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Posts posted by Neo-Mind

  1. iteminfo.lua is used for clients dated from 2012-04-18 onwards. If you are using a client older than that you need to add your entries to the *nametable.txt files associated with custom items instead and not use iteminfo.lua.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Yep its confirmed they have raised the headgear limit to 2000 now.

    Also mob ids looks like they have been expanded as well (or was it like this already?)

    after 3999, mob ids are checked in the range 10000 - 19,999.

    and as before 6001-6046 reserved for Homunculus.

  3. Perhaps we can make the client read it from just 1 file for all the classes (ill check and see if it is possible)

    But there is a chance it might screw up how the existing visible robes look.

    As for the goblin leader coat i think the person who made it did not take into account how to deal with fighting animations

    • Upvote 1
  4. just thought i put in an update if you are using my diff file,

    - use "call select korea 2" patch not the first one

    - use "Enforce Official Login" patch not the second one - i have not tried the second one but the client was working for the first one anyways.

  5. @Nika iteminfo.lub file is there in the <RO installation path>/System folder. It is used as a replacement for the various text files that we update in data folder while  adding custom items.Anyways since you are using 2012-04-10a client you wont need to worry about iteminfo.lub


    As for your other question. It is already explained in wiki. 

    Read from here => http://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items#idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt


    Difference between the idnum2* and num2* tables are that the first set is for items that are identified by a magnifier and the second one is used when they are not - 

    Generally custom items are not kept unidentified so the second set is essentially useless but still its better to keep them both in sync.

    • Upvote 2
  6. As i know job names are in data/msgstringtable.txt


    the name that is displayed as your job name is hardcoded in your client. You need to alter some stuff in your client to add custom jobs.





    -i tried changing lua files, but my hexing skill is very close to zero :)

    -800 cloth colors, meaning 800 body palettes made to look like the the item description image.


    hmm ok. So are you planning to add extra jobs (if so how many) ? or just renaming the existing ones? 

    I can help you out in either case if you want.





  7. @icabit thanks for the comment  /no1


    I was under the assumption that the newer 2012 clients (the ones that make use of iteminfo.lub or cskroption.lub) didnt have the item id limitations. Please correct me if i am wrong,


    I was busy with another experiment with the 10-04a client adding Custom Job support (Similar to Xray but with lua files) which is complete now.


    Right now I am thinking of making this into a diff file or probably a plugin for Shins Diff Patcher - if I can learn how to make a proper one.

    But it will depend on whether people actually want a diff, since we are trying to move forward and get the newer clients to be more functional now  :)

    • Upvote 1
  8. im not sure if you can encrypt clientinfo file and still enable the client to read from it (maybe something along the likes of securegrf would need to be done).


    One thing you can do is to make the client read some other file instead of clientinfo.

    For that you would need to open your client in a hex editor such as HxD search for "clientinfo.xml" and replace with your alternate file name (maximum 15 characters long including extension).

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