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Everything posted by Jezu

  1. Rename the data.grf to any.grf and then run their client.. the Gravity Error will pop up and you will see what client they are using.. refer to my screenshot below..
  2. Just use 3CeAM.. the rAthena SVN isn't completed yet when it comes in 3rd jobs..
  3. Just upload all the folders and content on your webhost usually public_html or you will see on your FTP 'www' then configure your cerescp by editing config.php
  4. Hi Takumirai, Sad to say, the 3rd jobs on rAthena isn't completed yet. But soon, the 3rd jobs here will be official-like.. that is the future of rAthena so you must be patient.
  5. Hi JayPee, Thank you very much for this script! This is really helped me a lot and also my players. Glad that you're a Pilipino
  6. Hi Takumirai, you can check the 3rd job skills and other renewal features by creating an offline rAthena server and check if its done or not. Like me, I just continue updating my server's SVN which is rAthena everyday to check what's the changes by using Tortoise SVN.
  7. I will give this a try. Thanks a lot!
  8. so what will be the mapflag code? like this? prontera<tab>mapflag<tab>autotrade<tab>no
  9. Hi rAthena community, I just want to ask if possible to restrict the command '@at / @autotrade' on all maps except on turbo room.. If I disabled the @commands on any towns, the @storage, @go and any other commands will not work.
  10. { bonus bAllStats,5; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,12; } this would be your script. Just edit the Randgris Helm to this script and it will work as you requested. if you want more item script, just look at your item_db.. and just copy paste it. the bAllStats,n; is taken from this: and the bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,n; is taken from Hydra Card only.
  11. So, this command 'killmonster' will be activated in the last map that invaded?
  12. nice and clean.. 9/10 for the work and effort.. the design looks clean.. suggestion: how about putting additional buttons like 'Register' or 'Facebook Page'..
  13. Hi Elven, I already read your PM and I will test it what codes you sent to me. Anyway, I didn't touch the folder of yours 'simplicity' even the main.php.. I just paste it to my themes/default folder and the header/footer also. But then, for sure I will test it again with the codes you've sent. EDIT: This is the code of my main.php on the simplicity folder.. <a id="menu-bar" href="#"> <img src="<?php echo $this->themePath('simplicity/images/menu-2.png'); ?>" style="float:left; margin-left:5px;"/> <div class="menu-bar-text"> <b>Vote for us</b><br/> and earn more points </div></a> <a id="menu-bar" href="#"> <img src="<?php echo $this->themePath('simplicity/images/menu-3.png'); ?>" style="float:left; margin-left:5px;"/> <div class="menu-bar-text"> <b>Review us at RateMyServer</b><br/> to help server grow </div></a> <a id="menu-bar" href="#"> <img src="<?php echo $this->themePath('simplicity/images/menu-4.png'); ?>" style="float:left; margin-left:5px;"/> <div class="menu-bar-text"> <b>Register</b><br/> and start playing now </div></a>
  14. Hi iPrez, '#' will not work on script since ang pagbasa ng script sa db ay iba . xD
  15. Fire Element kasi ang Dragon Breath, if you don't know.. ganyan rin ang karaniwang damage sa pRO ngayon. So mas ok na yan, anu ba gusto mo maging over-powered na ang RK ? Stable na yan tol, IMO..
  16. rAthena SVN right now is hindi pa complete 3rd jobs, Just use the 3CEAM latest update or wait for rAthena to finish developing 3rd job skills. Or you can buy premium server files from eAmod. Integrated na kasi yung 3rd Job nya sa brAthena (Latest Renewal Mechanics na server files for now)..
  17. - script Sample -1,{ OnInit: setarray .Map$[0],"prontera","payon","izlude"; setarray .MVP[0],1658,1648,1751,1312; end; OnMinute00: set .RandMap,rand( getarraysize( .Map$ ) ); set .RandMVP,rand( getarraysize( .MVP ) ); monster .Map$[ .RandMap ],0,0,"MVP Event",.MVP[ .RandMVP ],1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKilled"; announce "MVP Event : "+getmonsterinfo( .MVP[ .RandMVP ],0 )+" occur in "+.Map$[ .RandMap ]+" .",0; end; OnKilled: announce "MVP Event : End...MVP Died",0; end; } So, on this script.. Should I add the monster's ID on this line? setarray .MVP[0] EDIT: @Emistry Good work Mr. Emistry, It's working now.. anyway just a few questions regarding on this script.. How to make this after the OnMinute: and players didn't kill the MVP, can you add @killmonster2 so when the OnMinute: comes again, it will automatically trigger the command @killmonster2 on the last invaded map. Thank you
  18. @Elven Already sent you a PM. Let me know if you need some detailed info also..
  19. This script is for eamod only. It will only work on the source code of eAmod.
  20. it is hosted online, and I used the default settings without editing. I just follow the instructions on Readme.txt, and it seems fine, but when I look at it, the alignment went wrong.
  21. This is what I've been waiting. Thanks for the effort Elven . EDIT: is there something wrong with this Elven?
  22. Let me check this... I will keep you posted when error occurs.. Thanks a lot for the script bro.. EDIT: I just put a script because its not working.. -<tab>script<tab>randommvpspawn<tab>1,{ and then an error occurs even I remove the getmonsterinfo(0)..
  23. Hi rAthena community, I just want to request a script like this. OnHour0300; OnHour0600; OnHour0900; OnHour1200; so it means every 3 hours, there will be MVP Invasion on a random town. I just want a script that when the script is activated, there will be an announcement like this.. "[Towners]: The MVP seal has been broken! The [$town$] has been invaded by [$mvp_name$]!" Does anyone can make this? Thanks a lot guys!
  24. yes, this is a brilliant idea. anyway just to make easy for you Eden, How about Check if GM LEVEL = N N stands for the level of Game Master so we can allow Sub-GMs to test it inside the game. if GM Level = 0 or 1 autokick.. or they will logout automatically.
  25. on your GRF.. you must edit it to your likings...
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