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Everything posted by Yugosh

  1. mean? 2^10 1024? I've trying it but it did not work? 20006,Devil_Wings,Devil Wings,5,20,,100,,0,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,2^11 2048,,0,0,1506,{ bonus bInt,3; bonus bVit,3; bonus bMatkRate,10; bonus bMaxHPrate,10; },{},{} its results like this....
  2. I mean on the General tab and Costume? how to make a custom item into parts like a wing for Costume tab instead of at the General.
  3. I want to ask how to create custom items like the ones in this picture. usually it custom items like upper middle lower but it can use directly. please help her thanks...
  4. //= --- //= MvP Rank Improved v1.0 //= --- //= This Rank will count every MvP you kill, //= to be more clear, will count every mob //= defined inside the array ".mobid[0]", //= so, if you add the poring ID will count in the rank //= you can modify and ad miniBoss because this array //= only have all MvPs, that's the idea, only MvPs... //= --- - script Rank MvP -1,{ OnInit: // Script Configuration setarray .mobid[0],1511,1647,1785,1630,1399,1039,1874,2068,1272,1719,1046,1389,1112,1115,1957,1418,1871,1252,1768,1086,1688,1646, 1373,1147,1059,1150,1956,2022,1087,1190,1038,1157,1159,1502,1623,1650,1583,1708,1312,1751,1685,1648,1917,1658; // MvP Ids set .a, 0; // Broadcast who killed the MvP and wich MvP and wick Map [0 Off - 1 On] set $@top, 30; // Max. Top Rank (Hihgly recommended between 5~10, more maybe bug the server (limited variables) end; OnNPCKillEvent: // Script execution for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.mobid); set .@c, .@c + 1) if (killedrid == .mobid[.@c]) set .@s, 1; // If a MvP if (!.@s) end; if (.a) // If announce On announce "El usuario [" +strcharinfo(0) +"] ha matado un [" +getmonsterinfo(killedrid,0) +"] en el mapa [" +strcharinfo(3) +"]",bc_blue|bc_all; set MvP, MvP + 1; callfunc ("MvPRank",MvP,strcharinfo(0)); end; } // End Script //prontera,147,171,5 script MvP Rank 405,{ // NPC that will show the ranking mes "[^FF0000MvP ^0000FFRank ^00FF00Top ^FF0000" +$@top +"^000000]"; for (set .@c, 0; .@c < $@top; set .@c, .@c + 1) mes "Top ^FF0000" +(.@c + 1) +"^000000 ^0000FF" +getd("$topmvp" +.@c +"$") +"^000000 with ^FF0000" +getd("$topmvp" +.@c) +"^000000 MvP killed."; close; } // End if function script MvPRank { set @mvptotal, getarg(0); set @nomb$, getarg(1); for (set .@c, 0; .@c < $@top; set .@c, .@c + 1) { if (@mvptotal >= getd("$topmvp" +.@c)) { if (strcharinfo(0) == getd("$topmvp" +.@c +"$")) { setd "$topmvp" +.@c, @mvptotal; setd "$topmvp" +.@c +"$", @nomb$; return; } else { if (getd("$topmvp" +(.@c + 1) +"$") == "") { setd "$topmvp" +.@c, @mvptotal; setd "$topmvp" +.@c +"$", @nomb$; return; } else { setd "$topmvp" +(.@c + 1), getd("$topmvp" +.@c); setd "$topmvp" +(.@c + 1) +"$", getd("$topmvp$" +.@c); setd "$topmvp" +.@c, @mvptotal; setd "$topmvp" +.@c +"$", @nomb$; return; } // End if } // End if } // End if } // End loop return; } // End function I am having a problem here. if the player has killed more than 200 mvp he will automatically reset to 0. and repeat as before. please help her thank you very much ..
