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Everything posted by Sneaky

  1. Sneaky

    How to ?

    Hyrule,159,99,4 script Forbidden Island Quest#Register 794,{ if(Class != Job_High_Priest) end;
  2. El espesifico "Renewal" y el update que hizo kenpachi no nomas arreglo las pre-renewal, tambien las renewal ;
  3. Nice optimization with the card_trader script, I couldn't find a way to simplify it that much, thing is I wanted to make the arrays just as you did but, instead of putting the ids, I wanted to put the names of each card, coz u know newbies, QQ when there's a lot of numbers. And I was like, i wish there was a getitemid lol, well that was long ago, I didn't really give it much of a thought, I guess I have to stop thinking as in this was a custom server lol. Anyways, nice work, decen...

    1. Euphy


      Haha, thanks. c: Actually I did the edit a while ago, this was just a follow-up... and I can't read the rest of your comment because it's cut off. :3

  4. Estas contestando un tema, que fue creado hace mas de 3 meses xd. Esta podria ser una de las soluciones, la tabla ha sido corregida mas de una vez. http://trac.rathena....t/16341/rathena
  5. You gonna be accepted anyway, everyone is busy lately xD ^ That and current rAthena's script devs, aside Euphy, Masao JayPee and tr0n have just been updating items stats that people report in the Bug Tracker, you really don't need skills for that lol.
  6. I don't see why would you want to hide it...o_O
  7. Sneaky

    Help Me.

    For the prize in russian roulette. Find this line: set @tokena,$@forcebet * $@players; change to: set @tokena,rand(5,10); Even though it's supposed to work different, according to bets, etc.etc. To change the max players, you'd have to add them manually ._. the script is messed up badly, not worth adding another 20 members, I'd rather code everything again from scratch. -------------------------------------------- As for everyother event... Find: getitem $rewarditem make the line look like this: getitem $rewarditem,1;
  8. Missed one " if(select("Yes:No")== 1)
  9. I don't understand what do you want to do clearly, and about the having GM Clothes hidden from certain people, I highly doubt that's even possible, unless some advanced client hex edits.
  10. Looking at it, seems that it has a sequence before just resetting like that, i'd have to test it myself to really figure out how to game works properly. I might later on today.
  11. haiii

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kenryuu


      Hola, mexicano. I didn't know that you were Martin. Why this name? Lmfao.

    3. Sneaky


      x) it's the name of the account for my commits in rAthena.

    4. Sneaky


      about the other day that I said hello and then didn't answer I had an emergency, when i came back I saw your replies lols. asian-brasileiroo

  12. it's funny how we both started as scripting mods..and now...haha ;3 how are you!

  13. Take @JumpTo as example. if( pc_isdead(sd) ) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "You cannot use this command when dead."); return -1; } As for everysingle command, you may add something in pc.c for that int pc_dead(struct map_session_data *sd,struct block_list *src) {
  14. Well of course you gotta know when you can turn it off lol. It's not just like that.
  15. Well what I meant was that but, closing map, login and char manually though.
  16. Automatic countdown... But that's something you can do via script. Trigger it via a whisper or some kind of NPC that only Administrators can access it, and when you trigger, it will announce in how much time (~~APROX) the server may be offline.
  17. tu podrias crear un script con informacion dependiendo el nivel que le des, si me das la informacion necesaria yo te podria hacer el source code para que llame a un script y puedes alterar esa informacion cuando quieras.
  18. Now I'm all good for college (Y) yay!

  19. My last exam tomorrow :3

    1. jTynne


      Ditto! Good luck!

    2. Sneaky


      thankies :3 goodluck to you too bud :P

  20. De nada =) Tema movido a Spanish Soporte.
  21. rathena > src > map > config > renewal.h abrelo y busca esta linea: #define RENEWAL ponle dos diagonales ' // ' asi... //#define RENEWAL Eso de que no llegan dos a 255 es por las formulas, necesitas cambiarlo a pre-renewal para que se pueda. Lo puedes hacer con la explicacion mencionada anteriormente. No olvides compilar...
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