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Files posted by Mabuhay

  1. Free

    @giveitem command

    Just a simple command for events or compensation reward to all online players. 
    @giveitem <item id> <amount> <area|map|all>
    Area - ppl around your screen size
    Map - ppl in the map of the invoking character 
    All - self explanatory 



  2. Free

    Emperium Breaker Ladder + Points + Shop

    The title says it all..
    This would record a player's emp break count
    GM can easily reset the table
    This method is more optimized because the data is properly indexed on a table.
    Added emp breaker point shop - Account bounded..
    Installation instructions :



  3. Free

    Euphy's WoE Controller + Gepard Check + Minor fix

    As the title says.
    I added some fix on checkweight part where it will throw some error when item mailing is disabled. ( I literally have uploaded the wrong file for months and only been known recently) Added gepard id check support.  



  4. Free

    Instanced Emperium Test Breaker + Ranker/Ladder

    As the title says.
    Records break time of the player.
    Ranks them with who had the fastest time.
    Uses only a custom emperium mob duplicate.
    The script would be as is. Use this freely and edit it as much as you need.
    Compatibility is your responsibility.
    No backward compatibility support.



  5. Free

    @market clone update patch

    This is my updated @market clone as per this topic:
    Im currently using a sever file from December 2019. But I dont think it would not work on latest server files.



  6. Free

    [FREE] Event Manager

    Ehh since my event scripts are piling up, I decided to make an Event Manager
    // Basic Event Manager // By Mabuhay /*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Currently added are the ff : {#} NAME - "NPC_NAME" [1] Bombring - "Event_Bombring" [2] Dice - "Event_Dice" [3] Last Man Standing - "Event_LMS" [4] Novice V Zombie - "Event_NvZ" [5] Poring Catcher - "Poring_Catcher" [6] Poring Hunter - "Poring_Hunter" (Added 12-15-2019) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-*/ // For easier management of Event NPCs ///////////////////////////////////// // NOTE: // ///////////////////////////////////// // I don't support any modifications unless I want to. // But if you want to change things especially the rewards, // Please refer to my F_Reward Functions // https://rathena.org/board/files/file/4068-itemvariablepoints-reward-function-for-beginners-or-lazy/ // You should be able to easily change the rewards // If you have basic scripting knowledge Header Settings:
    OnInit: // 1 = item reward // 2 = variable/cashpoints reward // If you want to set item and variable/cashpoints rewards, do 1|2. // If you only want 1, just choose between 1 or 2 $event_options = 1|2; // If item reward enabled // What items will be rewarded setarray $event_item_reward, 501, 10, 502, 5; // If variable reward.. set to your variable. // If cashpoints.. set to #CASHPOINTS / #KAFRAPOINTS (Free Cash Points) $event_var$ = "#EVENTVARIABLE"; // Variable name? // If cash points, set to Cash Points // If your custom var, set to the name of that thing. $event_var_name$ = "Custom Points"; // How much points gain if #VAR / #CASHPOINTS / #KAFRAPOINTS? $event_var_gain = 1; $event_item_arr = getarraysize($event_item_reward); // @eventstart for GM bindatcmd "eventstart", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStart",60,60; // @eventjoin bindatcmd "eventjoin", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnJoinEvent"; end;  
    You may now use @eventstart for GMs to select which ones to start.
    @eventjoin for players to enter and see which event is currently active
    Event timers / Clock are to be set here :
    // OnClock<hour><minute>: donpcevent "<npc_name>::OnStart"; OnClock0000: donpcevent "Event_Bombring::OnStart"; end; //----- 12 mn OnClock0100: donpcevent "Event_Dice::OnStart"; end; OnClock0200: donpcevent "Event_LMS::OnStart"; end; OnClock0300: donpcevent "Poring_Catcher::OnStart"; end; OnClock0400: donpcevent "Event_NvZ::OnStart"; end; OnClock0500: donpcevent "Poring_Hunter::OnStart"; end; OnClock0600: donpcevent "Event_Bombring::OnStart"; end; //----- 6 am OnClock0700: donpcevent "Event_Dice::OnStart"; end; OnClock0800: donpcevent "Event_LMS::OnStart"; end; OnClock0900: donpcevent "Poring_Catcher::OnStart"; end; OnClock1000: donpcevent "Event_NvZ::OnStart"; end; OnClock1100: donpcevent "Poring_Hunter::OnStart"; end; OnClock1200: donpcevent "Event_Bombring::OnStart"; end; //----- 12 nn OnClock1300: donpcevent "Event_Dice::OnStart"; end; OnClock1400: donpcevent "Event_LMS::OnStart"; end; OnClock1500: donpcevent "Poring_Catcher::OnStart"; end; OnClock1600: donpcevent "Event_NvZ::OnStart"; end; OnClock1700: donpcevent "::OnStart"; end; OnClock1800: donpcevent "Event_Bombring::OnStart"; end; //----- 6 pm OnClock1900: donpcevent "Event_Dice::OnStart"; end; OnClock2000: donpcevent "Event_LMS::OnStart"; end; OnClock2100: donpcevent "Poring_Catcher::OnStart"; end; OnClock2200: donpcevent "Event_NvZ::OnStart"; end; OnClock2300: donpcevent "Poring_Hunter::OnStart"; end; //----- 11 pm Currently I just alternately activate events per hour. You can change the event time as you wish. You may choose any of the ff:
    OnClock<hour><minute>: OnMinute<minute>: OnHour<hour>: On<weekday><hour><minute>: OnDay<month><day>:  
    I hope this helps. If you want me to add more, just PM me on an event script that needs to be updated. Thank you. ?
    Compatibility is your responsibility.
    No backward Compatibility Support.
    NOTE : If you find this useful, please click the Upvote button to motivate me to do stuffs like this ? And you are welcome!



