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Everything posted by Limestone

  1. ok later i will try it for you, i'm on work right now xD
  2. HOLY SCHMUCK!! I can't believe I missed this one. I thought I opened all the c-files and searched for "trap." BLAH! -.- Thanks a lot, Rage! Now, only one issue left btw, can i ask what skills can hit traps? thanks!
  3. in your skill.c find line 11727. you can edit the HP of traps.
  4. noob question what is traps' life? the hunter traps?
  5. LOL.. haha hope my suggestion will be implemented soon
  6. hi cydh! can i suggest a stock system in our itemshop and pointshop? for example: -%TAB%pointshop%TAB%<NPC Name>%TAB%<sprite id>,<costvariable>{:<discount>},<itemid>:<price>:<stocks>{,<itemid>:<price>:<stocks>...} if i input 0 = unlimited then if a player purchased an item with 10 or 20 stocks are left, it will show a message like this, the '%s' has '%d' stocks left. thanks!
  7. hi! can someone make me a script like this? if i reach joblevel 10, and 50, a npc dialog will pop up in my screen. thanks!
  8. i tried to apply this but i got compile warnings, 1>d:\ragnarok server\rathena\src\map\npc.c(1224): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type' 1>d:\ragnarok server\rathena\src\map\npc.c(1226): error C2065: 'i_data' : undeclared identifier 1> pc.c 1>d:\ragnarok server\rathena\src\map\npc.c(1226): error C2223: left of '->jname' must point to struct/union
  9. what i mean client date is the client you use to enter the game, for example 2010-07-07aRagexeRE
  10. what is your configuration? PRE-RE? or RENEWAL?
  11. can you show us your script? if you don't like, then the line only that has a "strcharinfo" is scripted.
  12. well im just only asking. text is good also for testing purposes, can you tell me what is your client date?
  13. can you elaborate your problem? we cannot help you if you don't tell us what you want.
  14. you said that you use iRO client, i think there will be conflicts regarding on that, because kRO clients are not the same as iRO client, but the important is you use the files of iRO.. did you try to recompile ? or did you change you client before?
  15. oh i see, i have a question, in your src/char/mmo.h, does the packetver set to 20100707? that's the default client of beginner eathena v4.
  16. That emulator is too old to use, lots of bugs, so i prefered you to use rAthena or Hercules. if you dont know how to setup your server offline, here's a guide http://rathena.org/board/topic/53291-guidehow-to-setup-a-ragnarok-onlineserver-side-only/ Credits to Diconfrost VaNz
  17. Hi rathena! i tried to make a script of auto emotions in every 5 secs but i failed, can any one help me? thanks! here's my script. // Quest Emotion - script #quest_emotion -1,{ OnInit: initnpctimer; end; OnTimer5000: emotion e_gasp; initnpctimer; end; }
  18. Ziu may i ask what map is this? thanks!
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