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Everything posted by iwillnot

  1. Problem When I press the screenshot button in-game, when I check the screenshot, it is tilted (diagonally) and it is in grayscale. How I solved the problem 1. Run your opensetup.exe in your RO folder to configure the settings of your client (Download link if you do not have a copy of it in your RO folder). 2. Change the screen resolution to something else. I used 1440x900. In choosing a resolution, read the following quote from a thread in Hercules. 4144 states the following: 3. Save the settings. Run your game. Test the screenshot to see if it worked. 4. If it did not work, try a different screen resolution. Result
  2. What it does Allows you to have two files in your System folder; One for the standard RO item descriptions, and one for your custom items. It is useful in the same way that item_db2.txt contains your custom files while the standard RO files are in item_db.txt. How to implement it Step 1. Create your secondary file in your System folder. In my example below, it uses iteminfo.au.lub. Step 2. Using an updated NEMO Client patcher, hex your client such that it uses the Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo.lub patch. Step 3. On your iteminfo.au.lub, use the following format as a template: dofile("System/iteminfo.lub") tbl_custom = { [30001] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Old Red Box", unidentifiedResourceName = "빨간상자", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { }, identifiedDisplayName = "Old Red Box", identifiedResourceName = "빨간상자", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A box that glows with a mysterious, red color. If you open it, something good may be inside.", "^FFFFFF_^000000", "Weight:^009900 20^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0, costume = false }, } -- Now for a helper function because i hate repetitions -- It adds items from curTable if it is not present in refTable function itemAdder(curTable, refTable) for ItemID,DESC in pairs(curTable) do if refTable == nil or refTable[ItemID] == nil then result, msg = AddItem(ItemID,DESC.unidentifiedDisplayName,DESC.unidentifiedResourceName,DESC.identifiedDisplayName,DESC.identifiedResourceName, DESC.slotCount, DESC.ClassNum) if not result then return false, msg end for k,v in pairs(DESC.unidentifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemUnidentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result then return false, msg end end for k,v in pairs(DESC.identifiedDescriptionName) do result, msg = AddItemIdentifiedDesc(ItemID, v) if not result then return false, msg end end end end return true, "good" end -- And the newly designed main function function main() result, msg = itemAdder(tbl_custom, nil) -- add custom items (including official overrides) if result then result, msg = itemAdder(tbl, tbl_custom) -- add non-overridden official items end return result, msg end Explanation 1. It first executes the file found in System/iteminfo.lub, which allows you to load the standard RO files. 2. Then, you define tbl_custom, which is your custom items and their definitions. 3. The itemAdder function is used to prioritize information from tbl_custom over the standard tbl of items. 4. The main function is re-designed to do facilitate this behavior. Reminders When editing your iteminfo.lub, make sure that you save the file using the EUC-KR encoding and NOT UTF-8, or else your client will not be able to understand the resource names. Supposedly, if you only use Notepad++ you would not encounter any problems with such. However, I use Visual Studio Code and it annoyingly opens my file using UTF-8 encoding. I hope that was a much more clear explanation of how to do this. If anything is unclear or incorrect, please inform me so I can edit my post.
  3. @Asheraf Thank you so much for your help. That is what fixed it. After applying that fix, for some reason, the client was not correctly recognizing the changes I made (whether it was on the data folder or if the changes were in the topmost GRF in the data.ini file). I realized it was a problem caused by incorrectly hexing my 2017-06-14 RagexeRE client. The following configuration works as of post date. I'll leave the settings I used that made everything work out, in case someone needs it: 2017-06-14 RagexeRE client Unpatched Client Download Link. Asheraf Translation used Commit 0ceb79723f8ffae69d5e1e5ff3ba99efb8bd6a08 Download link NEMO NEMO patcher Download Link Client Patching Profile settings 3 Chat Flood Remove Limit 8 Custom Window Title 9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended) 13 Disable Ragexe Filename Check (Recommended) 16 Disable Swear Filter 18 Skip Service Selection Screen 20 Extend Chat Box 21 Extend Chat Room Box 22 Extend PM Box 23 Enable /who command (Recommended) 24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended) 28 Increase Headgear ViewID 31 Increase Zoom Out 75% 33 Always Call SelectKoreaClientInfo() (Recommended) 34 Enable /showname (Recommended) 35 Read Data Folder First 36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended) 37 Read questid2display.txt (Recommended) 38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended) 39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended) 40 Restore Login Window (Recommended) 41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended) 44 Translate Client (Recommended) 46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended) 47 Use Ragnarok Icon 48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended) 49 Enable Multiple GRFs (Recommended) 50 Skip License Screen 52 Use Custom Font 53 Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended) 64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended) 65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended) 69 Extend Npc Dialog Box 71 Ignore Resource Errors 72 Ignore Missing Palette Error 73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended) 74 Increase Screenshot Quality 76 Enforce Official Login Background 84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended) 90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended) 91 Disconnect to Login Window 97 Cancel to Login Window (Recommended) 100 Disable Multiple Windows 204 Increase Attack Display 207 Resize Font 213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended) 216 Hide Cash Shop 234 Ignore Lua Errors 240 Load custom ClientInfo file Thanks again for your valuable time, Asheraf.
