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x13th last won the day on October 19 2020

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  1. Hi, please open an issue on github. So I can track them.
  2. I tried this but when I removed this I can't connect to the server anymore. Any idea how to solve this?
  3. Sorry, it was in my private repository. I will update it as soon as possible. Well, we can do that via Flux but we need time for development and deep testing. We don't want to introduce exploits because of this feature.
  4. @WhiteEagle yes, the latest repository display that.
  5. Can you provide more information about your question so we can answer it properly. ?
  6. @Dark Lunacy Glad you like it @Xan Sietry Will do mate. Thanks Applied some fixes - Added password reset for master account and game account - Fixed issues #1 (Reported by @xVaan) - Fixed error when logging in if account is ban - Fixed loginbox account link
  7. FluxCP with Master Account Integration Hi everyone! I want to share my Simple FluxCP with master account. I've been coding this for the last 2 days using my free time. I have seen a lot of people asking for FluxCP with Master account so I decided to share this. Originally I was planning to do this via addons but there are too many things needed to change. Please take note that this is version 1.0 so if you found any bugs please open an issue on github. I will also release next time the master account integrated with phpBB. Repository: https://github.com/acelabini/FluxCP-MasterAccount Clone: https://github.com/acelabini/FluxCP-MasterAccount.git Download: https://github.com/acelabini/FluxCP-MasterAccount/archive/master.zip How to install? Just clone or download the repository and follow this installation guide written by @Zack- Configuration Edit `config/application.php` 'MasterAccount' => true, // Enable master account feature, setting this to false will revert back to normal fluxCP 'MasterAccountPasswordHash' => 'bcrypt', // Master account password hashing algorithm, atm only bcrypt is available 'MasterAccountMaxAccounts' => 0, // Maximum game account per master account; 0 to disable If you have any question, feel free to post it here. Helpful? Buy me a coffee
  8. Check your SQL credentials and the user privilege.
  9. There's many reason why this is happening. Can you tell us what steps you've done trying to solve this problem?
  10. Why don't they take action against rAthena or any other emulators? Since its the main source of it.
  11. So yeah, gravity filed a DMCA takedown for RO Browser & ROChargen repository @ github. Why do this? @KeyWorld didn't steal a single code from them. Is it because of the name itself? And now, they are taking down facebook fanpages with "Ragnarok Online" name on it.
  12. x13th

    VPS hosting

    I'm not very good with this stuff so i'll just ask you guys. 2 vCore(s) 3.5 GHz 4 GB RAM 60 GB SSD 3 TB traffic Is this specs good for running RO Server? How many players can this VPS handle? Thanks
  13. Hmm. I already got the solution and its working, although I havent tested it with many users in the server. Thanks!
  14. Good day everyone. Can someone help me with this? Calculate the shortest route between two points in a map and return all the coordinates? For example in prontera: (156,191) to (224,131) it will return coordinates of the shortest route to reach 224, 131 The idea is like a bot walking from x1,y1 to x2,y2. I don't know which algorithm to use and I'm new to C. Thank you in advance. Edit: I found this repo: https://github.com/Henrybk/Openkore-Pathfinding/blob/master/Pathfinding.c
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