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About Revoltz

  • Birthday 09/28/1996

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  1. Thank you very much Granet for the update, community was in need of this.
  2. As our emulator had updates, the diff was automatically outdated and useless, I would like this one, because I don't know how to update it because I don't have much understanding in this part. after applying this diff I got the following error, in the case of lack of a usual declaration, I don't know where I can make this declaration. costumeitem.diff
  3. Hello, as an administrator of ragnarok, I'm crazy about battlegrounds, so I found this one but there is no more update for the emulator, is there any kind soul that will update the .patch to the new version of the most updated emulator? our emulator relies heavily on extensive pitched battle. 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6-
  4. Thank you very much, it worked out great!
  5. Hail guys! I have a problem that I can't find a solution. Every time I go to @reloadatcommand I get the following error: [Error]: (null):0 - file I/O error and inside the game I get this information: error reading groups.conf, reload failed. Since I didn't make any changes to the file, as it remains default as I downloaded the emulator. My Emulator is Rathena Ultima version of github. I will be posting some images to try solution. I will be leaving my groups.yml I just found it strange that in my emulator the groups.yml only inside the game it says that the groups.conf is not being loaded. groups.yml
  6. I had the same problem and my solution was this one, I just changed it: if (!empty($xforward)) { per: if (!empty($myHHvarRND)) { //Somewhat Prevent of using Proxy Servers $xforward= $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]; if (!empty($myHHvarRND)) { $error = Flux::message('PROXY_NOT_ALLOWED'); }
  7. I applied the diff from easycore and took only the following error: Clif.c and Skill.c I'll post the diff only in relation to these two files, who can help me in correcting and updating the language, thank you. clif.patch skill.patch
  8. Precisely, I am looking for someone who can help me, I tried there on the discord but stolao deleted my message. sent I came to ask for help here on the forum. Unfortunately rathena doesn't have a @joinbg command system or make any diff to help people who are developers, from a pitched battle for eamod's command or something and we are dependent on these paid systems, I don't even have the money for this paying to a developer at the moment. I have an update for the github 30/03/2020 camp battle easycore 2.0 where it is already out of date for the current emulator and I am looking for this update help.
  9. Unfortunately, he has not even responded in disagreement.
  10. Hello, young people, I'm looking for someone who can help me with updating a .diff ".patch" for the EasyCore 2.0 pitched battle system. I have an update for rathena 03/30/2020 and need an update for the current rathena. Unfortunately today I do not have the money to make the payment so that help is available. If you have availability and would like to help me, please speak! I no longer know where I get this help.
  11. src/map/status.c I use or the notepad ++, where I select 1000 and I went to play random values until I got an amount of ASPD that I found necessary and it worked. if(flag&SCB_ASPD) { int amotion; if ( bl->type&BL_HOM ) { #ifdef RENEWAL_ASPD amotion = ((TBL_HOM*)bl)->homunculusDB->baseASPD; amotion = amotion - amotion * status_get_homdex(bl) / 1000 - status_get_homagi(bl) * amotion / 250; amotion = (amotion * status_calc_aspd(bl, sc, true) + status_calc_aspd(bl, sc, false)) / - 100 + amotion; #else amotion = (1000 - 4 * status->agi - status->dex) * ((TBL_HOM*)bl)->homunculusDB->baseASPD / 1000; amotion = status_calc_aspd_rate(bl, sc, amotion); amotion = amotion * status->aspd_rate / 1000; #endif amotion = status_calc_fix_aspd(bl, sc, amotion); status->amotion = cap_value(amotion, battle_config.max_aspd, 2000); status->adelay = status->amotion; } else if ( bl->type&BL_PC ) { uint16 skill_lv; amotion = status_base_amotion_pc(sd,status); #ifndef RENEWAL_ASPD status->aspd_rate = status_calc_aspd_rate(bl, sc, b_status->aspd_rate); #endif // Absolute ASPD % modifiers amotion = amotion * status->aspd_rate / 1000; if (sd->ud.skilltimer != INVALID_TIMER && (skill_lv = pc_checkskill(sd, SA_FREECAST)) > 0) #ifdef RENEWAL_ASPD amotion = amotion * 5 * (skill_lv + 10) / 100; #else amotion += (2000 - amotion) * ( 55 - 5 * ( skill_lv + 1 ) ) / 100; //Increases amotion to reduce ASPD to the corresponding absolute percentage for each level (overriding other adjustments) #endif #ifdef RENEWAL_ASPD // RE ASPD % modifier amotion += (max(0xc3 - amotion, 2) * (status->aspd_rate2 + status_calc_aspd(bl, sc, false))) / 100; amotion = 10 * (200 - amotion); amotion += sd->bonus.aspd_add; #endif amotion = status_calc_fix_aspd(bl, sc, amotion); status->amotion = cap_value(amotion,pc_maxaspd(sd),2000); status->adelay = 2 * status->amotion; } else { // Mercenary and mobs amotion = b_status->amotion; status->aspd_rate = status_calc_aspd_rate(bl, sc, b_status->aspd_rate); amotion = amotion*status->aspd_rate/1000; amotion = status_calc_fix_aspd(bl, sc, amotion); status->amotion = cap_value(amotion, battle_config.monster_max_aspd, 2000); temp = b_status->adelay*status->aspd_rate/1000; status->adelay = cap_value(temp, battle_config.monster_max_aspd*2, 4000); } }
  12. Revoltz


    Even though it's not the PT-BR Area I'm BR Good rsrs could you make me available to WOT pbRO? I'm in search of this same, if possible send me I thank you. Mesmo não sendo a Area PT-BR eu sou BR rsrs Bom você poderia me disponibilizar a WOT pbRO? eu estou em busca dessa mesmo, se possível me mandar eu agradeço.
  13. Revoltz


    Hello everyone, I'm asking for the help of everyone, I'm looking for a WOT (Treasure War) script, but I wanted the original * BRO * where one has the portals and etc ... does anyone have the script? the one that comes in the emulator like I do to configure, could someone explain me?
  14. Thanks, I'll look for some! but could you tell me how I could do about a ticket pulling this function?
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