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Everything posted by behemothcze

  1. i try to search and use some several scripts lying around but i think it its still need some modification . i already make my own cutins (31days) so i hope someone who have and could share the same i need . - without npc and that will pop in your first log in - with commands for checking the chart and time to get the rewards - limited to 1 ip to stop abuse - @afk vendors can`t get the rewards and also count the time event get dc and log in again thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english .
  2. .pointPerVictory = 100; // Points gained per victory hi sir @pajodex im using this script but i dont know why the the game dont end after you reach the points required to win. for what i understand in this is if you reach 100 total of team points the game will end, or does it actually ends after the set of time of 5/10/15 mnts regardless of the score ?
  3. i already tried that one but too many error , i think its not compatible with rathena
  4. can anyone share their battlegrounds that have commands like these @joinbg: queue join@leavebg: queue leave@order: sends a message to your team@leader: change team leader@reportafk: kick an AFK player@listenbg: enable/disable display bg announces
  5. sry to post here can`t reply on your post about :

    Slot Machine With Random Reward and Running at Spesified OnClock 1.2


    just askin if the soundeffect is working in this script  thanks

  6. sad maybe i`ll just use the other script thanks senpai ruru
  7. I like this script since it have sound effect than other slot machine script out there who is easy to configure but then no sounds effect =D im using this script , i dont know much to configure setarrays i try diff ways but its not working hope someone can help TIA im using the TSM or triple slot machine /* ============================================================= /* Slot Machine - Triple Slot Machine /* ============================================================= /* Version: v0.7 /* v0.1 - Original Script Created. /* v0.2 - Added Option for Triple Slot Machine with animations. /* v0.3 - Added support for item pricing &/or zeny pricing. /* v0.4 - Cleaned up script variables for easy editing. /* v0.5 - Tested out some new scripting methods with IF(THEN). /* v0.6 - Added option to change slot machine modes ingame. /* v0.7 - Added optional sound effects to slot machines. - NOTE /* ============================================================= /* Description /* ============================================================= /* This script will allow users to spend zeny &/or an item for a /* chance to win a prize from the slot machine. Currently there /* are 2 versions. First is a Single Slot Machine, where only 1 /* slot is rolled. Second is the Triple Slot machine, where 3 /* slots are rolled. For either version, SUCCESS must be the /* only thing displayed in order to win. /* ============================================================= /* NOTE - If using soundeffects you must add the ".wav" files /* provided in the ".rar" file to your: data/wav folder located /* in either your: ( Ragnarok folder ) OR ( .grf file ) /* ============================================================= /* Created By: GmOcean /* ===========================================================*/ veil,119,159,4 script SlotMachine::1slot 563,{ if( getgmlevel() == 99 ) { mes "Welcome Administrator.","What would you like to do?"; menu "Play Game",-,"Change Slot Machine Mode",iMode; next; } switch( getd(".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"") ){ case 0: // Single Slot machine mode. mes "Do you want to play a game?"; if( !.payment ) { mes "It costs: "+ .ssm_payment_message$[0] +" to play."; } else if ( .payment == 1 ) { mes "It costs: "+ .ssm_payment_message$[1] +" to play."; } else if ( .payment == 2 ) { mes "It costs: "+ .ssm_payment_message$[0] +" & "+ .payment_message$[1] +" to play."; } if( select("YES:NO") == 2 || Zeny < .ssm_payment[0] && ( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) || countitem(.ssm_payment[1]) < .ssm_payment[2] && .payment ){ close; } while( @menu == 1 ){ if( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) { Zeny -= .ssm_payment[0]; } if( .payment ) { delitem( .ssm_payment[1], .ssm_payment[2] ); } if( .soundeffects ) { soundeffect "se_cash_provider.wav",0; } .@a = rand(1,100); if( .@a < atoi(.ssm_animate$[0]) ){ .@a = 1; } else { .@a = 2; } .@b = 1; while( .@b < atoi(.ssm_animate$[.@a]) ) { cutin .ssm_animate$[3] + .@b,4; sleep2 ( ( atoi(.ssm_animate$[4]) * 1000 ) / atoi(.ssm_animate$[.@a]) ); .@b++; } if( .@a == 1 ){ cutin .ssm_animate$[3] + atoi(.ssm_animate$[.