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  1. I'm trying to set up a pre-re server, I already uncommented the line in renew.h, but I see that some things still remain as re, like the delay between skills and the double critic that is still active, not to mention that I can usually become 3rd class, would that be normal and am I going crazy? @edit green aura in mvps too
  2. Obrigado a dica, mas o meu nível de programação é -100 kkkkk
  3. emulador corrompido pelo que ví esse diff ai é para brAthena
  4. Bom dia galera. Sei que aqui é o rathena e não eathena, porem estou aqui para pedir se alguém possuir o diff para adicionar o sistem de tumulos no eathena se poder disponibilizar, eu encontrei um diff nesse tópico porem quando o player mata o mvp o servidor cai. http://rathena.org/board/topic/61486-src-mvp-tomb-ra-patch-for-added-features/ e como o forum do eathena está off não há como eu eu pesquisar ou pedir suporte lá. Peço ainda que se estiver infringindo alguma regra, algum moderador por favor feche o tópico. Grato a quem poder ajudar!
  5. Good night guys, I am wanting to create a custom box, but am encountering some problems. I created the item 25013,PackGuild_Lider,PackGuild_Líder,2,0,,100,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ getgroupitem(IG_PackGuild_Lider); },{},{} and added the pack IG_PackGuild_Lider,Kafra_Card1,0,15,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Ovo_Da_Sorte,0,1,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Emperium,0,1,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,B_Halter_Box_30Days,0,1,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Fruit_Of_Mastela_Box2,0,2,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Convex_Mirror,0,10,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Battle_Manual_Box,0,1,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Bubble_Gum_Box,0,1,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,BF_Badge2,0,800,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Poison_Bottle_Box2,0,2,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Fire_Bottle,0,200,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Acid_Bottle,0,200,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Caixa_Especial,0,10,0 But when I click on the item it opens, but gives nothing. If anyone knows how to help me I am grateful portuguese Boa noite galera, estou querendo criar uma custom box, porém estou encontrando alguns problemas. Eu criei o item 25013,PackGuild_Lider,PackGuild_Líder,2,0,,100,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ getgroupitem(IG_PackGuild_Lider); },{},{} e adicionei o pack IG_PackGuild_Lider,Kafra_Card1,0,15,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Ovo_Da_Sorte,0,1,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Emperium,0,1,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,B_Halter_Box_30Days,0,1,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Fruit_Of_Mastela_Box2,0,2,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Convex_Mirror,0,10,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Battle_Manual_Box,0,1,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Bubble_Gum_Box,0,1,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,BF_Badge2,0,800,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Poison_Bottle_Box2,0,2,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Fire_Bottle,0,200,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Acid_Bottle,0,200,0 IG_PackGuild_Lider,Caixa_Especial,0,10,0 Porém, quando eu clico no item ele abre, mas não dá nada. Se alguém souber como me ajudar fico grato
  6. Hello good day, I have a problem that I can not solve, already tested in several emulators are all with the same problem, if anyone knows the solution, the items that give bonus attack on race are not working. type: 5374,L_Magestic_Goat,Gigantic Majestic Goat,4,20,,800,,5,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,256,,0,1,380,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,12; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Player,12; bonus bBaseAtk,(JobLevel*2)/7; },{},{} @edit ask some moederado to change the topic of place inadvertently posted in the wrong area.
  7. bom galera eu tenho um servidor no brathena, e estou migrando para o rathena e gostaria de saber como faço pra deixar uma database compativel com a do outro eu não estou conseguindo tranferir pois tem algumas pequenas divergencias de um emulador para outro, gostaria de saber se existe um meio mais facil de eu fazer isso grato
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