  5. so if you appropriate the job? for example if lordknight will get blah blah ... and that the priest will get blah blah ... and so forth ..... thanks kenpachi
  6. prontera,150,150,5 script Reward NPC 99,{ set .@MaxBLevel,99; //Set your servers max base level here. set .@MaxJLevel,70; //Set your servers max job level here. set .@item,501; //Set your reward item here. if (BaseLevel != .@MaxBLevel && JobLevel != .@MaxJLevel && LReward != 1) end; mes "Congratulations, you've achieve the max level in the server, here's your reward!"; announce "Selamat, "+strcharinfo(0)+" telah mencapai level 99.",0; getitem .@item,1; set LReward,1; close; } I have a problem here when I reached level 99 and take the reward and I still can take continuous reward. I would like to add a set # lastTimeTalked, gettimetick (2), but I do not quite understand. please its support I just wanted to take 1x reward player max level thanks
  7. I have followed the steps is taught by Mootie. http://rathena.org/board/topic/74036-adding-custom-guide-wscreen-shots/ then i had complie from. lua into. lub and put it into datainfo after that I created to be. GRF and I try. item.bmp appeared and after I did not wear out the custom items. please help me. Accessoryid.lua ACCESSORY_AURA_KYUUBI = 1853, Accname.lua [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_AURA_KYUUBI] = "_Aura_Kyuubi", idnumdisplayname 25480#Aura_Kyubi# idnumresname 25480#Aura_Kyuubi# item_db2.txt 25480,Aura_Kyubi,Aura_Kyubi,5,20,,100,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1,,0,0,1853,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,2; },{},{} Texture & Sprite Aura_Kyuubi if I ALT + Q will appear GE.... huh there are some that I do not really know that we complie. lua to. lub after complie. lub we copy to datainfo?
  8. - script AntiCheat -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if(getgmlevel() <= 50){ //GM Excemption readparam(bStr); readparam(bAgi); readparam(bVit); readparam(bInt); readparam(bDex); readparam(bLuk); if (readparam(bStr) > 99 || readparam(bAgi) > 99 || readparam(bVit) > 99 || readparam(bInt) > 99 || readparam(Dex) > 99 || readparam(bLuk) > 99){ mes "[^FF0000Anti Cheat System^000000]"; mes "We have detected you having stats over the limit. You will be disconnected shortly. If this is an error please contact the Game Master immediately."; sleep2 8000; //5 Seconds delay atcommand "@block "+strcharinfo(0)+""; announce strcharinfo(0) +" , You have been banned for having edited stats. Thank you for playing Medan Ragnarok Online.",0; end; } } } hmmm Is anyone able to help me? I was dizzy with all the new character in the block without overstats. anyone can help thanks...
  9. help please yup you right but i want gold coin can change cash item like bloody branch or Tokenn...
  10. Same the Request script http://rathena.org/board/topic/79595-costumeheadgear-gacha-npc/ but i have a diffrent like him. i want 671 Gold Coin have a 50% drop chance and 7227 TCG have 20% drop chance the drop is like YGG,bubble gum , token and else.... the script can work also to eathena thanks master,
  11. Line 19 i got error this script for rathena right? if we change to eathena how change it? thanksssss
  12. A kill B A kill B A kill B A kill C A kill B A kill B A kill B A kill C A kill B A kill B -------- or --------- kills x3 the same player 1/ In following 2/ Not following Don't get a points Don't get a point if he kills him x3 in 5min if he kills the same in following Which option ? 1 or 2 You mean Mapflag#nodrop ? Mapflag#pvp_nightmaredrop ? opsi number 2 bro thanks for your help nodrop item
  13. some one can help me about this error? thanks somuch
  14. Some one can help me? no body help me in anyforum there i need to change. if i kill the same player 3/5 didnt get point and cant drop item from there. and if i die my item fall down. huh please some one help me thanks Deathmatch.txt
  15. hello sir, i already try and it is working. if i click right i can see the idnum2itemdesctable. but if i want use it out from client please help me thanks
  16. how does it work? can you explain detail. i already make the custom vip card 18103,VIP Ticket,Vip Ticket,2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ set #Premium,#Premium + ( <# of days> * 24 * 3600 ); },{},{} Thanks
  17. i already change to Donation item to Cash point.. 0 to 1. why i reload server i dont get cash point but i get donation proof.
  18. TQ BRO... Thats Work now. +1 For you
  19. hellow master i need help to how disable skill Body Relocation and High Jump Taekwon in WoE Castle? thx for the help
  20. no bad but i change job Assassin i get the same like Effect but i also get INT (+288) and AGI (+516) hmmm what wrong's? some master can help me? Thanks alot
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