@a]),4; dispbottom "Failed"; } else { cutin .ssm_animate$[3] + atoi(.ssm_animate$[.@a]),4; if( !.prize || .prize == 2 ) { Zeny += .ssm_prize[0]; } if( .prize ) { getitem .ssm_prize[1], .ssm_prize[2]; } if( .soundeffects ){ soundeffect "slot_pay_coin.wav",0; } } if( select("Another Round:I'm done") == 2 || Zeny < .ssm_payment[0] && ( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) || countitem(.ssm_payment[1]) < .ssm_payment[2] && .payment ){ cutin "",255; close; } } end; case 1: // Triple Slot machine mode. mes "Do you want to play a game?"; if( !.payment ) { mes "It costs: "+ .tsm_payment_message$[0] +" to play."; } else if ( .payment == 1 ) { mes "It costs: "+ .tsm_payment_message$[1] +" to play."; } else if ( .payment == 2 ) { mes "It costs: "+ .tsm_payment_message$[0] +" & "+ .tsm_payment_message$[1] +" to play."; } if( select("YES:NO") == 2 || Zeny < .tsm_payment[0] && ( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) || countitem(.tsm_payment[1]) < .tsm_payment[2] && .payment ){ close; } while( @menu == 1 ){ if( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) { Zeny -= .tsm_payment[0]; } if( .payment ) { delitem( .tsm_payment[1], .tsm_payment[2] ); } if( .soundeffects ) { soundeffect "se_cash_provider.wav",0; } // Slot 1 = 100% Chance for success. (Because I didn't make a fail animation for it. .@2 = rand(1,100); //Rolls dice for Slot 2 .@3 = rand(1,100); //Rolls dice for Slot 3 if( .@2 <= atoi(.tsm_animate$[0]) && .@3 <= atoi(.tsm_animate$[1]) ){ .@a = 8; } else if( .@2 <= atoi(.tsm_animate$[0]) && .@3 > atoi(.tsm_animate$[1]) ){ .@a = 6; } else if( .@2 > atoi(.tsm_animate$[0]) && .@3 <= atoi(.tsm_animate$[1]) ){ .@a = 4; } else { .@a = 2; } .@b = 1; while( .@b < atoi(.tsm_animate$[.@a+1]) ) { cutin .tsm_animate$[.@a] + .@b,4; sleep2 ( ( atoi(.tsm_animate$[10]) * 1000 ) / atoi(.tsm_animate$[.@a+1]) ); .@b++; } cutin .tsm_animate$[.@a] + atoi(.tsm_animate$[.@a+1]),4; if( .@a == 2 ){ if( !.prize || .prize == 2 ) { Zeny += .tsm_prize[0]; } if( .prize ) { getitem .tsm_prize[1], .tsm_prize[2]; } if( .soundeffects ){ soundeffect "slot_pay_coin.wav",1; } } else { dispbottom "Failed"; } if( select("Another Round:I'm done") == 2 || Zeny < .tsm_payment[0] && ( !.payment || .payment == 2 ) || countitem(.tsm_payment[1]) < .tsm_payment[2] && .payment ){ cutin "",255; close; } } end; } OnSingleSlot: setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",0; end; OnTripleSlot: setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",1; end; iMode: next; mes "Which did you want to do?"; menu "Change THIS machine's mode:Change ALL machine's mode",-; if( @menu == 1 ) { next; mes "What mode would you like this machine to have?"; menu "Single Slot Machine Mode:Triple Slot Machine Mode",-; if( @menu == 1 ) { setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",0; } else { setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",1; } close; } else { next; mes "What mode would you like to change all slot machines to?"; menu "Single Slot Machine Mode:Triple Slot Machine Mode",-; if( @menu == 1 ) { donpcevent "::OnSingleSlot"; } else { donpcevent "::OnTripleSlot"; } close; } OnInit: // 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled. .soundeffects = 1; //[ 0 = Single Slot Machine Mode ]_[ 1 = Triple Slot Machine Mode ] setd ".mode"+strnpcinfo(3)+"",1; //[0] = Fail Rate //[1] = Fail (Do not change) //[2] = Success (Do not change) //[3] = File Name (Do not change) //[4] = Animation Time (Do not change, for best results :D) setarray .ssm_animate$[0],"30","29","33","slot_","3"; //[0] = Fail Rate "Slot 2" //[1] = Fail Rate "Slot 3" //[2] = SSS (Do not change) //[3] = SSS_Count (Do not change) //[4] = SSF (Do not change) //[5] = SSF_Count (Do not change) //[6] = SFS (Do not change) //[7] = SFS_Count (Do not change) //[8] = SFF (Do not change) //[9] = SFF_Count (Do not change) //[10] = Animation Time (Do not change, for best results :D) setarray .tsm_animate$[0],"30","30","SSS_","41","SSF_","37","SFS_","41","SFF_","45","3"; // Prize Settings // Prize Type // 0 = Zeny, 1 = Item, 2 = Zeny&Item .prize = 1; // [0] = Zeny, [1] = Item ID, [2] = Item Amount; setarray .ssm_prize[0],125,501,10; setarray .tsm_prize[0],450,501,30; // Payment Settings // Payment Type // 0 = Zeny, 1 = Item, 2 = Zeny&Item .payment = 0; // [0] = Zeny, [1] = Item ID, [2] = Item Amount; setarray .ssm_payment[0],100,501,1; // Single Slot Machine Payment Price setarray .tsm_payment[0],500000,501,3; // Triple Slot Machine Payment Price // DO NOT CHANGE BELOW // Payment Text Syntax setarray .ssm_payment_message$[0],""+ .ssm_payment[0] +" zeny",""+ getitemname(.ssm_payment[1]) +" x"+ .ssm_payment[2] +""; setarray .tsm_payment_message$[0],""+ .tsm_payment[0] +" zeny",""+ getitemname(.tsm_payment[1]) +" x"+ .tsm_payment[2] +""; end; } //Duplicates veil,115,159,4 duplicate(1slot) SlotMachine#2slot 563 veil,123,159,4 duplicate(1slot) SlotMachine#3slot 563 i already tried to edit the setarrays like these. // Prize Settings // Prize Type // 0 = Zeny, 1 = Item, 2 = Zeny&Item .prize = 1; // [0] = Zeny, [1] = Item ID, [2] = Item Amount; setarray .ssm_prize[0],125,501,10; setarray .tsm_prize[0],450,501,30,1,502,40,1,503,50; // Payment Settings // Payment Type // 0 = Zeny, 1 = Item, 2 = Zeny&Item .payment = 0; // [0] = Zeny, [1] = Item ID, [2] = Item Amount; setarray .ssm_payment[0],100,501,1; // Single Slot Machine Payment Price setarray .tsm_payment[0],500000,501,3; // Triple Slot Machine Payment Price but its seems the only reward can get is the apple 30pcs (501,30) hope someone can help thanks...
  8. where can i edit guardian stone repair time delay i`ve been searching for it but zero result hope someone can help me sorry if wrong thread
  9. hello can anyone help me Im doing a 12v12 Event and i want to provide all the items and Supplies that it needs what i need is An NPC that after i Summoned them in a Event Area they can Click the npc and get the items * all items that i can put and it will vanished after they leave a map or maybe after an hour ( like a rental items )
  10. d11749590ed70ed43_paste.txt how to use this patch? should i write this in rathena/custom/koepatch.txt like a script and recompile my server? i get confused sorry , is there a guide for newbie how to use this thanks
  11. Sorry newbie regarding about this (DON'T FORGET TO BUILD THE mapcache.dat !) how to build mapcache.dat ? hi sir sader im using this script its working but after i open gepard OnInit: .gepard = false; // if you want to use gepaard and have gepard on your server set this to true if(.gepard){ query_sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `MiniEtower` (`unique_id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',`char_id` INT NOT NULL,`time` INT NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM"); } } its start to crash then i set it back to false but not working again
  12. currently using Emistry multi currency shop how to add announce on it when player buy something thanks in advance been trying to put announce on it for days lol . credits to emistry since this multi shop shop is so easy to use.
  13. jobmaster.txt im currently using this script is it posibble to stick to its class? i mean after rebirth theres no other selection . example i made a char novice>acolyte>priest then rebirth > high aco to high priest
  14. Email addresses do not match , even its same email how to fix this please
  15. i was puting some costume items then suddenlly the error show, i download my files again( cleaned) but i guess the client side got affected dunno why how to fix this please.
  16. i try my old create.php if it works but got that error "email adresses do not match" even its match
  17. The e-mail address you've entered is not in a valid e-mail address format -Flux CP Error how to fix this? i already tried to $email = trim($params->get('email_address')); $email2 = trim($params->get('email_address2')); erase the " $email2 = trim($params->get('email_address2'));" but still same error. is there a way to fix this ? i guess my latest fluxp cp is not compatible with my flux theme. please help me if theres a way to fix this or how to ignore the email in account create.
  18. i haven`t use reloadmobdb since i bought this in pony . sorry for lack of info. its just that some mobs in my server changing into another mobs but same name etc, sample is that sohee turning into flag but its still sohee its just change its image but same as sohee in hp dmg etc.
  19. how to fix this other dungeon changing into another monster but same name . sorry if wrong section.
  20. +1 thanks it really helpful i get it now how to set up a payment and will put some change on its zeny hehe thanks mate
  21. thanks sir, will try it now . hmm 1 question is it posible posible to set a 2 payment? town 1k Dungeon 5k
  22. hello guys im using this kind of warper http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/!svn/bc/15000/trunk/npc/custom/warper.txt for my server. Is it possible to put some zeny exchange for the warp .
  23. hello sir, can you edit it command where only gm can used it. even a normal player can use that shower
  24. +1 thanks mate its working ? hope you can teach me how to put some more items on it, just want to make it 4 and if its posible to control it drop i mean for item 1 =20pcs item2=20pcs item3=30pcs item4=30pcs. sorry for my bad english
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