  4. I'm getting the same problem as above: Opening a rogue character creates an error. I am using a hexed client 2017-06-14bRagexeRE.exe for my client and I am using Asheraf's translation. Analyzing the skillinfo_f.lub file in Asheraf's repository using the error message, I go to line 104 to read the following: function AddNeedSkillList(SKID) if All_NeedSkillList ~= nil then local depth = 0 while All_NeedSkillList[depth] do local idx = 1 skillInfo = All_NeedSkillList[depth][idx] while skillInfo do if skillInfo[2] == nil then skillInfo[2] = 0 end c_AddNeedSkillList(SKID, skillInfo[1], skillInfo[2]) idx = idx + 1 skillInfo = All_NeedSkillList[depth][idx] end depth = depth + 1 end end end it says that the second argument of the function call c_AddNeedSkillList is erroneous, which is skillInfo[1]. Index 1 is the second element in a skillinfolist.lub. When I look at an example of skillinfolist.lub, it shows that the second element of the array is the skill's name as shown in the following: [SKID.RG_GRAFFITI] = { "RG_GRAFFITI", SkillName = "Graffiti", MaxLv = 1, SpAmount = { 15 }, bSeperateLv = false, AttackRange = { 1 }, _NeedSkillList = { { SKID.RG_FLAGGRAFFITI, 5 } } }, Not sure how something could become nil at this point. Diagnosis I think that it's possible that I'm editing the files in the wrong place. Am I placing these files in the right place? client\data\lua files\skillinfoz\ What can you advise?
  5. These are fantastic work. Amazing! When money comes in, I want to support you (and get some cool sprites)!
  6. Problem and goal Hi. I can't talk to the NPC when I have certain status ailments (e.g. Frozen, Stoned, Stunned... etc.). The goal is to be able to make a healer that can remove these status ailments or debuffs. Testing First I tried to summon garm to get frozen and just warp in front of the healer, but that was too tedious. I tried to do @option 2 to become frozen, but again, the frozen status is not removed. Analysis I think that the npc healer script that has "sc_end" does not execute because I am currently frozen, stoned, or stunned. I'm not sure if this will require a minor src edit. I've checked npc.c and script.c but it's getting confusing. Tried to look for a conf file for this, but I couldn't find any too. Please help!
  7. I set my subnet_athena to my VPS' external WAN IP. It's still says I have a closed connection. The reason why I have the other settings commented out was because I was trying different settings to make it work. Thanks aero011!
  8. Hello. I'm an experienced eAthena developer who just recently came back to make an RO server. Current situation Have you inspected other closed connection threads? Have you used google? Yes, years ago I did and I got it to work. A few minutes ago I googled away but they didn't work. Am I able to log in? Yes. Am I able to select a server? Yes. Am I able to view my characters? No. Am I able to get into the map? No. Problem In my command line, I am encountering the warning of "Closed connection from <WAN IP>" which prevents me from seeing my characters and connecting to the game itself. My configuration I am running it on a virtual machine which I connect through using Putty through SSH. I configured my map_athena and my char_athena to use WAN IPs. All bind_ips are commented out. subnet_athena.conf //subnet: //subnet: subnet: //subnet: Client Unrelated but here it is anyway. PACKET_VER in src/common/mmo.h is configured to follow this version. 2013-12-30aRagexe.exe Client by Themon Server version I pulled a copy from the github repository. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/51f26d43d2b7ae8fc70807f681fc52016ba773e9 Here's the displayed error message. In my previous server development, setting up the map/char server with my WAN IP and configuring the subnet as shown above fixes this problem. I am able to log in and select my server but am unable to proceed with character selection. Are my ports open? Yes. I opened my VM's ports, both TCP and UDP for 6900, 5121, and 6121. Thank you very much for your help!
