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Xanthor last won the day on September 18 2020

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    My Chair on the ground

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  1. *** No longer need file. Found it in older version of rAthena. Bottom of post requests upvote if anyone is interested in a complete rewrite of this mod. If no response, Ill just make a small version for myself. Otherwise, if I see interest, Ill rewrite new version and also include new monsters too. *** Hey all. Sorry for the necro post, but I feel this is the only way I'm hopefully going to get a reply with the file I need. I need a copy of the full version of the old rAthena pet_db.txt in tact. All the above files in this pack are lacking this important information. The pet system has since been revamped where several of the above files are no longer needed as the info now exists in the pet db itself. This means there is no way to merge the several files into a working new pet db and I will have to research every pet in order to make sure they have the proper skills. Would look funny bringing a pet lunatic to a level 100+ dungeon, and have it use a skill that clears the entire screen with vermilion, which I sort of did for fun with a succumbus. Anyway, I need a full copy of the old pet_db.txt file which shows the break down of what each part means. In turn I will make a new pet data base file for both server and client to just copy over and use. Being I have 627 to convert, and as you know Im an avid typer, if I get this file, it should take me a month to write, may be 2 to include new monsters. I can be found on discord, so feel free to dm me if you have this file. Please no urls on what ones fathers, sisters, cousins room mate makes in a week please ? PS, please upvote if you want this updated script. I dont want to pour time into a project no one wants. Note: ** project to convert all pets to yml. ** Add evolving to all pets to unlock special skills. ** This one Im debating on, which is pet breeding for unique pets with special skills.
  2. I think they might have similar issues to what I myself been going through. I actually found this post and quite a few others with similar to same instructions. When I did my first install over a month ago using the tutorial, I ran into similar issues because mysql workbench had an overhaul and half the features were renamed. I got around that switching to Xampp server which had all the features or at least most of them. As for updating, which is what got me here, most instructions were dated from 2015 to 2017. This post so far is the latest I found. My issue, most of what should be simple to do is confusing to me, and most likely similar reasons like with the workbench facelift. It seems the newest versions of git or tortoise git is not showing things like gitpop or other terms Im reading. Looking at older images I see similar layouts with the terms mentioned above, yet what I have is missing them. Im most likely going to have to just compare the old to new images to figure out the new interface, but figure I give a heads up on why so many posts are getting repeated. Take care and be safe.
  3. I found three issues that was causing the attendance scripts not to work. The first issue was caused by the attendance generator website which is a great shortcut to get a working attendance system up and running. Issue was in attendance.lub client side. The header that states what generates the code needs a # in front of it or the script wont run, as it loads in with errors. Example: -- Generated with Secret's Attendance Generator version 1.1.0 This should look like: # -- Generated with Secret's Attendance Generator version 1.1.0 The second problem is that the item IDs must all exist, yet ones that came with the server package had one on line 7 that no longer exists. If even one item id gives an error, the entire script will not load and return a message that there is no active event. Many websites show item ids, google and test them. Third Issue was fact that despite Im running renewal, the server was loading in from imports database folder instead. I ended up doing the same as another user by copying my finished attendance.yml to main db folder, re db folder, and Imports db folder. Now, many stated only normal users can use the attendance feature. I myself felt any and all users including help should benefit. Each group I wanted to have this feature I added under permissions, not commands: attendance: true I have this fully working on my new server. If you get complaints of items not being received, tell them to check their email as these items do not go straight to inventory, they get collected from message. Remind players to make sure they have free space as well.
  4. Didn't post this as bug as it was caused by outside influence, but figure I post this so no one else makes same mistake. I broke the new player quest system when I set the store up to give free items out for new players. It was adding apple juice that did it. Giving out a stack of 20 interfered with the newbie quest where you have to drink it in order to move on to next quest. Having more in inventory threw the system off and trying to force and even edit the database just made things worse. I since removed the item, but figured I say something.
  5. Sorry for the necro reply, but wanted to add to this old post because I myself started getting the same error and not only found the cause, at lest for me, made a temporary fix as well. I was forced to rebuild 2 of my family's systems a few weeks ago where the CPU fried on two 9 year old I7 asus servers. These were the first I7 I got from employee program which the mb didn't have to great a safe guards and when windows booted the fan drivers for a cheap rgb card, fans stopped during a heatwave of all luck, including the cpu fan. Was the death of two good servers. Anyway, I replaced the motherboards with Gigabytes Z390 Master I7 which is an 8 core 8 thread cpu and imaged the server and os onto an nvme m2 drive. The server and OS speeds are phenomenal. Problem though, was sometimes after a reboot, Id get that open socket error. Spent hours trying to figure why it was happening when I decided to open a command window and do an ipconfig. The results that showed up gave me the answer immediately. I was so shocked, wanted to kick myself for not reading the huge motherboard manual. Had I done so, would have known what caused the error as well. Problem wasn't with the server, it was being caused by my hardware. Many motherboards come with built in wifi. I use my own wifi cards as they are triple channel and faster than the single built in. Unfortunately, unlike ethernet connections when not used disable, built in Wi-Fi dont. Since I never bothered to make a static IP for the built in wifi, router gave it whatever number was free. This resulted in some reboots causing the rAthena server to connect to that wifi connection, but since nothing was assigned, did not know what to do with the connection which resulted in the open socket error. My quick fix was to disable that wifi as I had no antenna hooked to it. Later on I will assign a static router IP and port forward it which should also fix this error.
