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Ragnar Lothbrok

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Everything posted by Ragnar Lothbrok

  1. after updating my svn,i got this error when recompiling... 1>c:\users\einra\desktop\rathena\src\map\skill.c(12442): error C2065: 'uint' : undeclared identifier 1>c:\users\einra\desktop\rathena\src\map\skill.c(12442): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'inf2' 1>c:\users\einra\desktop\rathena\src\map\skill.c(12442): error C2065: 'inf2' : undeclared identifier 1>c:\users\einra\desktop\rathena\src\map\skill.c(12564): error C2065: 'inf2' : undeclared identifier 1>c:\users\einra\desktop\rathena\src\map\skill.c(12565): error C2065: 'inf2' : undeclared identifier
  2. guys how to show the pub timer after killing the MVP? im using the latest SVN...thanks
  3. @Sir Euphy I use your Guarantee Refine Ticket but i got this error: [Error]: Loading NPC file: npc/bringers/refine_ticket.txt script error on npc/bringers/refine_ticket.txt line 30 parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared func tion 25 : dispbottom getequipname(.@s)+" cannot be refined."; clos e; } 26 : if (getequiprefinerycnt(.@s) >= 20 || (.@CleanEquip && getequipr efinerycnt(.@s))) { 27 : dispbottom "+"+getequiprefinerycnt(.@s)+" "+getequipname (.@s)+" cannot be refined any further."; close; } 28 : if (getarg(1)) message strcharinfo(0)," ~~ Guarantee Refine Tick et +"+getarg(0)+" ~~ "; 29 : if(select("^0055FFRefine +"+getequiprefinerycnt(.@s)+" "+getequi pname(.@s)+":^777777Cancel^000000")==2) close; * 30 : 'p'cblockmove getcharid(3),1; 31 : specialeffect2 348; 32 : progressbar "",2; 33 : if (!countitem(getarg(2))) { 34 : dispbottom "Refine failed. Ticket not found."; close; } 35 : for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarg(0); set .@i,.@i+1) { Can you please fix it? i use rAmod..thanks...
  4. i think he's reffering on the icon in the mini map..XD
  5. may i know what error is this see image below the lower part? and how to fix this? anyone can help me?? thanks
  6. check you screenshot char_athena and map_athena password must be the same..
  7. try this one pvpladder CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pvpladder` ( `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `streaks` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `kills` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `deaths` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `streaktime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; ownladder CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ownladder` ( `guild_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `name` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `currentown` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `highestown` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `owntime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`guild_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; i just copy this code on my server sql, hope it will help...
  8. thank you for your reply, but i check your link and its just same, SP Cost and Casting Time are unknown i think those are normal... what about for Booking,Battleground and Navigation button how to show those button on Basic Info??
  9. Guys can anyone help me fix this one, navigation,booking,battleground button are missing, how can i implement those? im using 20120410 client and Alexandria http://rathena.org/b...english-folder/ datav3.0.... and about the SP Cost and Casting Time of Royal Guard Skills are Unknown is that normal? if not how to fix it? thanks in advance...
  10. kung meron kng pRO files pwede mo nmn kunin dun ung mga gus2 mong items then import mo sa server mo
  11. i already do that but it affects 1st job w/ 99/50, BUMP! Need help please!
