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Orc Lord

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Everything posted by Orc Lord

  1. Definitely not the game for me! My skin is ugly enough to get bruises like that plus im a bitch.
  2. Omg that's crazy! I thought those thing doesn't hurt.
  3. Because i looked like an Orc in real life..
  4. is this safe? like the skill points and status points will not be abused or something?
  5. The one i'm using is Webpage Maker no html knowledge needed.
  6. Orc Lord


    Im using Dafont.com
  7. this is the one that i am using http://www.arvixe.com/ 2 years unlimited for $ 76.00
  8. yup gumagana nga yan, have you tried it?
  9. I think the author should post first what does the tool do for now, it's kinda confusing and frustrating reading those features and then find out that the only thing it can do for now is open a .grf file.
  10. I think you should make a NPC for it like a quest or something?
  11. but there's already a lot of good web hosting company out there
  12. I'm just curious what kind of songs are you guys listening to right now, i'm in process of searching new songs for my iPod. Okay so I'll start.. It's True - Backstreet Boys
  13. Orc Lord

    2012 Topic

    I'm gonna rape everyone!
  14. I can't do anything with this tool, can't edit the .txt files inside. There's also no search function. Is there something i'm missing here or the features that's written is still on development?
  15. The problem is players uses space in the beginning of name which is hard to recall or ban them, is there a way to disable the spacebar at the start of the name? // http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=216929 poring_c01,100,100,0 script NameChange 910,{ // CONFIG - copy these settings from ../conf/char_athena.conf set .@char_name_option, 1; set .@char_name_letters$, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"; mes "Input the name you want to change to:"; input .@name$; // check name length if (getstrlen(.@name$)<4) { mes "Names must be at least^FF0000 4^000000 characters long."; close; } else if (getstrlen(.@name$)>24) { mes "Names can be up to^FF0000 24^000000 characters long."; close; } // check allowed characters if (.@char_name_option == 1) { // only letters/symbols in 'char_name_letters' are allowed for (set .@i,0; .@i<getstrlen(.@name$); set .@i,.@i+1) { if (!compare(.@char_name_letters$, charat(.@name$,.@i))) { mes "Invalid character: " + charat(.@name$,.@i); close; } } } else if (.@char_name_option == 2) { // letters/symbols in 'char_name_letters' option are forbidden for (set .@i,0; .@i<getstrlen(.@name$); set .@i,.@i+1) { if (compare(.@char_name_letters$, charat(.@name$,.@i))) { mes "Invalid character: " + charat(.@name$,.@i); close; } } } // confirm mes "Change your name from"; mes strcharinfo(0)+" -->^0000FF "+.@name$+"^000000 ?"; mes "^FF0000After you confirm, you will be logged out. Please wait 10 seconds before logging back in!"; if(select("Yes, change my name:No, thanks")==2) close; if (getcharid(1)) { mes "Please leave your party before requesting a name change."; close; } else if (getcharid(2)) { mes "Please leave your guild before requesting a name change."; close; } // check if name exists query_sql "SELECT COUNT(char_id) FROM `char` WHERE `name`='"+escape_sql(.@name$)+"'", .@name_exists; if (.@name_exists) { mes "Sorry, that name is already taken "; close; } // Zeny/Item cost goes here // if(countitem(13962) < 5) { // mes "[Namechange Service]"; // mes "It appears that you're lacking some Donation Credit Boxes."; // close; // } // delitem 13962,5; set .@char_id, getcharid(0); // save their Char ID atcommand "@kick "+strcharinfo(0); // sleep 500; // (usually not necessary) give the server time to save their char to SQL query_sql "UPDATE `char` SET `name`='"+escape_sql(.@name$)+"' WHERE char_id="+.@char_id; end; } [/codeBOX]
  16. is there a way that i can make is like +25% zoom instead of 50% or 75%?
  17. What I want is the normal zoom like in official server, when i choose the normal,50 or 75% it's too close or too near, is there a way like to copy the zoom in official server? Is it possible to have like a 25% zoom out? the 50% is way too far.
  18. the monsters we're too small you should make it bigger.
  19. will the uploader get +1 view if they viewed the video in here?
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