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Everything posted by Pixel

  1. Thx @solid2005 and @Technoken thanks you guys to make it work. <3
  2. Esse client foi lançado não tem 1 mês direito, ninguém vai ter e quem tiver não vai compartilhar, então lhe aconselho a traduzir tudo(não leva mais que 1 dia), eu traduzi para o client 2015.
  3. Sinceramente eu te aconselho a traduzir apenas os principais, os que os jogadores mais vão usar.
  4. Lembre-se de permitir o hamachi nas permissões do firewall ou desabilitar o mesmo, caso contrário ele não vai conseguir se conectar.
  5. config/application.php, procure: 'ThemeName' => 'default', // The theme name of the theme you would like to use. Themes are in FLUX_ROOT/themes. Troque "default" para o nome do tema que você colocou dentro da pasta themes, lembrando que a maioria dos temas requer a substituição de vários arquivos.
  6. Não usem empresas que mexem com servidores de ragnarok, evitem isso, existe milhares de empresas com dedicados e clouds bons que não mexem exclusivamente com servidores de ragnarok.
  7. doc/scripts_commands.txt Variables --------- The meat of every programming language is variables - places where you store data. In the rAthena scripting language, variable names are not case sensitive. Variables are divided into and uniquely identified by the combination of: prefix - determines the scope and extent (or lifetime) of the variable name - an identifier consisting of '_' and alphanumeric characters postfix - determines the type of the variable: integer or string Scope can be: global - global to all servers local - local to the server account - attached to the account of the character identified by RID character - attached to the character identified by RID npc - attached to the NPC scope - attached to the scope of the instance Extent can be: permanent - They still exist when the server resets. temporary - They cease to exist when the server resets. Prefix: scope and extent nothing - A permanent variable attached to the character, the default variable type. They are stored by char-server in the `char_reg_num` and `char_reg_str`. "@" - A temporary variable attached to the character. SVN versions before 2094 revision and RC5 version will also treat 'l' as a temporary variable prefix, so beware of having variable names starting with 'l' if you want full backward compatibility. "$" - A global permanent variable. They are stored by map-server in database table `mapreg`. "$@" - A global temporary variable. This is important for scripts which are called with no RID attached, that is, not triggered by a specific character object. "." - A NPC variable. They exist in the NPC and disappear when the server restarts or the NPC is reloaded. Can be accessed from inside the NPC or by calling 'getvariableofnpc'. Function objects can also have .variables which are accessible from inside the function, however 'getvariableofnpc' does NOT work on function objects. ".@" - A scope variable. They are unique to the instance and scope. Each instance has its own scope that ends when the script ends. Calling a function with callsub/callfunc starts a new scope, returning from the function ends it. When a scope ends, its variables are converted to values ('return .@var;' returns a value, not a reference). "'" - An instance variable. These are used with the instancing system and are unique to each instance type. "#" - A permanent local account variable. They are stored by char-server in the `acc_reg_num` table and `acc_reg_str`. "##" - A permanent global account variable stored by the login server. They are stored in the `global_acc_reg_num` table and `global_acc_reg_str`. The only difference you will note from normal # variables is when you have multiple char-servers connected to the same login server. The # variables are unique to each char-server, while the ## variables are shared by all these char-servers. Postfix: integer or string nothing - integer variable, can store positive and negative numbers, but only whole numbers (so don't expect to do any fractional math) '$' - string variable, can store text Examples: name - permanent character integer variable name$ - permanent character string variable @name - temporary character integer variable @name$ - temporary character string variable $name - permanent global integer variable $name$ - permanent global string variable $@name - temporary global integer variable $@name$ - temporary global string variable .name - NPC integer variable .name$ - NPC string variable .@name - scope integer variable .@name$ - scope string variable 'name - instance integer variable 'name$ - instance string variable #name - permanent local account integer variable #name$ - permanent local account string variable ##name - permanent global account integer variable ##name$ - permanent global account string variable Com base no que está explicado acima, aonde estiver questcv_time você vai trocar para #questcv_time.
  8. Procure: case 1: Adicione abaixo: if(#fez ==1){ next; mes "[Garota sem Rosto]"; mes "Desculpe mais você já fez essa quest hoje, aguarde até amanha para realizar novamente."; close; } Procure: mes "Cuidado! Ela foi invocada!"; Adicione abaixo: #fez, 1; Procure: mes "[Garota sem Rosto]"; mes "Você não possui a caixinha de Musica Natalina..."; close; } Adicione abaixo: - script<TAB>Garota sem Rosto#02<TAB>-1,{ OnClock0001: query_sql "UPDATE `acc_reg_num` SET `value`=`0` WHERE `key`='#fez'"; end; end; }
  9. Primeiro: npc/mapflag/restricted.txt e adicione um mapflag do seu mapa custom e o número de uma zona(restrição). Depois: db/re ou pre-re/item_noequip.txt e adicione de acordo com o número da zona de que você definiu no arquivo anterior, basta ler o cabeçalho do arquivo que você vai entender como adicionar.
  10. Baixe esse adoon, cole na pasta de adoons do fluxcp.
  11. Show de bola em, parabéns pela contribuição para a comunidade
  12. It happens on any hat, could you tell me what are the moon files for this new client? Because I use the compatible with client 2015.
  13. Frist thx you @sader1992 for making it available. I have the following error when right clicking on some item with viewid, does anyone know how to solve it? NOTE: My kro is updated and the error occurs with items that are not custons too.
  14. I uninstalled the xampp I used (5.6.23) and installed it to and somehow the problem was solved, I believe it must have been some problem in this version, the strangest is that when I installed Wamp the same error occurred, Anyway the problem has been solved, thank you all.
  15. I did this:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2148131/xampp-wamp-whatever-it-is-apache-is-running-super-slow The phpmyadmin was fast so I opened the server and logged on, I was able to use the commands and play items on the floor normally, but when I rebooted the machine returned the problem and phpmyadmin slowed again, so I think the problem is there but I do not know The cause of phpmyadmin is slow since it is in localhost. NOTE: I already changed the current xamp through Wamp and the same problem occurred.
  16. No, everything is normal, I have already re-created the database, and the problem has continued. Oh, another thing I forgot to mention, even in localhost phpmyadmin is quite slow, which was not supposed to happen .. I do not know if this has anything to do with the problem.
  17. It happens in other commands also like @heal, since @lvup, @allskill works normally and when I try to play some item on the floor the same problem occurs. Langtype is correct
  18. "Direct3D HaL", I already switched to this option but the same problem occurs
  19. here it is: OBS: Setup is already running as windows 7 compatibility. Also I think the problem is something related to this, however I have reinstalled all the drivers, everything is up to date and I even changed the operating system.
  20. It does not resolve, when I use @item I can not do anything else with char.
  21. Yes, but sometimes when I soon can not walk without using a command, all it takes is for me to close and open again as it returns to normal.
  22. I already tested with these and everyone gave the same error: 2010-07-30 2012-04-10 2014-10-22
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