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Everything posted by wakefield21

  1. Hello rAthena! Can someone please tell me how can i loop a BGM inside a script and if possible please give me an example. Here's my sample script. - script timeattack -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: atcommand "@night"; playBGM "100"; mes "[Great Demon Baphomet]"; mes "Greetings, "+ strcharinfo(0) +". Yes, human, I know who you are. I know that from the bottom of your heart, you seek glory and riches. You can't fool me foolish human! Now I stand before you to give you an offer."; next; mes "[Great Demon Baphomet]"; mes "I can grant you any treasure you desire and infinite power at your fingertips. Powerful weapons that humans have never before seen..."; next; mes "[Great Demon Baphomet]"; mes "Mountains of zeny that you cannot possibly hope to spend in a lifetime. Though, who's to say that your lifespan should be limited? Fame, power, immortality: It can all be yours."; next; mes "[Great Demon Baphomet]"; mes "I will be yours to summon at anytime. All other humans will dread making you their enemy. You will become the most powerful person in all of history!"; switch (select("Okay, Let's do it!:No! I'll never submit to you!")) { case 1: mes "[Great Demon Baphomet]"; mes "Then we shall form a contract. You won't ever regret this moment..."; next; mes "[Great Demon Baphomet]"; mes "Follow me."; mes "We will make the"; mes "contract in my"; mes "sanctum of darkness."; warp "prt_fild08",271,191; end; case 2: mes "[Great Demon Baphomet]"; mes "Foolish human..."; mes "You have made your choice. I will leave you alone for now, then. However, your training won't be as easy as you think."; next; mes "[Great Demon Baphomet]"; mes "I shall be preparing my troops for you. The day will come when I shall enjoy watching you writhe in agony as my fiends slowly devour you."; close; } end; } Thank you very much guys!
  2. I see thanks. So I must use a callfunc command.
  3. Good day rAthena! I just want to ask about getitembound3, is this possible to make in item scripts? like this 40000,Reward_Box,Reward Box,2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ getitembound3 2503,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,Bound_Account,RDMOPT_ATTR_TOLERACE_ALL,5,0; },{},{} I already tried it and not working and if possible how can i make multiple entries like RDMOPT_DAMAGE_PROPERTY_NOTHING_USER, RDMOPT_ATTR_TOLERACE_ALL into the item script. Thanks for answering rAthena!
  4. did you read what i said to the top? if you follow that guide you will not be having any troubles making new items inside the game. if you still don't understand it send me all the required files that i said at the top and I'll try to make it for you. send it to me via pm or here if you want. @thofdc13
  5. What’s your issue? Maybe I can help you.
  6. how am i supposed to upload my map files? can anybody help me? i cant see the maps and its kinda confusing on how to install. Nevermind my post, Fixed it already.
  7. Use zackdreaver Translation project
  8. @angelus01 are perhaps trying to login the first account in your database like the s1 p1 thingy?
  9. can you post a screenshot of what is happening on your side?
  10. are you perhaps using outdated Intel R graphics? if yes, kindly download the latest version for your hardware, If no just update your graphics card to it's latest software.
  11. @tiagofm94 what am i supposed to put inside there? or i just need to tinker to suit my needs? @Gerzzie thanks for the links.
  12. thanks @OppaiDragon and @Zell now i don't know how which one am i gonna pick. ?
  13. Hello rAthena i just want to ask how to enable multiple if else scenario. if(select("Change Hairstyle:Don't Change") == 1) { if (countitem(6707) > 0) { mes "[Kaniki]"; mes "Great, you brought"; mes "a New Kaniki Hair Style Coupon!"; mes "Alright, which hairstyle"; mes "did you want to have?"; next; if (Sex == SEX_MALE) { if(select("Emergency Heal Perm:Aura Blade Cut:Jupon Katana:Jupitel Thunder:Deadly Poison:Earth Spike") == 1) { delitem 6707,1; // New_Style_Coupon setlook 1,24; }else{ delitem 6707,1; // New_Style_Coupon setlook 1,25; }else{ delitem 6707,1; // New_Style_Coupon setlook 1,26; }else{ delitem 6707,1; // New_Style_Coupon setlook 1,27; }else{ delitem 6707,1; // New_Style_Coupon setlook 1,28; }else{ delitem 6707,1; // New_Style_Coupon setlook 1,29; }
  14. @Disabled LOOLP nothing changes its still the same, i can view it on the equipment window but cannot see the in game sprite of the item.
