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Posts posted by Yuki

  1. Yeah, most of the sites look around the same now, though sometimes or for the most part, if they don't have the same style... It feels like something is out of place or is missing.

    Bandwagon effect =/.

    Though there are certain designs that are creative enough to stand on their own <3.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I know it's been a few days... but it would be nice to avoid necroing of threads like this. Best to lock it now.

    I think the thread starter did a good job for the time he was active in this thread. He made quite a few already, and I guess he probably does not have the time to do so anymore. It would have been nice for him to indicate that somewhere in this thread... but the inactivity on his behalf shows this anyways.

    So, yeah, I agree with a thread closure so nobody would ask in the near future. Just unlock it when the starter becomes more active with this again =D.

  3. Welcome to the rAthena community! Great to have you here with us =D.

    I hope you gain a lot from members here, and good luck with your server ;D. No need to rush the foundations of making a good server <3!

  4. Lol, you can read Jman's post for more confirmation XDDD.

    But anyways, good luck Maki! Thank you for all the things you have done for rAthena =D!

    Be safe <3! Hope to hear back from you as soon as possible as we will miss you dearly.

    -Watch Korean drama when you have break time ;D!-

  5. Good job overall, you tried hard to match the theme of the sideboxes, navigation bar, and the centre box =D.

    I would presume that the grey boxes were from Jigs GFX free website template. I'm pretty sure he coded the website overall, and you just changed the free template design (the navigation bar, buttons, etc). That's where the screenshot box comes from as well. Maybe it would be nice if you mentioned his name somewhere, but I won't judge you on that.

    Having that said, the design looks quite nice, especially if it's a collision of RO and WoWish. I would like to have hoverover effects for the buttons! I agree that the top banner takes a while to load ><.

    Some of the images are broken as well. Perhaps for an improvement, you should add something to the empty space on the top right side of the image at the top. Furthermore, change the design of the remaining grey boxes to match the rest of the boxes' design XD. The bar that indicates whether the map server, login server, etc are online should be prettied up as well. I don't particularly like the font for the words. Your first CP design seems pretty neat and simple as well! Cute xDDD.

    Nice try with this new design though! Good luck with the improvements you have in mind!

  6. I would say Pizza and any food from steakhouses LOL. So fattening ><, yet so good.

    Yeah, fast food or finger foods are a lot easier to handle, so I kind of like them more so as well.

  7. The design is decent overall XD. The rounded buttons look nice, though the words are blocking the characters' mouths D:, so perhaps make the buttons a bit bigger and move the words down.

    I love the navigation bar effects! The fonts used are not bad as well (except for the "Online Users" where I think it should have the same font as the one used for "Server Time"). As for the Server Status box, I do not like the design of the words (look pixelated), and perhaps the poporing images should be moved down a bit. The box should be a bit bigger in order to have the poporing lined up underneath the word "Map". I would like the banners for the titles of each box in the main part of the website to be more captivating (the font is quite small as well). The 3 Steps box should be buttons with a background image to each of them (to make them more appealing). The text there is quite bland. Furthermore, the font/words in the PvP Most Killer should be fixed...

    I like the three buttons to the left side of the website! Maybe you should move the background image to the left more for the middle button so that the words do not cover the character's face. The small navigation bar near the bottom of the page is quite good. The login box is great, and I really like how the whole website has curved corners instead of sharp ones. The logos at the very bottom should be evenly separated in the spacing.

    Good job with this design! Can't wait to see more from you =D!

  8. Welcome to rAthena! It's great to have you here with us =D.

    It will be awesome if you can contribute and help the others here <3. Don't say "that's about it" because it's not a small thing to be able to help other members ;D.

    I hope you like it here!

  9. I sort of remember your previous version, but I believe your newest version of the patcher looks better in terms of the font. I don't think it's the best font, but it's pretty decent. It is easier to see the words as well. Maybe you can choose a fancier font for the server title and add a slogan below it (fill in the extra space above the grey box). Check and see if the words on the buttons are centred as well. Overall, the design looks simple, clean, and pleasant. Maybe change the colour of the buttons to a brighter green (by a bit) to make them stand out more.

    Great job with this design! Keep it up!

  10. v2 for both definitely look better <3. I love the background image for the website!

    Maybe you can add a small footer banner/image so that it doesn't look too empty near the bottom as well (instead of just completely blue).

    Good job with the improvements!

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