  9. Hi! I love playing RO. I've been playing since 2005 I think, or at least since I was 12. Been with RO since then, back in eAthena. I'm 20 now, and RO has played a great role in my life. It introduced me to programming at such an early age and I've loved it since. RO server development exposed me to RO's npc scripting language which introduced me to programming. Then I learned about its data storage through its databases, specifically SQL. It was all so fascinating and the community in eAthena helped me out so much (AnnieRuru, Emistry, to name a few). Around better people, I learned to be a better. My passion for RO taught me to mess around with PHP, with C, with regexp, and so much more at such an early age. Now that I'm an incoming 3rd year computer science student in my university, so much more makes sense to me now. Source editing isn't scary anymore, haha. Well, I passed by here in rAthena to meet people, to learn, and to help develop my friend's server. So hey to everyone, and hopefully I am able to make time for rAthena.
  10. In the case when you make a DIFF for this source edit, please note that inside the function "npc_parsename", the function call of ShowWarning did not update its NPC_NAME_LENGTH, as seen below. ShowWarning("npc_parsename: Display name of '%s' is too long (len=%u) in file '%s', line'%d'. Truncating to %u characters.\n", name, (unsigned int)len, filepath, strline(buffer,start-buffer), NPC_NAME_LENGTH); Thanks!
  11. Hello friend, I am experiencing the same troubles but do not understand completely what you mean by fixing the grf integrity. Has anyone experienced this as well? We have harmony, but we have disabled it for now and checked out a clean rAthena copy of the server without installing harmony. Harmony does not even initialize in any of the servers. We are using the rAthena revision 16758, which is the latest as of the date of this post. It specifically says:
  12. The documentation found at should have its "monsterinfo" replaced to "mobinfo" because monsterinfo is simply an alias of mobinfo, as explained in Thank you very much.
  13. Good day! I have recently started using rAthena from eAthena. I also decided to start using RagexeRE instead of Xray which was quite a big change for me. It was difficult to find a firm and bug-free client set up until I found mine. I am currently using client 20110405. My problem is, most of my players are using an outdated Ragray client that was functional for the 20091013a client of Xray. Their problem now is that when they use the installer for my server, they have missing sprites and assets required for the new user interface. My question are: (1) Would it be possible (or is it wise) to create a patch that includes user interface files so that my players do not need to download a heavy client like Miruku or Ragray? (2) If so, what files must I compile to provide for my players? (3) Are the user interface files the only things that will be missing to make the game functional? (a) Aside from the items, mobs etc. because they will definitely be missing. We intend to play RO as it were a few years ago, before Renewal. ( From my understanding, the client knows what files it will require, it is simply a matter of providing it in the data.grf. Is it correct to say that (4) the data.grf that I have (which is updated by Miruku) will have all necessary files. Once I know exactly what files I need to provide my players, I can simply extract them from the GRF, provide a GPF file for the necessary files, and upload to my patch site to redistribute it to my players. Hoping to hear from the community with patience and understanding.
  14. I checked ALT + Y and it says that the command was /nm /nm2 instead of /notalkmsg /notalkmsg2
  15. I feel immensely dumb now. lol. Can I take a guess? We decompiled Gravity's LUB into LUA, which we now use. So... it's kinda pointless to turn it back into LUB?
  16. A newbie-friendly Lua to Lub compiler for folders! What This program allows you to compile a whole "lua files" folder's LUA files into LUB files. I found it annoying that I'd need to do it manually for each file (Or maybe there is a simpler way, I just didn't know how). I know not every file needs to be protected since not all LUA files are customized by most RO server owners but oh well. The files are saved in their corresponding folders. How to use Save the RAR file in a simple directory like C:/lua2lub/ or D:/lua2lub/. Extract in the same folder so that the 2 applications and the lua files folder are in the D:/lua2lub/ folder. Run lua2lub.exe Set the directory path ( option 2 ) Start compiling ( option 1 ) Exit ( option 4 ) Credits Revisions and downloads Version 1.0 : May 20, 2012 First release. Basic functions. Side note: I've always dreamed of contributing to eAthena (Ragnarok Online Private Server community in general) since I was 12 years old. 7 years later, here I am.
  17. Hi peopleperson49. I was able to resolve the "Missing public chat text" error. After what you said above, I figured it wasn't an error. It's about the /nomeschat2 and /nomeschat thing indeed. It seems that in my client (2011-04-05aRagexeRE), it uses the following command instead. /nm or /notalksmg /nm2 or /notalkmsg2 I found it in the ALT + Y window as you suggested. Also, the dispbottom error is fixed as well. Hi AnnaChavez28, This error comes from your client being run on a non-administrative setting. You can fix this by right clicking your EXE file and clicking Run as Administrator. To save that as a permanent preference, right click the EXE, go to Properties, Compatibility tab, And go to Privilege level, set it to Run as administrator. Unfortunately for us, this has a problem with window's UAC (User Account Control i think), because it keeps asking for confirmation if we want to run the said application. If anybody has a fix for this (that would be extremely simple without any use of external programs, please do share. You know how tech-scared players are, especially when they're children.