  15. @Disabled LOOLP should 150 do the job? And will it not have any problems if i i do that because my spriterobeid ends at 63.
  16. here is the iteminfo [30500] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Costume Garment", unidentifiedResourceName = "Èĵå", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Can be identified by using a ^990099Magnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Costume Valkyrie Wings", identifiedResourceName = "c_valkyrie_wing", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Now you can be the mighty Valkyrie with these costume wings!", "^FF0000This equipment's visual appearance relies on special effects. If /effect is turned OFF the headgear will not be fully displayed.^000000", "________________________", "^0000CCType:^000000 Costume", "^0000CCPosition:^000000 Garment", "^0000CCWeight:^000000 0", "________________________", "^0000CCRequirement:^000000 None" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 48 }, am i missing something @Disabled LOOLP
  17. @Disabled LOOLP uhhmm, i believe they are both correct but if not here is the db and the client info. itemdb.txt 30500,Valkyrie_Wing,Costume Valkyrie Wing,4,0,,0,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,4,,1,0,48,{},{},{} spriterobename.lub [SPRITE_ROBE_IDs.ROBE_Valkyrie_Wing] = "Valkyrie_Wing", spriterobid.lub ROBE_Valkyrie_Wing = 48,
  18. Hi rAthena good day to everyone of you, I just want to ask what is the problem regarding my question. I cannot see the sprite of the item in-game but in the equipment window it is already appearing. Please help me fix this problem, thank you!
  19. Oh and btw @BugSICK what is that frozen thingy that is floating on your character ?
  20. @BugSICK is this already answered? if not here is what you need to do: Open your iteminfo.lua/lub and find that custom item that you are working on. If you're just copying of an existing item just look at the Example itemid 18613, look for its ClassNum and change it to what it is in the accessoryid.lub. Below is an example of what i'm talking about. [18613] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Unidentified Hat", unidentifiedResourceName = "ĸ", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Can be identified by using a ^990099Magnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Black Musang Hat", identifiedResourceName = "È湫»ó¸ðÀÚ", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A headgear worn by a teacher of a fighting order.", "These Warriors in Black tend to be Esoteric Combat Specialists.", "________________________", "INT +2, DEX +2, AGI +1", "________________________", "^0000CCType:^000000 Headgear", "^0000CCDefense:^000000 3", "^0000CCPosition:^000000 Upper", "^0000CCWeight:^000000 40", "^0000CCRefinable:^000000 Yes", "________________________", "^0000CCRequirement:^000000 None" }, slotCount = 1, ClassNum = 771 <----- }, Or if what you're trying to do is add a new custom item then you will need to open accname.lub, accessoryid.lub, iteminfo.lua/lub. Example: accname.lub [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_YourItemName] = "_YourItemName", accessoryid.lub ACCESSORY_YourItemName = 1882, <-- ClassNum Iteminfo.lua/lub [19847] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Unidentified Hat", unidentifiedResourceName = "ĸ", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Can be identified by using a ^990099Magnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Your Item Name", identifiedResourceName = "Your Item BMP Name", identifiedDescriptionName = { "An over-sized red ribbon that contains hidden magical power.", "________________________", "^0000CCType:^000000 Costume", "^0000CCPosition:^000000 Upper", "^0000CCWeight:^000000 0", "________________________", "^0000CCRequirement:^000000 None" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 1882 <--- New ClassNum }, I hope these solve your problems. Have a nice day!
  21. @Alayne I will once again delve into this project of yours by this coming week and I'll post the things that needed to be fixed. Btw! I really love this YP as it is a breathe of fresh air from normal RO shenanigans thats why i hope that this project be fixed.
  22. @Stolao it seems the no ygg 3rds trans section is not working. my class is only assassin which I believe would be able to enter the room but unfortunately it always says no 3rd class allowed. Hope you fix it soon. best, wakefield
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