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Everything posted by Yuna

  1. I think it's safe to say that we have been waiting for the official quest script for Rebellions for a while now. Is this something that is under progress or...what is happening?
  2. Yuna


    yeah we need new scripters to step in now. Some of the older ones have moved on to having their own projects, etc.
  3. Thanks alot, it worked!
  4. Same color is fine. ^FF0000
  5. I want to put a color code to the menu items in this script, but not sure how to do it. It's from the script: npc/merchants/elemental_trader.txt set .@menu$, ""; for(set .@j,1; .@j<5; set .@j,.@j+1) { if (.@Items[.@j] != .@i) set .@menu$, .@menu$+getitemname(.@Items[.@j]); set .@menu$, .@menu$+":"; } set .@menu$, .@menu$+"Cancel"; set .@j, select(.@menu$); Thanks~
  6. @Promise & @Emistry: Thank you both~
  7. How do you make the time delay in the following script effect all players, instead of individually? prontera,97,101,4 script DooDoo#D2 459,{ set .delaytime,60; mes "[DooDoo]"; mes "......."; next; menu "broadcast",L_bcast; L_bcast: if(bc_delay > gettimetick(2)){ mes "[DooDoo]"; mes "you gotta wait!"; close; } announce "bla bla bla bla bla bla",bc_all,0x00B4FF; set bc_delay,gettimetick(2)+.delaytime; close; }
  8. That's the thing, the text are all fine. There is nothing wrong with them.
  9. The client I am using is 2014-10-22bRagexe My Book window seems to be completely messed up. For example, this is the text for one of the books: Any idea how I can fix this?
  10. I never totally understood how updating with git worked. i used to manually update, but that was too hard to keep up with. How do you keep your server updated? Is using TortoiseSVN to update your server good?
  11. Didn't work. The card/stone equipping is not working..
  12. i am still in need of help with this. This is what I have so far and this was made by Cydh. https://gist.github.com/cydh/e1ba6cb31303ad8683fc I don't want to specify headgear IDs, i want this done globally to all the headgear in general.
  13. I know that this is possible to do with a script, however I would like a src modification instead. What I need is for monsters to drop headgear with random cards equipped in them already. For example: Archer Skeleton drops an Apple of Archer with a Poring Card already equipped into it. to start off, I know that I have to edit this in mob.c Thanks for any help!
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