  18. Thank you very much shadowseph and Judas! It is all a matter of asking the right questions. Thank you!
  19. rAthena/db/pet_db.txt See number 22. // Pet Database // // Structure of Database: // MobID,Name,JName,LureID,EggID,EquipID,FoodID,Fullness,HungryDelay,R_Hungry,R_Full,Intimate,Die,Capture,Speed,S_Performance,talk_convert_class,attack_rate,defence_attack_rate,change_target_rate,pet_script,loyal_script // // 01. MobID Monster ID of the pet. // 02. Name Name of the monster as defined in the database. // 03. JName The display name of the monster when hatched. // 04. LureID Pet Tame Item ID. // 05. EggID Pet Egg ID. // 06. EquipID Pet Accessory ID. // 07. FoodID Pet Food ID. // 08. Fullness The amount Hunger is decreased every [HungryDelay] seconds. // 09. HungryDelay The amount of time it takes for hunger to decrease after feeding. (Default: 60 seconds) // 10. R_Hungry Amount of Intimacy that is increased when fed. // 11. R_Full Amount of Intimacy that is decreased when over-fed. // 12. Intimate Amount of Intimacy the pet starts with. // 13. Die Amount of Intimacy that is decreased when the pet owner dies. // 14. Capture Capture succes rate (10000 = 100%) // 15. Speed Pet's walk speed. (Defaul: 150) // 16. S_Performance Special Performance. (Yes = 1, No = 0) // 17. talk_convert_class Disables pet talk (instead of talking they emote with /!.) // 18. attack_rate Rate of which the pet will attack (requires at least pet_support_min_friendly intimacy). // 19. defence_attack_rate Rate of which the pet will retaliate when master is being attacked (requires at least pet_support_min_friendly intimacy). // 20. change_target_rate Rate of which the pet will change its attack target. // 21. pet_script Script to execute when the pet is hatched. // 22. loyal_script Script to execute when the pet is hatched (requires at least pet_equip_min_friendly intimacy, independent of pet_script). //NOTE: The max value (100%) of attack_rate, defense_rate & change_target_rate is 10000. Example: Once your Poring is loyal, it will boost you with 100 to all stats. 1002,PORING,Poring,619,9001,10013,531,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 10; },{ bonus bAllStats,100; }
  20. iwillnot

    GM Level Bug?

    If you are using SQL, you can change your GM level by going to your internet browser and going to localhost/phpMyAdmin/, log in using your SQL username and password, go to your SQL database, go to your login table, search your account ID or account name, and edit your level field. If you are using TXT, go to your rAthena/save/ folder and open the account.txt. In there you'll find your account. Change the appropriate "0" into "99" to have Admin GM Level.
  21. Hello, I am having problems with my client. I am using: 2011-04-05aRagexeRE which I patched by Shinryo's Patcher using his WeeDiff Generator. My packet server setting in common/mmo.h is set up accordingly (20110405) and I just svn checkout'd my LUA files today so it's quite updated. I've been using Xray for the past few years and I often turned away from RagexeRE because it seemed so confusing. After a bit of research, here's what I understand: LUA must always be updated, it does not need to be the same date as your client. LUA files go into the data/lua files/ directory. LUB files must be the same date as your client. Some RagexeRE clients can be diff-patched using Shinryo's Patcher's WeeDiff Generator, but the only ones he tested were "Clients 2010-08-17bRagexeRE 'till 2011-04-05aRagexeRE parsed successfully.". He stated what dates he tested in his thread. Here are my questions: How do I fix the "NO MSG" text from the Equipment Window (ALT + Q) which should be equipment and styles respectively? How do I fix the "NO MSG" text from the recruiting and booking windows? Where do LUB files go (in your RO directory? data/lub files/)? LUB files are encrypted LUA files. If my server prefers it, can we use LUA files instead? Can LUA files stay as .lua files inside the GRF or do they have to be encrypted? (like how ASCII should be translated to Korean using Unbolloxer) What is a suitable or recommended client version that has a good balance (in your standards) between stability and features? When I change my job to transcendant classes (Creator, Mastersmith, etc) The job is not shown on my ALT + V window. How do I fix that? The multiple chat windows works (The ones with the (+) and (-) signs and specific settings). My friend told me about a specific server-wide recruit chat channel which can be enabled and disabled whenever. How can I implement this? I'm not asking for step by step instructions (although that would be useful), I just need to be guided on what I need to do. Push me in the right direction and I will do my best to understand. If I said a statement that is incorrect or misleading, please correct me so that I can learn and so that others who read this topic can understand well. Thank you in advance!
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