  12. can any one help me edit this jobmaster script please, i want this script to be like this: you can only change to 3rd Class if your already Trans Job 99/70.... because this script can change to 3rd Class even if your 99/50, it must be 99/70 not 99/50 ... //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Job Master //===== By: ================================================== //= Euphy //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.3 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN r16114+ //===== Description: ========================================= //= A fully functional job changer. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.1 Fixed reset on Baby job change. [Euphy] //= 1.2 Added Expanded Super Novice support and initial Kagerou/Oboro support. [Euphy] //= 1.3 Kagerou/Oboro added. [Euphy] //============================================================ prontera,152,191,3 script Job Master 725,{ function Job_Menu; function A_An; mes "[Job Master]"; if ((Class > 4049) || (Class == 25)) { mes "No more jobs are available."; close; } if (checkfalcon() || checkcart() || checkriding() || ismounting()) { mes "Please remove your "+((checkfalcon())?"falcon":"")+((checkcart())?"cart":"")+((checkriding())?"Peco":"")+((ismounting())?"mount":"")+" before proceeding."; close; } if (.SkillPointCheck && SkillPoint) { mes "Please use all your skill points before proceeding."; close; } set .@eac, eaclass(); set .@i, ((.ThirdClass)?roclass(.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK):Class); if (.@i > 6 && .@i < 22) { if (BaseLevel < .Rebirth[0] || JobLevel < .Rebirth[1]) { set .@blvl, .Rebirth[0]-BaseLevel; set .@jlvl, .Rebirth[1]-JobLevel; mes "You need "+((.@blvl>0)?.@blvl+" more base levels "+((.@jlvl>0)?"/ ":""):"")+((.@jlvl>0)?.@jlvl+" more job levels ":"")+"to continue."; close; } if (Class > 21) { mes "Switch to third class?"; next; Job_Menu(roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD)); close; } while(1) { mes "Do you want to reborn?."; next; set .@i, select(" ~ ^0055FFRebirth^000000:"+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); if (.@i==3) close; mes "[Job Master]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; Job_Menu(((.@i==1)?4001:roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD))); mes "[Job Master]"; } } set .@j1, roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1); set .@j2,roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_2); if ((.@eac&EAJ_UPPERMASK) == EAJ_SUPER_NOVICE) setarray .@exp[0],roclass(.@eac|EAJL_THIRD),99; if (Class == Job_Ninja) setarray .@exp[0],.@j1,70; if (.@exp[0] && .ThirdClass) { if (BaseLevel < .Rebirth[0] || JobLevel < .@exp[1]) { set .@blvl, .Rebirth[0]-BaseLevel; set .@jlvl, .@exp[1]-JobLevel; mes "You need "+((.@blvl>0)?.@blvl+" more base levels "+((.@jlvl>0)?"/ ":""):"")+((.@jlvl>0)?.@jlvl+" more job levels ":"")+"to continue."; close; } mes "Switch to "+jobname(.@exp[0])+"?"; next; Job_Menu(.@exp[0]); close; } if (.@eac&EAJL_2) if (.@eac&(EAJL_UPPER|EAJL_BABY) || roclass(.@eac|EAJL_UPPER) == -1) { mes "No more jobs are available."; close; } if ((.@eac&EAJ_BASEMASK) == EAJ_NOVICE) { if (JobLevel < .JobReq[0]) mes "A job level of "+.JobReq[0]+" is required to change into the 1st Class."; else if (Class == 4001 && .LastJob && lastJob) { mes "Switch classes now?"; next; Job_Menu(roclass((eaclass(lastJob)&EAJ_BASEMASK)|EAJL_UPPER)); } else switch(Class) { case 0: Job_Menu(1,2,3,4,5,6,23,4046,24,25,4023); case 4001: Job_Menu(4002,4003,4004,4005,4006,4007); case 4023: Job_Menu(4024,4025,4026,4027,4028,4029,4045); default: mes "An error has occurred."; break; } close; } if (roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_1) == -1 || roclass(.@eac|EAJL_2_2) == -1) mes "No more jobs are available."; else if (!(.@eac&EAJL_2) && JobLevel < .JobReq[1]) mes "A job level of "+.JobReq[1]+" is required to change into the 2nd Class."; else if (.LastJob && lastJob && (.@eac&EAJL_UPPER)) { mes "Switch classes now?"; next; Job_Menu(lastJob+4001); } else Job_Menu(.