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Posts posted by Kichi

  1. wd.damage = 40 * sstatus->str + (8 / 100) * skill_lv * sstatus->hp;


    level 1 Final Strike

    (STR*40) + (HP*8%)

    mean VIT 1 / 9999 will not affect the damage (based on formula)

    only STR and HP are affect the damage.

    As long as your HP increase, your damage will be increase.

    Or there are max damage limit

  2. skill.c

    change to:

    			int rate = 0, i;
    			rate = 6 * skill_lv + sstatus->dex / 10 + (sd? sd->status.job_level / 4 : 0) - tstatus->dex /5;// The tstatus->dex / 5 part is unofficial, but players gotta have some kind of way to have resistance. [Rytech]
    			//rate -= rate * tstatus->dex / 200; // Disabled until official resistance is found.


    change to:

    2213,11,8,2,0,0x2,7,5,-20,yes,0,0,0,weapon,2,0x400,	WL_COMET,Comet
    • Upvote 1
  3. Find this:


    	if(status->hp >= max(status->max_hp>>2, sce->val4)) //Stop damaging after 25% HP left.
    		status_zap(bl, sce->val4, 0);

    Change to


    		if(status->hp >= max(status->max_hp/10, sce->val4)) //Stop damaging after 10% HP left.
    		status_zap(bl, sce->val4, 0);
  4. Hi rathena Proz how are u all i wish u are all good


    i have finished my server and but all theitems and every thing is just ok and i play on it 5 Hrs a Day to make sure that there is no errors

    but i didnt find any errors in the hole Data base but the problem is in izlude map when  any 1 warps to it  he can't move it is just like there is a wall in the  But any way i think ican find an answer for that later ........................



    but now  i tried to upload the Game on the media fire so some player  could search with me for some errors but the problem is that any 1 download the file and tries  to connect  to the server it says  to Him (Disconnected From Server)



    i really wish to get the answer quickly and thnX all For UR support ^_^


    1. izlude = maybe you using old izlude map in client side (small size, there are shop building in center)
    2. disconnect from server = Check that your player recieve/have same files as yours (if you success login) or ask your player if they put your RO files into other RO files
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