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Everything posted by MojoMojo

  1. I did, but now i having this error:
  2. I follow the rAthena guide: H:\[Creation] Ragnarök\rAthena\readme\setup To create my server as offline, but occur the following error: (screenshot)
  3. How can i start my server? I don't wanna use SQL, i can use only txt server? I just worked with eAthena, now on rathena i just found SQL server, but i really want to use a txt server, but i dont know how to run it . . .
  4. For a NPC read some item info, we can use: But i need that my NPC recognize the item type (i will use equipments). It should define if the equipmnent is a SWORD, KNIFE, ROD, etc. . . I found the script on the Necromancer_Card: if (getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11)==10){ bonus bInt,1; bonus bIgnoreMdefRate,2; } But i really don't understand it. I may assume that the 10(...==10){...), is the reference to the ROD, but i don't know the reference for the others, like knife, sword, axe, etc... GIMME A LIGHT!
  5. But with item2 you only can set the 4 itens that gonna be attached to the item id u refer on item2, but not the cards equipped on the last 4 numbers. Example: [Knife] item2 1201 1 1 0 0 1229 1229 1229 1229 With this command, you will create a Knife with 4 other kitchen knife attached to it, but how you will set the cards that will be attached to the kitcning knifes in the knife's slots? Like this: Item Created: Knife Slot [1] - kitcning knife[4] Slot [1] - ? ​ Slot [2] - ? ​Slot [3] - ? ​Slot [4] - ? Slot [2] - kitcning knife[4] Slot [1] - ? ​ Slot [2] - ? ​Slot [3] - ? ​Slot [4] - ? Slot [3] - kitcning knife[4] Slot [1] - ? ​ Slot [2] - ? ​Slot [3] - ? ​Slot [4] - ? Slot [4] - kitcning knife[4] Slot [1] - ? ​ Slot [2] - ? ​Slot [3] - ? ​Slot [4] - ? .... How you gonna define the IDs in the "?" ?
  6. But which command i have to use to add 4Megingjards with 4Megingjards?.Example plz.
  7. Its possible equip: -Megingjard[4] -[1]Megingjard[4] -[1]Megingjard -[2]Megingjard -[3]Megingjard -[4]Megingjar ???
  8. Imagine that each equipment may have 4 slots, and there are 10 different types of equipments, so, its possible equip 40 cards. I can't do if(isequipped(15122)&& isequipped(15123)isequipped(15122)&&isequipped(15122)&& . . . 40 times... I'm searching for something like: bonus bStr,getequippednum(15122); (just an example) @EDIT I found the command: isequippedcnt
  9. But i want to put this effect on a card! The card that i created may me attached on any equipment, so you may have more than 2 equipped. I need to multiply the bonus by the number of cards. Like this: The card gives STR+1 times the number of equipped cards with ID '4004' (Example)
  10. I want to create an equipment like that: Name: Clip of Might[1] ID: 15.122 Effect: STR+ 2 times the number of Clip of Might[1] equipped. Its correct use this script? ...,{bonus bStr,2*isequipped(15122)},{},{} IF don't, please make me a correct example?
  11. I can't test by myself cuz of computer.... I can only write the scripts =´/ Thank you: Euphy F0xxy
  12. no it still triggers on login/relog... BTW is this an example or the thing you need to do?? if yes it's kinda useless....XD Yeas, its an example! xD BTW: For this Example works: I have to put the set variable1,1; at the first {}? Like: ....,{set variable1,1; if(variable1==1){bonus bStr,1;} },{},{set variable1,0;}
  13. Ok, but if the player relog, the OnEquip doesn't work right? (the player will have to re-equip?) If i dont set the variable to 0, it will be null or will be some trash information? @EDIT ....,{if(variable1==1){bonus bStr,1;} },{set variable1,1;},{set variable1,0;} The script i wrote, it will give the player STR + 1?
  14. May i use variables on equipments script? Like ....,{ if(variable1>=5){bonus bStr,2;} },{ set variable1,1; },{ set variable1,0; }
  15. From: http://rathena.org/wiki/Function ...callable with the callfunc command. But if i use the call fucntion like this: callfunc( "Test_Func","Word",1,63,0,10,1,0,90 ); Obs: I created this Test_Func. Then, in my script i may refer to "Word", 1,63,...,...,... as args? Like: if (getarg(0) == "Word"){. . .} mes "It's a "+getarg(0)+"!"; mes "This is the number:"+getarg(3)+"!";
  16. if in the script i just put: set <Variable_Name>,<Amount>; It will create a permanent variable for that player? @EDIT Thank you! Solved!
  17. I want to create a variable to store numbers, but just for a specific player. I have to use: Script_commands.txt: nothing - A permanent variable attached to the character, the default variable type. They are stored with all the account data in "save\athena.txt" in TXT versions and in the SQL versions in the `global_reg_value` table using type 3. or "@" - A temporary variable attached to the character. SVN versions before 2094 revision and RC5 version will also treat 'l' as a temporary variable prefix, so beware of having variable names starting with 'l' if you want full backward compatibility. In this case, it will work, but if the server resets i think it gonna disappear. Observation: Its necessary that variable still stored even if the server restart. I will give this variable to a character when he talks to "NPC 1", then when he talks with the "NPC 2" something will rappen based on the number stored in the variable. Please: After tell me which is the correct variable to use, plz make an example of how using it?
  18. Thank you! problem solved! @EDIT Can you write an example please?
  19. I was reading the rAthena\doc\script_commands.txt and i found this: *getequipcardid(<equipment slot>,<card slot>) Returns value from equipped item slot in the indicated slot: getequipcardid(num,slot) where: num = equip position slot slot = 0,1,2,3 (Card Slot N) I was trying the command, but i can't turn on my server right now, i wrote this: if(getiteminfo((getequipcardid(.@itemid,4),2)== 4 Using getinventorylist, i select an equipment and store it. Then i used .@itemid to refer this equipment. (That's in my inventory) My question is: - I can use this command in an equipment in my inventory?
  20. How can i make a menu like the menu of the cards? (That menu that shows up when u double-click a card, and shows which equipments that card may be attached)
  21. I think will work like this: bonus bMaxHP, MaxSP-MaxHP; bonus bMaxSP, MaxHP-MaxSP; So i think it gonna work even if the status change while the equipment is equipped.
  22. Its possible, make the smiths skills that create Elemental Equipments, create those equipments with certain number of slots?
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