@j1,.@j2); close; function Job_Menu { while(1) { if (getargcount() > 1) { mes "Select a job."; set .@menu$,""; for(set .@i,0; .@i<getargcount(); set .@i,.@i+1) set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ "+jobname(getarg(.@i))+":"; set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"; next; set .@i, getarg(select(.@menu$)-1,0); if (!.@i) close; if ((.@i == 23 || .@i == 4045) && BaseLevel < .SNovice) { mes "[Job Master]"; mes "A base level of "+.SNovice+" is required to turn into a "+jobname(.@i)+"."; close; } mes "[Job Master]"; mes "Are you sure?"; next; } else set .@i, getarg(0); if (select(" ~ Change into ^0055FF"+jobname(.@i)+"^000000 class: ~ ^777777"+((getargcount() > 1)?"Go back":"Cancel")+"^000000")==1) { mes "[Job Master]"; mes "You are now "+A_An(jobname(.@i))+"!"; if (.@i==4001 && .LastJob) set lastJob, Class; jobchange .@i; if (.@i==4001 || .@i==4023) resetlvl(1); specialeffect2 338; specialeffect2 432; if (.Platinum) callsub Get_Platinum; close; } if (getargcount() == 1) return; mes "[Job Master]"; } end; } function A_An { setarray .@A$[0],"a","e","i","o","u"; set .@B$, "_"+getarg(0); for(set .@i,0; .@i<5; set .@i,.@i+1) if (compare(.@B$,"_"+.@A$[.@i])) return "an "+getarg(0); return "a "+getarg(0); } Get_Platinum: skill 142,1,0; switch(BaseClass) { case 0: if (Class !=23) skill 143,1,0; break; case 1: skill 144,1,0; skill 145,1,0; skill 146,1,0; break; case 2: skill 157,1,0; break; case 3: skill 147,1,0; skill 148,1,0; break; case 4: skill 156,1,0; break; case 5: skill 153,1,0; skill 154,1,0; skill 155,1,0; break; case 6: skill 149,1,0; skill 150,1,0; skill 151,1,0; skill 152,1,0; break; default: break; } switch(roclass(eaclass()&EAJ_UPPERMASK)) { case 7: skill 1001,1,0; break; case 8: skill 1014,1,0; break; case 9: skill 1006,1,0; break; case 10: skill 1012,1,0; skill 1013,1,0; break; case 11: skill 1009,1,0; break; case 12: skill 1003,1,0; skill 1004,1,0; break; case 14: skill 1002,1,0; break; case 15: skill 1015,1,0; skill 1016,1,0; break; case 16: skill 1007,1,0; skill 1008,1,0; skill 1017,1,0; skill 1018,1,0; skill 1019,1,0; break; case 17: skill 1005,1,0; break; case 18: skill 238,1,0; break; case 19: skill 1010,1,0; break; case 20: skill 1011,1,0; break; default: break; } return; OnInit: setarray .Rebirth[0],99,50; // Minimum base level, job level to rebirth OR change to third class setarray .JobReq[0],10,40; // Minimum job level to turn into 1st class, 2nd class set .ThirdClass,1; // Enable third classes? (1: yes / 0: no) set .SNovice,45; // Minimum base level to turn into Super Novice set .LastJob,1; // Enforce linear class changes? (1: yes / 0: no) set .SkillPointCheck,1; // Force player to use up all skill points? (1: yes / 0: no) set .Platinum,1; // Get platinum skills automatically? (1: yes / 0: no) end; }
  13. pano fix to? http://rathena.org/board/topic/72904-how-to-fix-this-guys/
  14. when i run the server this error appears and after selecting the character this error appear and i cant connect to the server.... BUMP!
  15. parehas lng ba UNICODE sa pgpapatch ng files at grf?
  16. ano ang pipiliin sa dalawa ASCII or UNICODE pgpapatch ng custom items?? thank in advance
  17. guys, ano problem pg di natatapos ung patch? hanggang Saving Resource lang xia... pano fix un?? thanks in advance...
  18. multiple card...and only 1 requirements.. its just like trade in, you will trade your mvp card to pods.. but each mvp card have different amount... ex... 1 Garm Card = 10pods 1 Fallen Bishop Card = 50pods 1 Lightalzen MVP Card = 100pods sorry for my bad english... okei! ill try your script... btw thank you for helping..
  19. can you guys make a full NPC script, im still noob in scripting... a NPC that can convert 1 or more pcses of cards at the same time.... if (countitem(your_card)) { delitem your_card,1; getitem 7179,amount; } else if (...) else if (....) <---- what will i put hir? thanks...
  20. okei, thanks sir... if i want to add more cards? how will i do it?
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