  6. I while testing a quest on my new server, believe I came across a bug that is server side. Completed the milk is in danger quest to get no payment, which is supposed to be 20 tokens. Talked to npc right after to get message to come back later. I checked the console windows for errors and none reported.
  7. There will always be a scammer for just about every field. I almost got scammed 10 years ago just renewing my services with the hosting company I had been using already. I was lucky my bank did a charge back in time so no funds were lost, just a lot of wasted time. The services I used back then had their website hacked, and changed all payment processing. Something felt wrong so looked up phone number an an old email, gave it a call the next day to quickly hang up and call my bank fast.
  8. Been ages since I was here and with all the time on my hands, with kids home, decided to put my old server back up and thankfully, saved all my links, or most of them to here to look up what to do since for the life of me, can't find the step by step instruction list I copied few years back, and also to see if other types came out since I been gone. Moment I got here, realized my god, I really need glasses!!!! You see, the first thing I saw was the large Rathena banner that says "Your Banner here" But because of my very poor eye sight, I didn't see it like that. To me the message said "Your Banned Here" Been fighting a few things to stay alive, can now add covid which is damned hard to shake. RO is one of my most favorite MMORPGS, next to UO, so seeing that banner look like that made my heart sink, like it was the end of the world type of sink, and wondering "WHY?" Was typing up a message to send when I increased the zoom, to find out I read the thing wrong, and all it was, was an advertisement. Fingers shaking while I type this, not sure if from relief or excitement, or both, but anyway, glad to be back and glad to see the sites still here. I dont need a banner, but will look for a donation button anyway. The community here has always been very friendly and helpful in the past. Just happy to not see a Error 404 when I clicked the saved link. :) Be safe all.
  9. I was so ready to cry because my kids wanted me to put the ro server up again and this is the only well informed and accurate website to get the right information to do it, but for some annoying reason, this website is not coming up in my phones web browser and the only thing that was, was the old long gone promethioise project and I was beginning to think this site was gone which would have been the end of my plans. Lucky for me I saved my registratiin email and hot back here to see the awsome sites still here and alive! Cant wait to see whats changed!
  10. Im back to tearing my hear out. I got another client, one that has all the features mine was missing, cash shop, bank, It connects to other servers and runs fine, yet when I connect to mine, everything functions except I can't walk, like the black screen. The graphics all load up. NPCs load in too. The character wont budge. I can warp everywhere, just not move around. I changed the mmo.h packets to 20131222, changed client version to 46 in clientinfo.xml. The only difference between the older client and this one is that the clientinfo.xml is stored in the adata file. Client version is 20131222.
  11. 2012-04-10aRagexeRE.exe.patched which I got from here a month ago, was only one that worked in windows 10. Id post this on support but figure since I got this here, maybe you could tell me how to get the coin shop to show up? Thanks.
  12. Wanted to update this post so anyone else who get same issue can get an easy fix. This issue was caused by downloading from several different posts in attempts to get a working client. The black screen with npcs, that was caused by missing and damaged data.grf files which for some reason wouldn't patch and never gave an error or crash dump. Instead of pulling my hair out, whats left of it anyways, the most easy fix was to start fresh and download a full working client from a working server and then editing your configuration to connect to your server. Though, if you plan on letting others join your server, I highly recommend asking the person you download from permission to use it, even offer to donate because they like myself went through a lot of trouble to get theirs working and to take another's work without asking is just plain wrong. Big thanks for those who helped me!
  13. Below are a bunch of castle locations in front of the castle manager. If I use an accolyte character I can store up to 3 locations. The 12 locations below I have pasted in wordpad along with 40 other locations. a GM or admin should be able to store locations with a description of each and be able to scroll through a list and click where they want to go. I found several control panels that do a lot, but none of them have a feature to send the client warp info. I was left a message a week ago that a player was stuck in a dungeon location with no teleporters and stupidly didn't think to write the map down and just eddited the mysql file to move them to izude. Got to wait for the next person to get stuck to find out where it was. a menu to hold all the data below and be able to select it would be great if it exists. I don't know how to code for RO yet, but looking at a lot of files, looks very similar to uo, terraria, minecraft. Thanks. @warp payg_cas04, 39,283 @warp gefg_cas02, 14,65 @warp aldeg_cas01, 217,174 @warp gefg_cas01, 40,46 @warp payg_cas01, 123,58 @warp prtg_cas01, 110,179 @warp aldeg_cas02, 72,73 @warp payg_cas02, 23,260 @warp prtg_cas02, 94,60 @warp aldeg_cas03, 108,118 @warp gefg_cas03, 107,22 @warp payg_cas03, 48,261
  14. I was wondering if there is a command, or script, or gm npc script that would allow me at any time to make the server at any time respawn all castle treasure chests. Reason for this, I been making lots of changes and tweaks and found out that after reboot all spawned chests vanish till next day. Bringing the clock back isn't an answer, tried it and caused login issues where everyone including myself was rejected from server till reboot, which again removed all chests. I did several searches and only things that came up were spawning chests once a week or changing times. I looked at the code itself that states there's a gm menu but saw nothing in any of the scripts.
  15. I was looking for something, like client side. When in game, you can save one location to recall to. I'm looking for something that would store many locations like every guild castle, or tool seller locations. Lets say I have 3 locations written down. I want to be able to store those and be able to bring up a menu that lets me select a location to recall to instead of having to retype each location to go to. An acolyte can save 3 locations. A GM who can go anywhere could use a control panel to bring up locations he already saved before and just click it from menu. Thats what I'm looking for.
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