obscure it. Imagine a Messenger but with RO and unlimited amount of servers you could join to chat with people you know. Not only that but we could actually make a whole chat-world using Ragnarok as a world-wide community. For example and to expand my idea a bit further: - The main goal for now is to make an app in which you can use your credentials to log in and chat with friends of the server you're logging in. Of course to enjoy this, X or Y server would have to be affiliated to the App. This might be selective but it would empower the usage of X or Y server and not only that, its an awesome feature that a lot of people would enjoy. - The second step would to use the chat system to actually be a "chat system". Using your smartphone, you could just go in and say Hi to everyone who's online just as if you were "online". - Mang the amount of possibilities (not only chat-wise but a ton load of stuff) that could be done is huge! but for now, I would like to have some feedback on this. I'd be happy to read anyone's feedback D:
  12. Erazer

    Help me

    Original nickname is original. Love it.
  13. To be fair, when im at work, I felt like checking rA to see if it was back everyday l0l Glad to see its up.
  14. Seems no one is interested. Thats fine, take care and have fun all.
  15. Hello, Well I currently work in Halliburton and well I'll buy a dedi with the following caracteristics: - Quad-Core X3430 2.4GHz - 32GB DDR3 - 500GB SATAIII - 5.000 GB Bandwidth/100 Mpbs port. Thing is, I'm just gonna use some of it for an application im developing, thus leaving, i dont know like 70-80% of it being just there, doing nothing. What I mean with this is that I wont be using it much so alot of the processing power will be thrown away so I wanna "sell" its usage, we could virtualize it OR if someone is looking for such processing power and speed for a project, let me know. I mean, im just looking forward for someone or a group of people that are venturing in any special project and have no monetary resources to acquire a server at the moment which could use this and in which I could be a partner of. Thats pretty much it. // Edit, No longer available
  16. I got a solution: Get rid of the server Move on ???? Win
  17. Sometimes it fits, sometimes it just not needed, up to you and whatever your likes are.
  18. Huh? Aren't item_db2 and mob_db2 meant to do that already?
  19. I think I saw a helghast somewhere and DE looks so much like a white version of Apu. Lol
  20. Here's a simple solution...... Stop using buggy source code and move out to rAthena.
  21. i got the reps, now i get the ladies, fk yeh

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