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Everything posted by MojoMojo

  1. We can call a function on itens or NPC script, but where are these functions? Example: ,,,,,,{ callfunc "SetPalete",1; },{},{} Where i can found the function script "SetPalete"?
  2. I founf this: callsub S_EnchantArmor,2386,50; The command "callsub" is like "callfunc" ?
  3. I search my rathena folder, and didnt found the script of the Armor Enchanter Scrips, someone know in whitch folder it is?
  4. But the equipment seems to have a sprite ID. What the Id means ?
  5. There are an equipment id DB, that is a garmente with sprite, i didnt tested it. This is really possible? Database: http://ratemyserver....&isearch=Search Custom Server: http://www.ragnaroar...on=view&id=2573
  6. Someone have a NPC Scripts, that Weapons get Lv. according you use it. It aready exists, in case none have it , i will edit this post to explain the function of the original script.
  7. Whenever you will spend some points in your stats, each stat have some requirement, like if you aready have 40 points on STR you will need 12 stat points to put another 1 point on STR, right? I want to change the amount of necessary points. For example, independent of the amount of STR you have, you only need 1 point to add more 1 of STR.
  8. The Green Peach is now closed... Someone have the sprites of the mobs of that site?
  9. In the new skill window, there are a tab for each class type (1st, 2nd, 3rd) I want to know, where i can define in which skill tab a skill will appears.
  10. Yeah its possible. I will search for this script and will post here. @EDIT I found it, OnNPCKillEvent: set .@lucky,rand(100); if (.@lucky <= 10 ){ getitem <item id>,<amount>{,<character id>}; } In this script, the chance to obtain the item is 10% ( (if (.@lucky <= 10 ) ). To modificate the chance, just change the number inner the IF condition. (In this case, the number 10) OBS¹: The character id is optional, i just write it to give you an option. OBS²: Don't put the '<' and '>'.
  11. What @changelook does?
  12. Plz, i want to know too, what kind of modifications there ar in this pack?
  13. Font: http://rathena.org/b...__fromsearch__1 Where i can fing this "Epoque's Expansion diff", and know with type of new bonuses (like bHPAttackRatio) and they functions? Bonus Question: Where i can found the effect of each bonus on const.txt. (likebGetZenyNum, bHPDrainValue, bHPDrainRate, etc...)
  14. I want to learn how i can add new features to my server like: - Headgears (sprites); - Monsters; - Classes; - Equipments Sprites (Weapons and shields); There are some forum, site or topic that i can use to learn such thing?
  15. I want to learn how i can add new features to my server like: - Headgears (sprites); - Monsters; - Classes; - Equipments Sprites (Weapons and shields); There are some forum, site or topic that i can use to learn such thing? @EDIT I want to learn how i can add new features to my server like: - Headgears (sprites); - Monsters (sprites); - Classes (sprites); - Equipments Sprites (Weapons and shields); But not replacing them with existing sprites, i want to add these customs as new sprites. There are some forum, site or topic that i can use to learn such thing?
  16. I put to follow some topics, how can i see which topics im following?
  17. ID,Sealed_Berzebub_Card,Sealed Berzebub Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,136,,,,,{ bonus bCastrate,-15; },{},{} ID,Dracula_Card,Dracula Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus2 bSpDrainRate,50,5; if(getrefine()>=15) { bonus2 bSpDrainRate,20,5; } },{},{} @EDIT Read again my last topic:
  18. OBS:. On "ID" put the ID you want. ID,Sealed_Kiel_Card,Sealed Kiel Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,769,,,,,{ bonus bDelayRate,-15; if(getrefine()>=15) { bonus bDelayRate,-5; } },{},{} ID,Sealed_Boss_Ygnizem_Card,Sealed Boss Ygnizem Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,64,,,,,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,5; bonus bMaxSPrate,5; if(getrefine()>=15) { bonus2 bHPRegenRate,50,10000; bonus2 bSPRegenRate,10,10000; } else { bonus2 bHPRegenRate,50,15000; bonus2 bSPRegenRate,10,15000; } },{},{} ID,Sealed_Ktullanux_Card,Sealed Ktullanux Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,16,,,,,{ bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,25; bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_FROSTNOVA",10,20,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0; if(getrefine()>=15) { bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,10; } },{},{} ID,Mistress_Card,Mistress Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,769,,,,,{ bonus bNoGemStone,0; bonus bUseSPrate,50; if(getrefine()>=15) { bonus bNoGemStone,0; bonus bUseSPrate,-15; } },{},{} ID,Sealed_Tao_Gunka_Card,Sealed Tao Gunka Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,16,,,,,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,50; bonus bDef,-50; bonus bMdef,-50; if(getrefine()>=15) { bonus bMaxHPrate,75; bonus bDef,-50; bonus bMdef,-50; } },{},{} ID,Sealed_Lady_Tanee_Card,Sealed Lady Tanee Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,64,,,,,{ bonus bMaxHPrate,-60; bonus bMaxSPrate,50; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,513,200; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,513,50; if(getrefine()>=15) { bonus bMaxHPrate,-50; bonus bMaxSPrate,50; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,513,200; bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,513,80; } },{},{} ID,Sealed_Mastersmith_Card,Sealed MasterSmith Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus bBreakWeaponRate,500; bonus bBreakArmorRate,400; if(getrefine()>=15) { bonus bBreakWeaponRate,800; bonus bBreakArmorRate,600; } },{},{} ID,Sealed_Vesper_Card,Sealed Vesper Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,769,,,,,{ bonus bDex,2; bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Boss,15; if(getrefine()>=15) {bonus2 bIgnoreMdefRate,RC_Boss,25;} },{},{} ID,Sealed_Sniper_Card,Sealed Sniper Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus2 bHpDrainRate,50,10; bonus bHPrecovRate,-100; if(getrefine()>=15) { bonus2 bHpDrainRate,50,10; } },{},{} OBS:. Incantation Samurai, u didn''t changed anything. ID,Sealed_Orc_Load_Card,Sealed Orc Lord Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,16,,,,,{ bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,15; if(getrefine()>=15) {bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,25 } },{},{} ID,Sealed_High_Priest_Card,Sealed High Priest Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,16,,,,,{ bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"HP_ASSUMPTIO",1,50,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0; if(getrefine()>=15) {bonus5 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"HP_ASSUMPTIO",1,100,BF_WEAPON|BF_MAGIC,0;} },{},{} ID,Sealed_Turtle_General_Card,Sealed Turtle General Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,2,,,,,{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_NonBoss,10; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,10; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"SM_MAGNUM",10,30; if(getrefine()>=15) { bonus2 bAddRace,RC_NonBoss,5; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Boss,5; } },{},{} OBS:. I didn''t understand why you would like to spell a Kyrie Eleison Lv.8, if it can be spelled at Lv.10. I think there are some confusion on your effects, im leaving now, in a few hours i will be back to help in aything you will need. @EDIT For somereason all "if(getrefine()>=15)" become "if(getrefine()>=15)", now all is changed to the correct form.
  19. How can i make the Guild Master can only call members to his/her guild with certain Variable. EX: I give a variable for a player, and you only may invite a player with that king of variable to your gild.
  20. I don't know how to use a .patch file. . . How can i do it?
  21. But doesnt exist other way, that we don't have to give itens?
  22. When you equip one of these equipments, it will subistitute the normal one?
  23. How can i use this file (.patch)? I don't know how add =/
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