  7. Free

    Bombring Event

    This is only working like an ordinary bombring event.
    No modifications added.
    Edit the time start using OnClockTimers.
    As per request by @shatowolf via PM
    No version 2 (with event timer checks and stuff) and no plans on adding it again in the future. - Pretty useless xD



  8. Free

    Item/Variable(Points) reward function for beginners or lazy!

    Hi, there! this functions is ideal for newbie scripters or just someone who wants to "add" or "modify" scripts with rewards. It may be item or variables such as points or stuff...
    This function can also be used by experienced scripters who are lazy to code and stuff xD. Easy to use and all ?
    Here are the sample npcs on how to use it. (included in the downloadable files)
    // Sample NPC for using F_Reward_Item and F_Reward_Var // For beginners. prontera,150,180,0 script F_Reward_Test 123,{ mes "What do you want to get?"; switch(select("Item","Points")) { case 1: F_Reward_Item("501:10,502:5,503:10"); break; case 2: F_Reward_Var("#CASHPOINTS","Cash Points",100); break; } mes "Enjoy!"; close; } // This is just a pseudo-code, you can understand what I mean by this xD // For advance scripters. You can do something like. prontera,150,180,0 script F_Reward_Test 123,{ mes "get items"; close2; F_Reward_Item(.itemlist$); end; OnInit: .itemlist$ = "501:10,502:5,503:10"; end; }  
    I hope this will help! Keep those upvotes coming to motivate me moooore ? 
    Enjoy the rest of the day!



  9. Free

    Last Man Standing - Yet another version

    version 1 = I removed all my modifications on this script version 2 = Has timers and will most likely be in-conflict with other event scripts i made.  
    Here is my take on a LMS Event.
    Just a simple one.
    Runs hourly or Manually run by a GM
    Reward can be set 
    UPDATE 2.0:
    Changed to a new version that works like my other script events. ? 
    Still runs hourly and manually run by a gm.



  10. Free

    Dice Event - Yet another version

    version 1 = I removed all my modifications on this script version 2 = Has timers and will most likely be in-conflict with other event scripts i made.  
    In response to this post : 
    OnInit: // item reward setarray .item, 501, 10, 502, 5; // @dicestart - gm manual start bindatcmd "dicestart", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnStart",60,60; // @dice - player join event bindatcmd "dice", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnJoinEvent"; // Mapflags setarray .@mapflag, mf_nowarp, mf_nowarpto, mf_noskill, mf_noteleport, mf_nomemo, mf_nosave, mf_noicewall, mf_nobranch, mf_noreturn; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@mapflag); .@i++) setmapflag "quiz_02", .@mapflag[.@i]; .event_time_m = gettime(DT_MINUTE); .event_time_s = gettime(DT_SECOND); end;  
    I took some dice script by someone named sandbox and modified it the way how I understand this posts suggests to make.
    instead of using @event to check the time schedule of dice, I incorporate it to @dice command.
    This will show you an hourly countdown as to when will the event will be re-starting.
    And this dice event should be working on latest rathena.
    Compatibility is your Responsibility.
    PS : if there are any broken event scripts ( due to old versions ), just DM me the link and I might be interested in updating it.
    PPS: I will only FIX it and not modify it at all. ?



