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About marcusvcr

  • Birthday 08/25/1988

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    Rio de Janeiro

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  1. Hi everybody, Is it possible to display the boss current location on mini-map(top-right corner)? Ex.: Baphomet in Hidden Dungeon 3. If yes, how can i do it? Obs.: Newbie Here. Thanks in advance.
  2. marcusvcr

    Chat Bar

    Hello guys, When i use to chat to my friends in another servers, the chat use to be like this: (from <my friend>): Text (to <my friend>): But when i tried it on my server, the display shows: (from <my friend): Text (to <my friend>(): Text I'd like to ask how to fix this extra parentheses (the parentheses in red). Can someone help me? Thanks
  3. Hey guys, how are you? I need some help editing item slots. I've tried this way: /(pre)re/item_db; Look for the item i want to edit the slots(#5013); Change the slot number on structure (5013,Horn_Of_Lord_Kaho,Lord Kaho's Horn,4,20,,100,,30,,4,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,256,,0,1,99,{ bonus bMdef,10; bonus bStr,5; bonus bAgi,10; bonus bVit,10; bonus bInt,5; bonus bLuk,20; },{},{}); Change the item i want to add slot in the file "itemslotcounttable.txt" (5013#4#). But nothing worked as well, the item stayed the same as it was. Did I forget something? Can someone help me? Thanks.
  4. Yes sir, i changed to my ragexe version and still got the error. Yes sir, i tried enable and disable and got error in both.
  5. Hello guys, i need some help. I'm new here and i tried following this topic: https://rathena.org/board/topic/104452-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2015-client/ Everything was going just like the tutorial, i could create the server, the database on phpmyadmin and start it, but when the time came to create the client and log in, i got this error: clif_parse: Disconnecting session #3 with unknown packet version (p:0x7ae7,1:19). I've tried to follow many soluctions posted here and any of it worked. What can you suggest to fix it? If you need me to post any file here, just let me know. I used 2015-09-16 ragexe, NEMO 2.6 and all files in the tutorial. Thanks everyone!
  6. I got the same error. Just looking for tips too.
  7. Boa Tarde, jovem!! Seja bem vindo à Comunidade!! Bom, se você baixou o Emulador Atual vai na pasta 'doc/'. Lá você vai encontrar todas as ferramentas necessárias. Especificamente o arquivo 'doc/script_commands.txt'. Boa sorte, jovem! Ainda não baixei nenhum emulador justamente por não saber, mas a dica já ficou anotada. Valeu jovem.
  8. Boa tarde br-support, Gostaria de aprender um pouco mais sobre o script de um server de ragnarok, vi uns guias do @Wolf bem maneiros. Gostaria de saber as ferramentas utilizadas para a construção e manutenção de um server RO. Alguém pode deixar dicas e sugestões? @Wolf, se tiver como dar uma ajuda, manda um "alô". Valeu!
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