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Everything posted by MojoMojo

  1. Has been a time since i have played Ragnarok. And now i found a new window in the 'Info -> Equipment -> Style' tab. (Look image below) What type of equipment i can equip there? Is a kind of Fashion? (equipment with image and no effect) what is it utility? I need to know the ID slot of that tab, example: Accessory: 136 Top Hat: 256 . . . Thank You!
  2. Im creating a NPC that let you try some headgers before buy them, just the image, not the effects. How i could make this NPC make a player just try a headgear sprite? my intention is make the player try the visual. Just it.
  3. Why for each job? i can't do it simple as the headgear sprites?
  4. Its possible to add a sprite on an armor? Headgears have their sprite on the last value on the item_db, like the 206 value below: 5134,Pumpkin_Hat,Pumpkin-Head,5,20,,200,,2,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,1,206,{},{},{} In armors, there are a space to input a value like the 0 value below: 2681,Republic_Ring,Republic Anniversary Ring,5,20,,100,,0,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,136,,0,0,0,{},{},{} So, its possible put a value of an sprite and make it appears when the equipment is equipped? And thank you guys for the support! [sry for my TERRIBLE ENGLISH]
  5. Well, ty. I will try here!
  6. Oh, thank you! But the stats, like 150 DEX instant cast. Now you have to reach a certain amount of DEX and INT to get an instant cast?
  7. I dont know the difference between the two types... Can u guys tell me?
  8. But it is impossible to get the Apple'o Archer(ID:2285) and add it to the other equipment?
  9. Cool, well, thank you guys for helping me!
  10. But this command works with an HELM on the CardID ?
  11. I found a private server that have the custom feature: Compounding. This is the link: http://wiki.lumina-r...tle=Compounding I wanna know how this script works. Thank You!
  12. Someone know what happened to the Green Peach site? If it is really closed, someone have the files? I really need the Mob sprites from that site. Thank You Everyone! (Sry for my bad english!)
  13. TY GUYS! But, how i DOWNLOAD it, these links show me other links, i have to download one by one? Or there are a easy way to get them?
  14. Im new in this forum, and i can't find where i can download the rAthena emulator. Someone can help me?
  15. Hello everybody, im MojoMojo, and i love RAGNARÖK!
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