  11. Free

    Poring Catcher - Yet another version

    version 1 = I removed all my modifications on this script version 2 = Has timers and will most likely be in-conflict with other event scripts i made.  
    Same old same old. I made revision on old poring catcher event by sandbox.
    It works similarly with the Dice Event V2 I recently posted.
    Nothing more is modified on the script.
    Feel free to edit and adjust as you wish. This will have conflict with dice event because i made this ran hourly too.
    I may or may not be making an Event Manager but who knows.
    Compatibility is your Responsibility.
    PS : if there are any broken event scripts ( due to old versions ), just DM me the link and I might be interested in updating it.
    PPS: I will only FIX it and not modify it at all. ?



  12. Free

    Novice vs Zombie - Yet another version

    version 1 = I removed all my modifications on this script version 2 = Has timers and will most likely be in-conflict with other event scripts i made.  
    Works the same with my other event scripts.
    Regular Novice v Zombie script. I just updated it and added some features.
    I dont know who exactly made this idea so i cant credit him properly.
    This is a response post from this topic:



  13. Free

    Event Consumables (a Telma patch update)

    So, I decided to update this patch :
    However, I didnt realize that this is already available just right after I finished updating it from this :
    But... I gonna release this anyways... But made some modifications...
    So, what I did was I made my own consumable named 'Event'. These consumables can only be used on maps with "event_consume" mapflags.
    This patch is NOT to be diffed if you have Extended BG Pre-installed or If you are planning to install it in the future ESPECIALLY IF YOU DON'T KNOW A SINGLE THING ON SRC. This is likely for Servers who dont/wont have the Extended BG but wants to have this feature. Unless you know what you're doing. You can actually add this to Extended BG by Easycore. I intentionally coded it similarly and avoided conflicts to it for people who wants to add this but have Extended BG installed in their servers.
    Enjoy! I hope this will be to any use of any of you.
    Compatibility is your responsibility.
    No backward compatibility support.



  14. Free

    Automated GvG Event v2

    Version 1.0 = stop support
    UPDATED to 2.0
    // Automated GvG Event 2.0 Beta version // Event runs every hour via OnMinute timer. // Feel free to edit as you wish // By : Mabuhay // Free release // Dont remove credit // Updated to v 2.0 /* - Added gepard support and check to every members - More flexible options - Can set cash, members, timer, and winpoints if gm starts the command. New mechanics. - When using @gvgeventjoin, all your members must be around you by 5x5 cell. NOTE: item rewards are only to be set here in script because adding them in the GM option would be quite troublesome for me :D */ //  
    Tested and working except for Gepard function. ( But it must be working without any problem )
    Compatibility is your responsibily.
    Backward compatibility is not supported. Update your trunk to latest for this to work.



  15. Free

    @go/@warp delay when hit - Updated

    Here is an updated @go and @warp delay when hit.



  16. Free

    [UPDATE] +7 and above refined item no drop

    This is an update to the original post :
    and a response to this topic :
    Currently working on Git Hash : ea54670



  17. Free

    Item Trader - as requested

    This is a reply from this post : 
    Can trade multiple item with success or fail rates.
    // < ITEM FOR TRADE >, < AMOUNT >, < ITEM TRADED >, < AMOUNT >, < SUCCESS RATE >.. setarray .@trade, 501, 10, 502, 1, 50, // 10 red potions = 1 orange potion @ 50 % 601, 10, 902, 1, 100, // and so on.. @ 100% 701, 10, 702, 1, 75; // 75%  
    I will fix any old scripts that arent working as of date. Just leave me DM so I can check. I dont attend any modifications unless I am interested to add it myself.
    I also work for free for the interest of many. If you have any personal request for your own personal work and asking for free fix, i will ignore you right away.
    Thanks and enjoy!



  18. Free

    Euphy's Quest Shop with Success Rates

    In response to this post : 
    I just added success rate function. Enjoy!
    Original Script is by Euphy and I just added some functions to this.
    PS : if there are any broken event scripts ( due to old versions ), just DM me the link and I might be interested in updating it.
    PPS: I will only FIX it and not modify it at all. ?



  19. Free

    @itemrain command

    I know it exists somewhere in the forum but for the sake of lazy people searching in forum, here is @itemrain command
    as what the command name says, it will make / drop items around the one who used the command on 14 cells wide ( about the size of the screen )
    @item <item_id> <amount>
    Items created by this command is limited to 100 only just to put a little bit of cap into it.
    use at your own risk. 
    Compatibility is your responsibility.



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