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Posts posted by Yuki

  1. It's great to have you here with us =D, and I love the works you provided previously. Same with the ones you showed earlier on this thread ;D... very cool suits for another game.

    Kittens <3 awww. Anyways, I hope you do well with what you're aiming for!

  2. Just to spice up the forum game section, I want to suggest this simple game. Basically, you ask a question where you offer two options for the next person to choose. The next member will reply to the previous question and ask another short question in the same style. Hopefully, nobody will be offensive in order to keep this thread clean.


    Previous person--

    Cookie or Pie?

    Next person--


    Xbox or PS3?

    And so forth.

    FIrst question! Sun or Moon?

  3. The reputation system is good enough; I just like the thanks button mod because it would connect people on a more personal level. Just seen a few people sharing downloads and IPB modifications on other forums where people would use the thanks button instead of spamming "Thanks" posts. The reputation points are just to show if the thread/post is good--the thanks button is for appreciating whoever posted the download links, files, etc. But yeah, this mod is not a priority anyways XD.

    It'll be cool if a status managing system can be implemented, but you would have to play around with IPB a lot... Don't think such a modficiation exists yet.

  4. Welcome to rAthena's board! I believe I saw you around in the sections you have helped a lot with back at eAthena. Good luck with college, and hopefully, when you have more spare time, you can come back and help some more =D. You're an amazing guy based on your posts from the other board.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Welcome to rAthena! It's great to have you here, and I hope you continue to get what you are looking for here ;D. Good luck with gaining the experiences you want and need, and hopefully, you will continue to be inspired to make an awesome server.

    Creating a server is definitely a new experience, but be prepared to take on a lot of criticism from players and even those who are against your server. I hope you do well in your search to perfect a server with qualities to your liking!

  6. Guess having it collapsed as a default option would be good. But yeah, we wouldn't really get your point unless you type about it lol. Not our fault for misunderstanding haha. You could have posted in the other thread regarding this modification as well.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Your second version is a lot better =D with the images added in. You should update your first post whenever you made better versions of your design.

    Yeah, I agree with Elven about finishing the design so that you can get more useful constructive criticisms.

    Keep up the good work! I personally like how clean it looks, better than the original Ceres design anyways. Can't wait to see your future edits!

  8. I like these small additions to the forum. They make the community board that much nicer.

    The "Members Online Today" mod just shows how active the board is, and even some of the really huge boards have this implemented in. I don't see a problem with it seeing how you can set to collapse it. Or, you can set it so that the number of people is shown and not just everyone's names. Either way seems fine.

    We should get a thanks button here haha XD. The Topic Viewed mod is great as well.

    • Upvote 1
  9. It'll be cool to have if rAthena has such a thing. Some better signatures/graphics can come out of it all =D. I support this if it can be done by rAthena!

    However, it shouldn't be a priority. Perhaps they can make this a small project in the future and maintain it <3.

  10. I missed playing Gunbound <3. In fact, I wanted to get a private server going, but I have no idea how to make one.

    I also liked playing Perfect World, S4 League, Kart Racer (from Taiwan), Runescape (way back when), Neopets (long ago, I'm pretty sure almost everyone has heard of this haha), Red Alert (basically, the Command and Conquer series), Age of Empire series, Oblivion, and a few more.

    As for console games, well, I have Xbox 360, Wii, Gamecube, N64, Game boy Colour, Advance, DS, DS Lite, DS XL, 3DS, PSP Go, and so forth.

    Yeah, I used to play quite a few games... ever since university started to kick in, I just play a bit of Xbox 360 with friends and my iPhone haha.

    Resident Evil 5 and Left for Dead series co-op mode <3!

  11. Yeah, my friends played paintball, and they got several bruises before XDDD. It's difficult to say if the fun was worth all the pain, but I would love to try to play it once just for the experience!

    Yes, they do hurt, especially the ones that do not explode on you and bounce off of you. Those are the shots that generate the bigger bruises.

    I mean, even throwing water balloons at someone can still hurt... and imagine being hit by a fast one that did not explode. You faced the entire impact and even caused it to bounce back (physics) ><!

    Water balloon fights are fun <3.

  12. It is nice of you to offer this design for free! Overall, it looks alright, and I do agree that some of the colours could have been matched better. However, people will still use this design compared to some of the others because it is not a bad design. I can't wait to see more of your works if you decide to continue with webdesigning!

    Just some suggestions...

    The words for the top banner can be shifted so that they are more centered. Furthermore, I just personally dislike how some of the images seemed compressed, but that's not something too big to change. The blue colour for the server name logo should be changed to complement the whole website theme better. The voting buttons could have better designs, but they do look clean and simple as they are now (just a personal taste to have them more suited to the website theme in terms of images and colours). I like the fonts used overall <3. What irks me is the missing apostrophe and the word "an" in "Dont have Account?" of the register button. I'm just picky like that, haha XD.

    Good job overall, and keep up the good work!

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