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Everything posted by Kinx

  1. Hello, I'm looking for good backgrounds for Sprite Showcase. does anyone know a page?
  2. this is my current script. anthell02,170,165,3 script Warpra Helper#0 112,{ if(VitataKills < 10 && AntEggKills < 55 && FamiliarKills < 5) goto l_nokills; getitem 678,5; close; l_nokills: mes "[Warpra]"; mes "You have to kill:"; mes "You have "+VitataKills+"/10 Vitata..."; mes "You have "+AntEggKills+"/55 Ant Egg..."; mes "You have "+FamiliarKills+"/5 Familiar"; close; OnNPCKillEvent: if(killedrid == 1176 && VitataKills < 10) // = Vitata { set VitataKills,VitataKills + 1; dispbottom "You killed "+VitataKills+"/10 Vitata."; if(VitataKills == 10) dispbottom "You have killed all Vitatas."; } else if (killedrid == 1097 && AntEggKills < 55) // = Ant Egg { set AntEggKills,AntEggKills + 1; dispbottom "You killed "+AntEggKills+"/55 AntEgg."; if(AntEggKills == 55) dispbottom "You have killed all AntEggs."; }else if (killedrid == 1005 && FamiliarKills < 5) // = Familiar { set FamiliarKills,FamiliarKills + 1; dispbottom "You killed "+FamiliarKills+"/5 Familiar."; if(FamiliarKills == 5) dispbottom "You have killed all Familiars."; } else if(QuestDone != 0) { announce "You have killed every Monster.",bc_self; set QuestDone,1; } end; }
  3. if(VitataKills < 10 || AntEggKills < 55 || FamiliarKills < 5) goto l_nokills; is working how do you do that announce "You have killed every Monster.",bc_self; only comes once.
  4. the if(VitataKills < 10 && AntEggKills < 55 && FamiliarKills < 5) goto l_nokills; is not working, i have kill all Ant Eggs and and get the item.
  5. hello add pls, when you have killed all the Vitata 1x *you have killed all the vitata*, if you have killed all mobs 1x Player Annonce *you have done the quest* anthell02,170,165,3 script Waffel#0 112,{ mes "You have to kill:"; mes "You have "+VitataKills+"/10 Vitata..."; mes "You have "+AntEggKills+"/55 Ant Egg..."; mes "You have "+FamiliarKills+"/5 Familiar"; next; if(VitataKills < 10) goto l_nokills; if(AntEggKills < 55) goto l_nokills; if(FamiliarKills < 5) goto l_nokills; getitem 678,5 ; close; l_nokills: mes "You didn't kill enough monsters!"; close; OnNPCKillEvent: if(killedrid == 1176) // = Vitata { set VitataKills,VitataKills + 1; dispbottom "You killed "+VitataKills+"/10 Vitata."; }else if (killedrid == 1097) // = Ant Egg { set AntEggKills,AntEggKills + 1; dispbottom "You killed "+AntEggKills+"/55 AntEgg."; }else if (killedrid == 1005) // = Familiar { set FamiliarKills,FamiliarKills + 1; dispbottom "You killed "+FamiliarKills+"/5 Familiar."; } end; }
  6. Hello, I am looking for a script to change sprite all 0 to 6.
  7. Hello, how do i change the text *New Item*?
  8. fault has been corrected
  9. hello,the Flat maps maker does not work with me
  10. Sorry for my Bad English...... what doesn't work ? the new menu Warp to Acces Maps is bugy, i have Unlocked Bifrost Tower Dungeon ( Image 1), I use the warper and elect the Unlocked Dungeon. ( Image 2) ( Image 1) http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=d11f3e-1509004041.jpg ( Image 2) http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=007c64-1509004121.jpg where did you download the script ? is from Rathena npc/custom/etc/quest_warper.txt my npc Edit's I have added in the menu Warp to Acces Maps ( Search L_Acces_dungeon: )
  11. the NPC gets the following error. i can not find the problem Map Server Error [Error]: script:delitem: failed to delete 1 items (AID=2000000 item_id=6608). [Debug]: Source (NPC): Hugin's Magic Master at glast_01 (212,273) Script: https://pastebin.com/5jwV0X5Y
  12. No error on map server, only the warp to acces maps is bugy.
  13. hello wanted to ask if anyone's to phantasmagorika! quest script has? http://irowiki.org/wiki/To_Phantasmagorika!
  14. Hello, Warp to Acces Maps does not do what it should, find the error unfortunately not hope someone finds the problem
  15. Kinx

    item name color

    is there no other solution?
  16. Hello, I am looking for a way to color the names of special items. which I am looking for. red, blue, green, purple, yellow, brown, gray
  17. it goes maxilla +3 maps, dan bugt the npc.
  18. was für ein Project, paar Info's wären nützlich
  19. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using ErrorManager; using GRF.FileFormats.ActFormat; using GRF.FileFormats.SprFormat; using GRF.FileFormats.PalFormat; using GRF.Image; using GRF.Image.Decoders; using GRF.Graphics; using GrfToWpfBridge; using TokeiLibrary; using TokeiLibrary.WPF; using Action = GRF.FileFormats.ActFormat.Action; using Frame = GRF.FileFormats.ActFormat.Frame; using Point = System.Windows.Point; namespace Scripts { public class Script : IActScript { public object DisplayName { get { return "MyCustomScript"; } } public string Group { get { return "Scripts"; } } public string InputGesture { get { return null; } } public string Image { get { return null; } } public void Execute(Act act, int selectedActionIndex, int selectedFrameIndex, int[] selectedLayerIndexes) { if (act == null) return; try { act.Commands.Begin(); act.Commands.Backup(_ => { act.SetColor("#99F80909"); }, "MyCustomScript", true); } catch (Exception err) { act.Commands.CancelEdit(); ErrorHandler.HandleException(err, ErrorLevel.Warning); } finally { act.Commands.End(); act.InvalidateVisual(); act.InvalidateSpriteVisual(); } } public bool CanExecute(Act act, int selectedActionIndex, int selectedFrameIndex, int[] selectedLayerIndexes) { return act != null; } } } use Scripts, line 49 is act.SetColor("#99F80909"); Change it any way.
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