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Everything posted by caspa

  1. i'm getting invalid data on this one..... i don't know how to properly execute this one.... can somebody fix it please.. mes "[ Freebie Staff ]"; mes "Enter the ^009900Set Number^000000 of the ^ff46bdItem^000000 you want."; mes " "; mes "^ff0000Set #1 :^000000 Valkyrie"; mes "^0000ffSet #2 :^000000 Diablo"; input .@freeset$; if ( .@freeset$ == 0 || .@freeset$ >= 3 ) goto invalidset; else if ( .@freeset$ == 1 ) goto freevalk; else if ( .@freeset == 2) goto diablofree; end; invalidset: next; mes "[ Freebie Staff ]"; mes "^ff0000Invalid Set Number^000000"; next; goto setchoose; diablofree: getitem 2374,1; getitem 2537,1; getitem 2433,1; getitem 2375,1; close; freevalk: getitem 2357,1; getitem 2524,1; getitem 2421,1; getitem 5171,1; close;
  2. i advise not to use this kind of script coz i already tried this one and it comes with a risk......... its when a person talks to an npc and the anti bot pops out... the code is being combined to the box of the npc you're currently talking to and when that happens when you enter the code correctly or incorrectly the char gets stuck and the map server gets an error and if you relog the char gets stuck for unknown reason...... well that's just what happened to me.. maybe becoz of my script. =3 but........ i'm not trying to discourage you =3 if you don't trust me i have a picture (refer to the attached thumbnail ) which you'll see i pm'ed a certain person which has a great knowledge on scripting =3 ....... but the bug still occurs =3
  3. how to create an npc where if you're wearing a megs "it tells you to unequipped the megs first before warping you to the specific area"
  4. sir how to add reset on this ladder and also i would like to get points and tcg at the same time.. mean....... 1 skull = 1point + 1 tcg...
  5. thanks sir..... this script works out for me.....
  6. i'm using 2010-07-30 and i was wondering how to add the body on the costume window ( refer to the attached thumbnail )
  7. perfect script thank you so much sir emistry [ solved ] ============================================================= sir i've just notice right now but...... whenever my friend reaches 4 the moment i add the 5+ friends they become blanks and do not appear........... also the online friends becomes offline all sorry for reviving this topic...... i just did not notice sooner...
  8. sir emistry the menu itself is giving the color like menu [redcolor] friend 1 [redcolor] friend 2 [greencolor] friend 3
  9. i'm using it right now sir emistry but it's to what i want........ this script gives you blank page if you have no friends or no online friends at all... i would like for this script to... do the one i want... like when you click it it will list all of your friends... red for offline and green for online.... and if i have no friends it tell me i dont have any friends.. coz its displaying a blank menu everytime i click it... and only display friends if they're online... and since i dunno how to do edit scripts i'm asking for help...
  10. if you're having trouble with kafra points you might try this one http://rathena.org/board/topic/79088-problem-kafra-shop/ if you want ways to buy cashpoints coming from kafrashop you might wanna try converting cashpoints into item like tcg card then using the tcg card to purchase item using dynamic shop =3
  11. can i ask a script where it display all your current friends on the menu... and warp me to where they are..... like if click the warp to friend npc it would display all the friend i have then the online would be green while the offline will be red. after that i click the red one, it would tell me "the player is not online" while if i click the green one "i would be warp to where the player is." also if i dont have any friend it would say you dont have any friend.... thank you.....
  12. {"NV_FIRSTAID", 142; Pos = 7, MaxLv = 1, NeedSkillList = {}}, can anybody tell what the pos? means coz i'm trying to add skill however im getting initskilltree error..... coz this one... bump....
  13. Sir how can i make this script display all the current friends on the menu and not just the current online one... like if click the warp to friend npc it would display all the friend i have then the online would be green while the offline will be red. after that i click the red one, it would tell me "the player is not online" while if i click the green one "i would be warp to where the player is." also if i dont have any friend it would say you dont have any friend and not display a blank menu....... thank you.
  14. This is emistry's script and it works perfectly fine..... however if possible i would like to change the script on the part where it displays user who dont have the tcg card 1 by 1... to display all the user who does not have the item at the same time.... like for ex.. party(boom) members: "pppp1" has 1 TCG "pppp2" has 1 TCG "pppp3" no TCG "pppp4" no TCG script would say -pppp3 has no tcg then after if pppp3 acquire 1 tcg script would say -pppp4 has no tcg...... i want to script to direcly list of all the people who does not have a TCG card -pppp3 has no tcg -pppp4 has no tcg something like this..... .@itemid = 512; .amound = 10; .@aid = getcharid(3); getpartymember getcharid(1),0; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; while( .@i < $@partymembercount ){ if( attachrid( $@partymemberaid[ .@i ] ) ) if( countitem( .@itemid ) < .@amount ){ attachrid( .@rid ); mes Your member "+$@partymembername$[.@i]+" didnt have "+.@amount+" "+getitemname( .@itemid )+"."; close; } .@i++; } attachrid( .@rid ); mes "All got items."; close;
  15. thank you sir brian...... [ solved ]
  16. can anybody share goddameit's backpack (sql) script.... or was it for sale? if not i hope someone could share.... thank you.
  17. caspa


    tried this sir capu... i only get the 5 tcg not 10........ and also it only works with [wolf] killing [sheep] its not working if a [sheep] is kiling the [wolf] Lol.... Hahaha It's All Working Now....... i just check the script and ive putted 2891 instead of 28911(Wolf Badge) on the getitem part.......... Thank you so much sir capu for the script.......... [ SOLVED ]
  18. caspa


    it's an npc on my server where if you click it you get to choice between wolf and sheep before you can enter the main map........ query_sql "UPDATE `char` SET name='[Wolf] "+ escape_sql(@charname$) + "' WHERE `char_id`="+escape_sql(@charid$)+""; query_sql "UPDATE `char` SET name='[sheep] "+ escape_sql(@charname$) + "' WHERE `char_id`="+escape_sql(@charid$)+""; this will be attached to them forever.... so i need a script where if they go to pvp if they kill the opposing on their name they will get 10 TCG and if they kill their own they get 5 TCG where is those [***] come from? is this from player did it when he create char or other system given it?
  19. can i request a script where if my name start with [wolf] and i kill a player who has a name of [sheep] it will give me 10 TCG card while if i kill a person whose name start with [wofl] also i will get 5 TCG card? ohh... same goes for the [sheep] ex.. [sheep] juan killed [wolf] benjie = he gains 10 tcg card while [sheep] juan killed [sheep] bonie = he gains 5 tcg card
  20. I would like to request an NPC where if you click him he would ask for an item id and if you enter 7227 he would ask next how many...... after you put the amount all the online player will recieve the item.... ( vendor and afk included )
  21. Yes... thank you for that sir euphy..... anyway capuche already give me the script i need....... thank you so much [ SOLVED ]
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